Cody Vers. 2012 Changes

BINGO! :slight_smile:

I hoped for Crack Kick beeing airbourne >_>
Letā€™s wait. Hope they release the patch soon :slight_smile:

Cody is going to be a fucking beast come 2012.

glad to see bad spray buff. Like. Really. People have to give Cody some respect on wakeup now or at least try a cross up (or jumping period).

Love the overhead fix.

Like that knife is playing more of a role. Plus overhead during knife hold? Cody getting spoiled in and outside of jail.

bigger MK ruffian hitbox helps a lot. Hopefully during AA HK ruffian>MK Ruffian and cr.LK>MK Ruffian from max distance.

While we got no backdash, we got faster walkspeed backwalk and Iā€™m fine with that. It was one or the other anyway. Maybe they went crazy and gave him the Viper walkspeed he had in the early Super builds? lol

This dude didnā€™t need a easier hit confirm off EX zonk>U1 but hey whatever. Iā€™ll take it.

With these change u1 may be the ultra of choice in lot of matchup, donā€™t you think?

OMG Cody is broken now xDDD

What does the change made to his M. Punch mean? Is the timing more strict?

I actually got on the floor and started rolling around when i saw these changes lool they are so GODLIKE and there all what i wanted apart from bad spray buff but its cool, that walkspeed buff is huuuge for me because now I can use knife for much better footsies and my throw game will improve. I also just realised with these changes if you get a counterhit with st.lp w/ knife it will connect to cr.hp w/ knife which leads to ultra 2 jeeeeesus

EDIT: st.lp w/ knife (+2 on block) to cr.hp w/ knife (start up is 7 and is +2 on block) becomes a decent frame trap.

I donā€™t think so tbh. u1 still ainā€™t has any utility over u2. you can (as allready pointed out) do mk/hk/ex ruffian, u2 dust, ex cu or reset. u1 is just a better damaging special.

btw Iā€™ve worked out all new knife combo possibilities and gonna post them in detail later. short on time atm.

it means that cody is less likely to get hit and stuffed. his ā€œhitboxā€ remains the same.

It sometimes drops online when playing against a slow connection. This helps really.

Iā€™m LOVING the walkspeed buff - better for footsies, easier to get around fireballs, easier to get in and keep up the pressure in general now. Still feel a bit disappointed though that the EX Criminal Upper buff didnā€™t make the cut. That wouldā€™ve been the best thing possibleā€¦ but I think Iā€™ll get over it ;).

These were my thoughts. Would have been very epic. Bad Spray should be very nice, too ^^
I also think that the knife will get a very good tool (it already is! Even better! :D)

Either they had big plans for Cody, or our support paid off. Either way, this made my day.

I assume they meant LK Ruffian, which makes sense because it says standing opponent, lk ruffian hits low, and it doesnt combo now.

No, it was related to the overhead buff. When you hit your opponent standing with your overhead (op has to stand not blocking xD) you can 1-frame-link cr.LK. Didnā€™t even happen once to me xD Except if you want to overhead your enemy and he decides to focus :wink:

Really nice buffs for Codyā€¦Very good theyā€™re promoting more use for the knife as it is completed underused and ignored.

Cody has a chance to be top tier it looks likeā€¦

Iā€™m truly happy that we got nothing but buffs. Thank you Capcom! HOWEVER, and I donā€™t want to sound negative or trolling, but you still drop the knife when you receive one small jab, you still canā€™t rely on bad spray (will I waste meter on that Iā€™m not sure, and it depends if you can FADC 1st or 2nd or both hits of the sand). Iā€™ll not speculate on how much his walk speed will differ the gameplay until I see how fast it actually is. The extra active frames and hitboxes etc are all very welcome, but I wonā€™t start sucking Capcoms shlong just yet. Oh, and when have you ever seen an overhead hitting a stood up player??

That being said, all buffs are good, so thank you. Looking forward to more updates in the coming days and weeks.

A little premature I think and I hope he isnā€™t top tier.

These changes still wonā€™t put him top tier IMO, due to the lack of a solid reversal game. The speed increase will help setups and allow us to get out of danger without as much effort but make no mistake about it. Cody is a difficult character to play at a high level. These buffs wonā€™t change that.

Can happen on occasion with Codyā€™s. Itā€™s two hits so it breaks focus attempts.

While you still do drop the knife easily, the faster walkspeed and the fact that itā€™s completely safe to pick it up now (you can block while picking it, and I assume you get to keep the knife, ofc) already increase itā€™s usefulness by a lot. Knife was already fucking good in some matchups like Abel, where having a chainable 3 frame move was mandatory, it only got better.

Knife cody has probably the best normals in the gameā€¦huge hitboxes with now hurtboxes.
