Colorado thread: 2014 that stuff down

halfro posted this on coloradofusion

Town Center at Aurora (Aurora Mall)
14200 E Alameda Avenue
Aurora, CO 80012

June 7th, 2008

What games:

What time:
11am - sign ups
1pm - Tournaments start

How much:
5 Dollar entry fee + tokens

Double Elimination
2/3 till finals, 3/5 grand finals

All tournaments will start at 1pm. Be prompt.*
Because all games will be on the cabinets, we need to stick to a strict scedule in order to be able to leave at a decent time. Let people know where you are going if you have to leave for a little bit (eat, bathroom, ect.).

You know the deal, guys. COME. PLAY. WIN.

Its ok. The atmosphere of the tournament really wasnt what we all were expecting. Great games anyways. Im not sure im gonna be able to make it to evo this year now though as I kind of fucked my life up for awhile but, if I can make it, I will come with my game face. We will get together to play for sure if I make it down there this year. Hey, let me know if you get those vids up, I would like to watch them.

Great games in mvc2 for sure. Im sorry I wasnt playing full speed the whole time. Ill practice up more so that next time we play, I can actually use storm hahahaahah. Good shit on the mm’s too, throw those vids up so I can watch them.

Good to see you again. Everytime we play it seems like you get better. Ill practice up in cvs2 so that we can get down at evo (if i can make it). Good games all around. I hate you for demoning me in tournament play and play more st. :slight_smile:

p.s. Never get pizza in nm. :razz:

Damn, Half-Ro was the only one to not get beasted by this Mega Man! Next time foo!

Good seeing you guys again BTW! How did Marvel2 and CvAss turn out? lol

damn you should have said something i live in the springs all we did was play games on sun/mon

Thx for the info angelslayer. I can’t make any promises now, nor can I promise any real competition from me, but I’ll try and make it out there on the 7th :slight_smile:

3S is my main but I’ll see if I can’t dust off the old CVS2 as well.

LOL RC angel lives hella far away from aurora and never comes down here LOL! but as for me i live right up the street and is always down for some games.

thanks 3s
just trying to rep ratio 2 morrigan :slight_smile:
Tell you the truth you’re the reason i didn’t enter 3s :stuck_out_tongue:
and then roch with the crazy demons…

good games roch. blanka almost made me cry hahaha

rowjoe/onslaught I just haven’t been feeling mvc2 lately good thing there wasnt a tounery :stuck_out_tongue: but good games all the same

so my pc is still kaput but i found vista drivers for my old cap device so i’m capping cta cvs2 vids but i’m not sure who is who so when i up em i’ll need some help on names. btw half you played a kyo rolento bison right?

This weekend everyone YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~~!


good day, good sir.

hex to the yeah!!! i been practicing pretty hard :o) i hope it pays off LOL

y0, I’ll be in town this coming weekend so maybe Ill get to play some of you in some VF5 or 3s.

sounds fun, are you going to be at the tournament??
Ill try and make it if you show.

yeah well krsjin mentioned something so if i can hitch a ride or somethin to the tourney that would be dope.

Where you staying? I might be able to take you there…

MIKE!!! whats up man!!! how you been and what you doing tonight?

I cant really play this week but, i will be at the mall saturday for ahile.

Im staying at the Hyatt…

Also Id like to play Friday later afternoon/evening if anyone is down. My cell is 404/210/0974.


If I knew how to play 3S or VF5, I’d play since I live super close to downtown…