Lol, I used to be heavy into tournys in Texas, and I want to start going again. Ive been to 3 texas shodowns and a ton of Houston regionals. How far is boulder from Cheyenne?
^^ half hour - 45 min depending how fast you go.
ok ill see if I can get to boulder one of these weekends.
I bet you were the one that neg repped me!!! :mad:
stupid firefox made me double post grr
Actually, I didnt. I dont neg rep people. Id rather just call you out on acting stuid/rude/ect. Besides if I wanted to neg rep you, id do it in real life, as we see eachother on occasion :wgrin:
Damn that was some fun!! stuff!!! Damn mikey How did i do this time? LOL
wish more people on srk were like that :lovin:. though now that I think about it your totally right.
so who won the tourney?! (for 3rd strike)
You didnt do bad at all. Next time I hope there are more people though. Maybe its time for you to head out of state for a tournament…no?
Smiles won the 3s tournament, he beat me in the semi’s then beat mace in the finals. Kinda still upset about that one though. :mad:
Cool i would love to play outside the state!!! but i still need to play the real deals like you big D smiles WAY more!!! And brian!! where ever he be at.
But i really enjoyed that tourny!
What you need is to play more people. Out of state.
Get on that. Go in the tournament section of srk or and see what ones you would be interested in going to. There are a bunch that are close and good ones that are far (if you dont care about cost, much).
Close = 6- 8 hours
New mexico
Not that close but, close enough = 10 - 12 hours
St. louis
Las vegas (I think)
Far = 13 hours +
New York
Darn, I haven’t been to the Tilt on Friday for a while, anyone going to be there? If you play a character in Tekken not used by many people (Lei anyone), come thrash me so I can prepare for St. Louis.
Beware lol
Yeah, the trip to texas is like 4 - 5 then, you travel THRU texas for another 10 :looney::looney:
You aint kidding. Where in Denver do you guys play. I wont be down a while cause I have to go on emergency leave.
Well I play in aurora, It seems as most play in denver nowadays though.
Half, where you going to be this weekend? I gotta meet up with you.
You want to meet me at the aurora mall on saturday??
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Hoping too see so more players represent at the NVGA SuperCon in a couple weeks. Here is the link to the thread:
NVGA SuperCon Website: