Colorado thread: 2014 that stuff down

Old games are whack, yo.

I guess I better make it to the Springs to play you in HDR again SkillzCat. Maybe we won’t get a match-up in the tourney, but we could play some casuals. I still don’t think I have a solution for a good Cammy! I thought I did for awhile but it turned out I was just up against medicore Cammies online, and then I came across someone really good with her and still got slaughtered.

Looks like I’ll be going to DFG’s ranbat on 1-10. Vincent should be there and maybe Joe as far as the people I know. Vincent apparently has a nice HD set up at his place for some good casuals, so that tournie will act as a half-way point I guess.

Hopefully I’ll see some other people from this thread there, including you Half! Put away the drama and bring on the Bama!

The ranbat date is not good for me. The drama has been buried for awhile. Who knows, maybe we will see a c3t x efl event sometime…



Ggs to all that showed to the tournament yesterday. It was fun :smiley:

oooohhhh right right right we have a thread on srk

why do you post D :rolleyes:

I just started playing VF so Ill send you a friend request, also buy HDR its a must



You never ever play HDR LOL

he he yeah I do I bought it on day one I never see any of you guys on though. Playing scrubs makes me feel awesome

<-------- Plays on psn.

ouch… I’m… I’m… sorry


Its not that bad.

It’s pretty bad. Having tried Live, I can say that with confidence.

Not - worth purchasing another system - bad. I play folks just fine. Shoo, ect. Yup there are glitches and disconnects. You either deal with it or not have comp, the ladder isnt ok with me.

outside of match making and disconnects psn hdr is fine to me, i don’t have problems with actual matches, i play ds aka awesome mccool all the time and he lives in ny.

LOL no you do not—YOu play rock band all day I invited you like 4 times you said you didnt have it–too much money:looney:

Still you dont play.:angel:

Skid row

sf4 is mad close, cant wait!

Still making sticks for people that want one, $200.00 ps3 only.


lol wait thats not me thats vanity 87 my friend (he was the fatter one I was the little skinny guy he plays hugo I play remy) yeah he plays rockband waaay too much