AHHA haha Neverdead are you serious!!? that tight i just played you on live the other week!! LOL!! now you can see my annoying HUGO!! haha:bgrin:
Spread some rep to you guys, can’t wait to play Marvel this weekend, w00t!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone :wgrin:
Remy is my main. I may not win a lot, but people will sure remember it. Lol
A good Remy can usually hold off most Hugos
what? remy!!! no way, Im also a remy player the only one as a matter of fact. I have beaten most in the arcades but I got a sort of hit list for the EFL I cant beat anyone from the EFL. I beat smiles twelve once but I think he was sand bagging.
how well do you do?
We Da Best
hahaha and you didnt like my HUGO remember LOL :wonder:
When you getting down here man!!!?? are you still playing live at the moment if so add me so we can get more games in SON
I have anniversary collection 4 360, im not on much cause no stick lol
oh shit I didnt know you played hugo, word? I know you played pretty much everyone I mostly remember your urien and akuma. I learned to stop using remys sweep from you way too easy to punish.
I’m not too good, but I’ve been watching a lot of match videos and can surprise sometimes. Don’t get a lot of time in arcades though being a poor college student. And about 75% of the people on XBL are shitty lag abusing Ryus and Akumas.
Yeah, Remy’s sweep is total crap 95% of the time. As for your Hugo, XBL just messes me up with the amount of lag, I moved over to P2P for the most part, and I haven’t even had time to play that much.
Other then Remy, I play a bit of Urien, Ken, and Necro. I’ll live less then a mile away from the Aurora mall, so I’ll make it out for some games
cool let us know when, Ive never actualy played against a remy only once and it was weird. I think we would both benefit from playing each others remy. we can mirror match or I can play you against my urien, oro, or ryu.
edit: also check out these two sites if you havent already. one is a forum for our local competitive scene. the other organizes tournies. the EFL is kinda the Elite unit only the best players are in it or at least thats how I like to think about it
lol EFL does tourneys some of the players got fed up with how someone else was running them and we formed to do it how we felt it should be done.
though i like angelslayer’s definition better cause i feel cool
other links to check out
www.youtube.com/extrafreshleague EFL matches
www.youtube.com/andyabroken my youtube 3s matches, combovids by me and others, mostly urien a few yun as well
www.youtube.com/HalfroHalfamazin halfro’s youtube, matches and i think his combo video is up on this
there are others but you didn’t mention 3d games so i figure this is what you would like to see
lol I only really play RYU AND AKUMA!! i was just goofing around with Urien:rofl: but i did use to play HUGO a log time ago!!! and alex!
I just wanted to clear this up. EFL is for anyone that wants to be included. If you want to come play the best comp that is offered in colorado, come see us. But, we definitely are open to anyone and everyone joining in and playing. I dont want you to think that we are elitist. If people are trying to learn while playing anyone of us, then just ask a question and it will get answered.
i like angelslayer’s definition better
/me superman poses
Ahh, well thanks for all the info guys. I’ll look into those sites. Hopefully it’s not a lot of top tier whoreage though
I’ve also made it to Aurora now, so if you see a red haired Remy on the tilt 3S machine, you’ll probably beat him if you play him
Haha your already here!!! Shit…Well if you want some practice hit me up i have most every game thats out and live right by the mall!! if you want some good games.
if I ever get really good with my remy then Ill join theres no point otherwise.
nevermore Ill see you around…
What up, CO! Since i guess no one is gonna post the results from this weekend (which i can’t really blame them for since the tourney wasn’t the turnout anyone expected… aside from brawl) i just wanted to give some shout outs to the CO peeps i met this weekend:
Half-fro - Again, im sorry i wasnt on my game for the 3s finals. :sad: I’m gonna get that money back from you at evo, Foo!! AZ vs CO is gonna be tight!! Roch and i are already talking about a trip up to CO. We’ll definitely keep in touch.
Big D - It was great seeing you again. Good shit in cvs2… you’re still a beast! We should have made a scene at that pizza joint! Can’t believe those fuckers gave us cold pizza after we were waiting for like 30 mins!! :tdown:
There was also a GG guy whose name i can’t remember (sorry). Didn’t get to talk to you much but the finals between you and marvin were tight. GG’s.
Dancingfighter G - I know that this wasn’t really the tourney that you expected but i still wanted to say thank you cuz i know you put a lot of time and effort into it. We gotta make it better next year (if you even do it next year). Keep in touch, Mang!
tell rochus i said whats up and we can do some akuma mirrors in 3s when he comes out here, haven’t seen that dude since me and bacardi went to az in 2k6
dayum, i was in CO springs and all you guys were here for Supa con. that sucks, we coulda partied like rock stars if i’d been in town…
whens the next EFL tourney?