Hmm… so I did the math, and Bad Spray > FADC would give you -3 Frame Adv. on block. Mmm, that’s not good, because that means it can be punished by a Throw. BUT there are a few things that I did not include in my “calculations.”
-First of all, how will we be able to FADC Bad Spray? Like, as soon as it comes out, Hadoken-style? Or will it be FADC’able on block / hit only, like a physical move?
-My calculations were based on the SSF4 / AE frame data so I did not factor in the extra hit that Spray is getting. How much more / less blockstun will that 2nd hit do? Will the 2nd hit be FADC’able or will it be 1st hit FADC’able only?
-God I wish I could test this stuff out myself!
-If you FADC the 1st hit, what will happen to the 2nd hit? Will it still come out?
-So U1 is possible after Bad Spray > FADC… Why?? Is it because the 2nd hit floats them higher? Or the 1st hit has been buffed to float them higher?
I am a little disappointed. I can still be easily knocked out of an EX Ruffian Kick or EX Criminal Upper because the invincibility takes so long (to me) to kick in.
I hope the changes aren’t set in stone and that they are willing to reconsider the changes they are thinking of making.
I’m pretty sure out suggestions made a big impact. Considering the stuff on there. (Bad spray buff, overhead fix, walkespeed, knife tweaking.)
TBH ex ruffian thing isn’t even a problem now that he got faster walkspeed. Depending on the speed, he could probably get in range to Zonk better from outside of sweep distance rather than psychic EX Ruffian.
This is certainly something nice to wake up to. I don’t really care where he is on the tier list, since I’ll still play him either way, but these buffs are going to get him somewhere.
Wait, I thought [knife] s.LP was +5 on hit, so how is it possible to do k-s.LP into Sweep? Or k-s.LP into cr.HP? Maybe my frame data is false. I should look for a better source than eventhubs…
The only buff that he received that moves him up the tier list is the walkspeed buff. It will definitely make some of his match-ups easier IMO.
The rest of the changes I think Capcom really just did to appease us. The overhead buff is really not that special as you will rarely land it on a standing opponent who isn’t blocking (it’s also still unsafe from chun li’s super on a crouching hit). The bad spray buff, while a pretty cool buff, provides you with no real advantage waking up since the opponent can still jump over and do a cross up attack, or even simply throw you out of it before you even get the sand out (you can beat that with a EX Criminal Upper if you read a throw or a meaty jump in coming though). And the knife, while providing cool combos and being easier to pick up now, still drops if you tech a throw, do a focus attack, an ultra or get hit by anything. So while it will probably be used a little more now, it still wont change his game plan very much.
I’m curious to see what new application the new hitbox on the MK ruffian has (I doubt it was done to help you punish back dashes and teleports since you were already able to OS punish back dashes and back teleports will still be out of range). And the EX Zonk buff is much appreciated since it will be easier now (maybe much easier) to land online.
It seems as if Capcom believes that Cody is already well balanced and they don’t wanna mess with him too much. Having no anti-air/on-reaction reversal is just part of his design philosophy that capcom isn’t willing to budge on. But I think after playing Cody for so long I’ve gotten used to it now, so at the end of the day all the buffs are very much welcomed :).
Edit: Btw, according to the official translations on capcom-unity, Fei Long really did lose 60 damage on his HK chicken wing. He is definitely no longer S tier.
Don’t sleep on Cody. One min your like: “Yo, what’s this guys deal?!” The next, you like: “Hey where did that rock, knife, pipe, and wrench come from?” All the while, Cody is laughing in your face while laying on the ground as you get to your feet! Hah ha!!
You were able to punish Akuma’s back teleport by MK Ruffian into U2 before, but you had to be next to Akuma when he goes for teleport.
I hope that you will not have to be that close anymore.
True but I doubt many people use that. Now, I guess people will fish for it. Will be good on dizzy but I wonder if crumpled will make them airborne or something?
God i hate every fuckheads who are riding on Cody’s dick now because of his changes when every player that actually plays Cody at half-decent level knows that it’s only the walk speed buff that changes anything, and that the knife buffs will be useless if the walk speed buff isn’t sufficient enough… The bad spray change won’t do jack against good players, and choosing ultra 1 over ultra 2 just for that reason is dumb, as there are only very few match ups where you should invest in ultra 1 over ultra 2 for that anti-air cancel such as the twins (but now that they got neutered i doubt ultra 1 is necessary).