this Sago guy is so fucking strong :((
Gameplay from MOV and GO1 at KSB. Really seeing how Chun is supposed to be played at high level, especially in the Dhalsim matchup and the Chun mirror
We still don’t know MOV’s Fighter ID right?
Both of them like using v meter for v reversal over v trigger. Go1 first uses in GF, Mov uses it after reset in GF.
MOV likes to use neutral jump IA LL. Lots of good of throw/IA LL mixup.
Also they like to have super ready, not spending a lot on ex moves.
Regular ass kikokens, I only saw EX in Sim during a combo.
It does make sense. I’ve long suspected that chuns use of v trigger along with the v trigger itself isn’t that great.
She gains no range in v trigger. Her fireballs are the only things that gain range at all. Once she’s in she gains hitconfirms… But not great ones. FHK is a bad move. Overhead is also a bad move. So she gains cr.lp, as a link and she gains the ability to turn any one poke into a confirm… But on a guess with v trigger.
Saving to super makes sense if your IALL game is on point and you can get some consistent confirms with it or the threat of it.
Not saying that the best way to play her but it does make sense. super is guaranteed damage if you get a confirm whereas ex kikoken at neutralis a guess that might only get blocked.
Having said that I think it’s a mistake to save to super over a long period of time unless the super threat helps the character in some way.
When you hold super you aren’t gaining meter.
Taken to an extreme this could mean you make only 3 meters in a 3 round match versus an opponent that could make as many as 9
First vs Guile vid I’ve seen. Not the best but I feel we’ll be comfy in the matchup.
Nice, I’ve been trying to get my execution down for dash up neutral jump air legs and this confirms how legit it is.
I think it’s really odd that they can do all this hard stuff but neither one of them( or many pro Chun’s for that matter) use the MK SBK combo. They always go for the LK one.
For tournament it makes sense to stick to LK SBK. I’m sure executionally they are very capable of doing MK SBK, but the benefit doesn’t really outweigh the risk too heavily. Your only real benefits are like half a training stage block more corner carry and 18 more damage. Other than that you get everything else MK has with LK SBK, except the execution is much easier since it comes out 6 frames faster.
Some Chuns will most likely stick to MK SBK just to maximize corner carry and damage, but the reward you get for getting frame perfect SBKs isn’t great compared to you much increasing the odds of dropping it at some point. Whaeras LK SBK is so easy to time it’s pretty much undroppable in comparison to MK SBK.
Personally I’ll most likely stick to MK SBK since I have the execution for it and 18 more damage is 18 more damage, but yeah I don’t blame anyone for sticking to LK SBK either.
I like how MOV was using c.LK to chase down Sim. I use that a lot vs him also.
This debate of LK SBK vs MK SBK has been dragged out for so long. More damage, more corner carry, it’s all very important. And while you can still do great using LK SBK, if you really want to maximize your play and play as optimally as possible then MK SBK is the way to go. If you play against top players like Daigo, Tokido, Justin Wong, etc, you’re gonna need all the little extra damage you can get.
Recently I’ve made the transition to MK SBK and will never look back (even in tournaments). I never drop it. It feels the same as LK SBK. I doubt it’s even a 1 frame link as people have exclaimed that it was. You can drop any combo in tournament under stress, and usually it’s the easier combo’s that get dropped under stress, not the hard ones.
Thats how I feel too. If you can do the LK sbk, you can do the MK sbk. There’s no real difference imo if you’ve mastered the LK one which is why I think it is strange that the pros opt not to do it. You are right. Every little bit of extra damage helps. I keep seeing people say that Chun isn’t low damage, and I haven’t really compared the numbers in training, but man when you go up against Kens and Ryus and Necallis and other characters, I feel like I bleed a lot more than when I get a hit and opening on them.
The corner carry between LK and Mk sbk is actually pretty much the same when done from midscreen, but I think it is the extra damage that makes it essential to sticking with the MK sbk combo. It’s nearly a 20 point difference ( or a 10 to 12 difference with a larger combo) Definitely worth the effort.
There never really was a debate about LK vs MK SBK. It’s just been a choice. Some choose to do one over the other and if some top players are giving themselves some extra frames to land a combo then I see their point. It’s a good way to start training doing late cancel SBK as you just get a bit more room for error until you really get the timing down.
First vs Guile vid I’ve seen. Not the best but I feel we’ll be comfy in the matchup.
Viscant is the man, but that’s an absolutely terrible way to play the chun matchup. It honestly looked like he was lagging. Way to many flashkick opportunities missed and viscant is trying to throw L booms instead of H booms.
Viscant also did jlk crossup into link… That’s just bad and means he hasn’t taken frames into account yet as of that video. I saw that linking to was wack so I’ve been using cr.lp instead. It’s WAY better.
A lot of people still lp sonic boom like it’s SF4 lol
Neither player played at a particularly high level there. Gonna need some more stuff to come out to really judge the matchup just from a video.
Incidentally, I saw these Sako replays today, against someone who is at least less haphazard with the sonic booms. There might be more and I’ll check later. I feel like I need to understand this and the Alex matchup, I feel like I’m lagging behind already.
Yeah I still don’t like that Guile player either. Jumped forward when he didn’t need to and his defense seemed really off. Not many teched throws or attempts to AA iall.
Im just gonna wait for knuckledu or dieminion to get good with him and see them fight some US or international Chuns
Yeah I still don’t like that Guile player either. Jumped forward when he didn’t need to and his defense seemed really off. Not many teched throws or attempts to AA iall.
Im just gonna wait for knuckledu or dieminion to get good with him and see them fight some US or international Chuns
Not a fanvof Chris G Guile? His actually looks like a tank and doesn’t do FK outside of combo from what I saw in replays.
Might take a while, Dieminion hasn’t been to the last two NLBC’s since Guile’s release. Might be stocking up on that Discord tech :lol:
Kakutop from a couple of hours ago, featuring Alioune and Valmaster (finally trying Chun again) [link]