Colorado thread: 2014 that stuff down

I guess you didn’t get the memo.

Hey, a few of us are thinking about coming out to supercon now. Maybe we will see you out there :wgrin:

I guess I spoke too soon, heh. Sweet, me and O2K are pretty sure we’re going. =)

Yeah. I think its gonna be me, krsjin, smiles and juelz. Just making sure on the whole budget thing but, odds are looking pretty good that we are going.

P.S. I dont know why mvc2 and st arent on the list. sigh

Awesome, can’t wait. I need to go request time off now that I think about it, lol.

Anyone wanna money match me? Something like 3/5 for $20? Only Marvel. =)

So, chun, whats good?

Yeah, I will. 3/5 for 10?? Im not that good at mvc2, but this will give me incentive to practice. :looney::rofl::rock:

Sounds good. =)

who’s down for some post tourney drinkin at my place?

Sorry Half, I went off line for a little bit. I am off for the next two weeks so I can meet you at Aurora basically whenever. Let me know what’s good for you.

Thats cool. Im good anyday this week except today and thursday after 2pm to meet for the exchange. If in aurora, aurora mall still good for you?

I like dri…is this a trap?


Chun!! we can play if you want its not so busy at work since all the sales reps are in a big meeting tell weds!

naw dog, i just want to throw down after the tourney
if we can get like two tv’s, a ps2, and some sticks, we could play marvel, 3s, and cvs2, or hell we could have some AE or ST. i mean my place isn’t too big, but having like fifteen or twenty of us wouldn’t be that big of a deal

Mike and Rex I’ll stop by Aurora tomorrow… but you guys both know you do have my number right? Seeing as I don’t often check here you might wanna try texting sometime. Just a thought.

Oh okay!! coo:tup:

Lord knows when ill be able to play you guys, but if we ever play at someones crib I have a ps2 i can bring and cvs2, SFAA, SFAC. I got my own MAS stick too.

Most of us already have that stuff! you dont have to bring anything


anyone play marvel or cvs2 in colorado springs?

im not very good, just looking for some other players in the area


I play both of those on occasion. We have quite a few players down here.

They have MvC2 cab at the citadel mall. Want to meet up down there sometime this week? It’s not my favorite game, but I’ll play.