Cody Vers. 2012 Changes

Comboability off of overhead on a standing opponent is pretty limited though, right? If they’re standing they’re probably blocking high too.

It’s useless. It’s there for new trial combos and the eventual “sorry guys don’t follow the topic but just found out that you can combo after his overhead on a standing opponent. brb testing on who it works on” post that happens every so often in the Ryu and E. Ryu forums.

Only guy with a truly comboable overhead is Dudley.

Juri got a walk speed buff in AE, which took her from Hakan’s speed to Ken’s. This one might do something comparable.

I really doubt Daigo would go for Cody to be honest. When he went to Kuwait in November last year, I was there in that event, and one of the questions that people asked him was if he will be changing Ryu when AE comes out(AFAIK this was the first time that he mentioned that he’ll be changing his main character).His answer was that he’ll be changing to either Yun, Makoto, or Ken. He said that he liked Yun since 3rd strike but since he wasn’t very much into the game he didn’t get the chance to learn him(Keep in mind this is before AE was out in the arcades).

Now since Yun and Makoto are both nerfed, I’m almost 100% sure that he’ll be picking Ken. Unless Evil Ryu becomes extremely good with his new buffs, which I really doubt.

i got a cody im working on all i gotta say is

yesh. :expressionless:

edit: i also wanna say as a ken player as well that i feel too many ppl hoping on my characters bandwagon lol

Cody still won’t be a monster… You can FADC bad spray… but don’t forget that bad spray has 25 startup frames which are noch invincible :wink: A good play will stuff this shit BEFORE you can fadc it ;D
On wakeup and under pressure he will still be a poor victim

yeah it doesn’t make much sense to me either. But maybe you could look at it like this:

  1. Knife and Overhead become top priority in AE’12
  2. Cody pressure increased massively
  3. Opponent forced to stop blocking and fight back against the blockstrings
  4. Opponent is forced to first block high, since blocking low will only make it tougher to land a counterattack
  5. Opponent’s counter attempt gets stuffed by Overhead
  6. YOU capitalize off of it with a hit-confirm combo

fail attempt @ metagaming on my part? sorry :frowning:

Cody buffs are insane. He’s going to be a monster in 2012.

His overhead buff doesn’t change anything, it’s more of a fix in the lines we’ve discussed before in other threads.
Sand is also just a cool thing, because it’s not invincible and only useable on techable knockdowns. It’s godlike against divekick characters (Yun, Yang and Rufus to a lesse extent), making U1 the go to option against these, probably. Also very good against Fei and Yang because they can’t dash to close in after rekkas.

Now, faster walkspeed is huge. Depending on how much faster, he’s gonna be god of footsies. 4 active frames on cr.lp and 3 frame with huge reach, plus moving normals like, and…seriously boss.

Also knife might change some of his ground game. Matchups like Chun and Rog, may be very knife oriented…dunno, holding it is still a pain/not possible.

Mostly he got to keep his damage, which is crazy good. Vanilla-esque level, plus the nerfs to characters that gave him trouble is awesome.

We’re all lost in the hype of his buffs, but once it settles down we might find he didn’t get that much better at all. His wakeup is still ass so characters like akuma and grapplers will still give him a hard time. Also newly buffed ones like Hakan and Gen might become bad matchups. He was already really good in AE, IMO.

Took them a while, but they finally did it. I’m so excited. Walk speed buff is a dream come true.


fap fap fap fap fap fap fap…

omg this is great, block during knife pickup???

I can’t believe they actually listened to us!:smiley:


Yesterday I had a Yun (not a good one o_O). He did divekick, nj, lk divekick, nj, lk divekick, etc., etc. Crouchtech with cr.MP didn’t work, st.LP didn’t work either, Ex Zonk was to slow… WTF? Tipps against these Yuns (untill '12 hits ^^)?

Lol, whoever said they were saving the best for last was so right… I still cant believe my eyes :lovin:

Happy and a little disappointing at the same time…

I’ll be curious to see whether his walkspeed actually benefits him against bad matchups, but I kind of knew the walkspeed buff was eminent since everyone and their dog was getting mega buffs.I am also curious about whether the knife will remain completely useless since it seems they may not have addressed the real problems with it such as dropping it while teching and after single hits. Other than that the buffs were great and they made sure to add a lot of the important stuff we asked for.

Think it’s important to note that these are not finalized so their still may be adjustments before this version comes out.

I was mostly playing with Cody throughout Super since I rage quit Makoto, then I went back to Makoto in AE, but I still used Cody as a sub character… but for 2012 I think I’m gonna be back with Cody full time. He’s sounding pretty good right now.

I may also actually have a reason to use Bad Spray once in a blue moon now. I never really ever used it before.

The knife buffs look pretty good to me, I usually go for the knife whenever I can, now I have even more reason to.

Seems my interpretation of the changes were right away correct.

I think there will be various other changes (doesn’t mean cody is included tho) to many characters till the patch is finalized.
Still, most is very appreciated. Also, FADC Sand has quite a few more followups then u1. (mk/hk/ex ruffian,,, ex cu, u2 dust etc)
gonna think about new theoretical knife combos when I’m bored here.

“Medium Ruffian Kick has had a hitbox size increase in the forward direction.”

Does this mean that MK RK will always hit after AA Ruffian?
Punishing backdashes and Akuma’s teleport should also be easier.

Wow, almost everything we ask passed. It’s … amazing.