LOBO, aka The Main Man, aka BadMotherFucker!
Interactive Character Type = Power
What are Lobo’s character type and his objectives?
Grappler, Rushdown, Zoner, etc?
A non traditional grappler, I would say. Set up and hard knockdown oriented. - ProudDisciple _ TYM
IMO he’s all about getting in your opponents face and making them guess. He can end all his combos with untechable knowckdowns (bf-3 or db-3) that leave them very close to you and allow him to mix up high/low. Once they get scared of pressing buttons on wakeup is when his throw comes in to play. He has a good mid range game but has no full screen options. He has a fantastic and safe high/low game that MUST be exploited. He’s definitely a character that completely relies on his Okizeme game. - chowdizzle - TYM
All Moves are Listed as if the Character is Facing Right
F = Forward
B = Back
U = Up
cr. = Crouching
j. = Jump
nj. = Neutral Jump (also known as Vertical Jump)
jip= Jump In Punch
Attack Buttons:
1 = Light Attack
2 = Medium Attaack
3 = Hard Attack
4 = Trait
IO = Interactive Object button (Macro = 1+2)
Th - Throw (Macro = 1+3)
MB = Meter Burn (Macro = 1+2+3)
SM = Super Move (Macro = 2+3+MB)
BC = Bounce Cancel (F,F + MB or B,B + MB)
~ or xx = Cancel
AA = Anti-Air
BnB = Bread and Butter
Low = A hit that hits your opponent low
High = A hit that hits your opponent high
Overhead = A hit that hits a crouching opponent, blocking or not
50/50 = A guessing situation where you or the opponent can go either low or high/overhead
1 = Violent Jab
(MB) Means move can be Meter Burned for One Bar.
Spin Cycle = D,B,1 (MB) *Holding B after MB will Slam the opponent behind Lobo
Pump Shot = D,F,1 (MB)
Mid Pump Shot = D,F,1,B (MB) *You must hit back as Lobo is pulling out his Shotgun but before he fires
Low Pump Shot = D,F,1, D (MB) *You must hit down as Lobo is pulling out his Shotgun but before he fires
Czarnian Toss = D,B,F,2 (MB)
Space Hook = D,B,2 (MB) *Holding B after MB will Slam the opponent behind Lobo
Low Space Hook = D,B,3 (MB)
Hook Charge = B,F,3 (MB)
Trait/Character Power
Character Trait = Lobo loads Nuclear Shells into his Shotgun, augmenting the power and effect of the next attack involving a blast from his firearm.
(The first string is 11, meaning hit 1 twice in a row, etc. B2 would mean hit Back+2 simultaneously. When a string requires you to input two buttons together following a 112 or B1 notation, it will be separated with a comma)
12, 1+3
- Midscreen Combos -
(Almost all of the combos can be done with the trait off for less damage)
Meterless combos:
Trait, 21, df1d (low Pump Shot), 21, db2 - 28% @ABACABB
b2u1, 113, db2 - 32% @ABACABB
(Trait) F3, B2U1, 12 1+3 - 32% (37% with trait) @Mills
(Trait) f3, b2u1, 113 xx df1 - 34% (39%) @WynterEnd
Trait, ji2, b2u1, 113, db2 - 40% @RisingPower84
Meter combos:
dbf2 MB, b3, ji2, f21 db3 - 36% @Pig Of The Hut
b2u1, 113, db2 MB - 37%
Trait, dbf2 MB, b3, ji3, 3, db2 - 38% @MashPotatoTower
b12, bb MB (Wallbounce Cancel), ji3, 21, bf3 - 39% @Cage Redfield
b2u1, 12 xx dbf2 MB, 12 1+3 - 40% @Insomnicide
12, dbf2 MB, b3, ji2, f21 db3 - 40% @Pig Of The Hut
Trait, b2u1, 12, dbf2 MB, 213 - 42% @Virgo Vertigo
ji3, dbf2 MB, ji2, f21 db3 - 43% @Pig Of The Hut
j3, 113, dbf2 MB, 21 xx bf2 - 44% @KamkaziChicila
b2u1, 113, dbf2 MB, db1 MB - 45% @The Mighty Yoch
b2u1, 12 xx dbf2 MB, b3, 21 xx db2 - 46% @OmegaK
ji2, 12 xx dbf2 MB, b3, f21 db3 MB - 47% @Pig Of The Hut
b2u1, 113, dbf2 MB, b3, jid3 (dive) - 47% @TheRFG
Trait, 113, dbf2 MB, b3, ji3, 21 xx db2 - 50% @staticjack
Trait, b2u1, 113, dbf2 MB, b3, ji2, d2 xx db2 - 51% @staticjack
Trait, ji2, b2u1, 113, dbf2 MB, 21 db2 - 50% @The Mighty Yoch
Trait, ji3, 11 xx dbf2 MB, b3, ji2, f213 - 50% @Danger317
b2u1, 3 xx dbf2 MB, b3, ji3, 21 xx db3 - 51% @TooMuchBob
ji2, b2u1, 113, dbf2 MB, db1 MB - 53% @TheMightyYoch
Trait, ji2, b2u1, 3 - dbf2 MB, b3, ji3, 21 - db3 MB - 60% @iw2ma
- Corner Combos -
Meterless combos:
Trait, b2u1, 1, 113 df1d (low Pump Shot) - 35% @Flipitaru
Trait, j2, 21, df1d (low Pump Shot), 113, db2 - 35% @Adus
Trait, ji2, 113, 113, db2 - 40% @The Mighty Yoch
Meter combos:
Trait, 21 df1d (low Pump Shot), 113, dbf2 MB, f21 db3 - 40% @Mojo
ji2, 113, 113 xx df1 MB - 40% @WynterEnd
Trait, 21, df1d (low Pump Shot), 113, dbf2 MB, b2u1, db1 - 42% @GodsLonelyman
113, 113, dbf2 MB, b2u1, db1 - 45% @GodsLonelyman
b2u1, 1, 113, dbf2 MB, b2u1, db1 - 47% @FlipTaru