i’d have to see him play and the other guy’s set ups, more than likely hes doing the st/j.jab set up in which case if you see either of those jump/back plus parry in cause hes baiting you and if not you get a free jump away. the first few times you’ll be able to get a jump away rh, which will hit his recovering command grab. get some distance and start doing lov shenigans, if you’re losing to q, you are throwing them out to predictably he shouldn’t be able to get around those if you do it right. its a horribly boring match but make that man parry and land on top of lov, if he gets too close, aa with st.strong, while charging, if he parries the st.strong make him eat a ex lov which will keep him in the air even if he can parry it. if you’re getting hit by wake up specials you need to do more meaty moves so he gets stuffed, also dash in block is your friend.
Oh thanks. I should’ve checked here before asking if you play HDR. Well you probably play it on the 360 live with your blue-ball (as opposed to snot-green) EX stick. I feel like my days hanging with CvS2 are gone. It’s not the kinda game you can take a break from and still come back to, at least not me. I never really devoted enough to learn it inside and out.
We should arrange some offline games with HD. I’m not sure how that’ll work though. I only have the PS3 stick.
Cool, let me know when you do get that extra stick. Even if I had two sticks for the ps3, I don’t even have my own ps3. Been playing it on my little bro’s.
Joe actually has crossfire, and I’m told the game’s still in production. Haha.
i fucking hate ups, my monitor arrived in commerce city, yesterday at 8:30 so i’m like yes its gonna be here today, check to see if its just late and its still in commerce city wtf. now i can’t get it till friday cause of the fake ass holiday of new years eve.
Can’t you ask them to ship with someone else? I work for UPS and I never ship with them. Could I tell you the horror stories. AND it got sent to Commerce City Hub? lolz