Colorado crew signing in. Any SFIV local tourneys?
Guess I’ll be seeing some of you cats tomorrow.
so do we want to post PIF here?
Sure, why not.
Right, I just posted it.
Although the second post of this thread still shows the 2-28 tourney.
PM me the next time you guys throw a tourney.
I’ll try and remember to PM you for whatever tourney comes after this PIF one.
Maybe we should get a PM list going.
I would think about that if there were a bunch of players that would attend from oos. We really just dont have that kind of recongintion yet. Its ok, oh and I posted the tournament on the first page for you ken. lol.
Cool beans.
If anyone attending this is having a shortage on casuals feel free to speak up. Been playing casuals with my old pal and other players are welcome to join in, plus I don’t mind going to other places to play, as well.
Keep your game up for the September 26th tourney and beyond!
First post on SRK in mad hot lil minute.
Anyone playin tonight?
Anyone from Pueblo, and no, we all don’t speak only Spanish. lol
I am not but I for sure know 3-5 people that play games all the time. in p town. welcome
check out
and in case you haven’t noticed it’s not much different in the major of Colorado.
fine by me cause i love Mexican women
That’s cool, maybe I know them, you should PM me their names. And I’d so totally go to that tourney if it was like 2 or 2 1/2 more months out. I got an odd schedule that’s difficult to work on so maybe next time.
The next one we are throwing is in november, just so you know.
Have your skills in SF4, HDR, SC4, BB, KOF12, MVC2 gone unrewarded, time to get PAID IN FULL!
current totals:
BlazBlue: $150
Street Fighter IV: $150
SSF2T HD Remix: $100
Marvel vs Capcom 2: $75
King of Fighters XII: $50