Chun Li Q&A Thread: Interpol Information Desk

Work on your anti air so when they get to the corner they stay there. Air legs pressure will prevent them from getting out unless they uppercut you, and max range cr. MP is safe against buttons so learn that spacing to help maneuver fireballs.

Big thing is to make the corner their home after they walk themselves there.


If you have the ability to upload a few replays then please do so, other wise consider this:

If you find yourself chasing opponents down and losing because of it. Simply play more relaxed, patient and methodical.
Stop chasing them. It’s one thing to slowly walk and a block - by that I mean take a step or two if they jump back or dash back but then hold downback in case they throw something out. Take small steps and eventually because you’re chasing them they are obviously retreating.
They’ll eventually be out of space and in the corner.

Don’t forget about throwing your own Kikoukens to help with walking the opponent down, but be ready with St. Lk or B+Hk for jump ins.
If you’re feeling good with Air-to-Air attacks Neutral jump HK and jump. HP will sit them back down easily enough.
Now once they are cornered here are there options:

Reversal you, HK tatsu away, Jump out, Jump out Tatsu
Your best option is to stay outside their attack ranges and whiff punish because if you’re fighting someone who’s primary tactic is to run away. It means they are uncomfortable with footsies so if you get right on top of them you’ll eat see Dps and Critical arts flying everywhere.
Basically just standing near them makes them panic.
they may even start to Neutral jump sporadically, thankfully Chun Li’s St. Lk reaches far enough for this and St. Hk will also be great for this.
St. Hk will also net you a Crush Counter should they hit a button, which will allow you to do Critical art or LLegs, even activate Vtrigger if you have it available.
Also remember each round is 99 seconds, if you have a life lead and they want to run away; then just throw fireballs at them maybe even whiff Lk LLegs or do Air Legs to build a bit of meter. Sure they’ll likely throw fireballs back but Chun has several safe ways around it. So basically around the 10 second mark they’ll go HAM and that brings them to you in a panic.
That’s when you either avoid them and let the clock run out or punish them
After KO wait for Disconnect.

On a side note, you guys are way too obsessed with IALL.
Use it sparingly as it can be good, but it is NOT as good as people on here act like it is.
For example when I’m using Ken, Cr. Hp smacks her right out the air and Chun’s has a few options to deal with it herself in the mirror match.
Everything comes down to risk/reward and the more people see this tactic used by Chun players the less her opponents are going to give a crap.
Heck I’ve already seen Momochi reaction DP in to CA against Nuki’s Chun

It’s pretty good if you can consistently get it low to the ground. It only becomes hittable/beatable if you don’t pull it off at minimum height.

My friend keeps blowing me up with cr.lp on wake up. Any tips on the timing to stuff that?


When you say wake up do you mean when you are laying down or he is laying down?

lmao…when he’s laying down he wakes up into cr.lp x lk scythe and im having trouble getting the timing down for the meaty.

b+HP is one of your most active meaties and should be easy to time. As long as it trades you’ll win since heavies and mediums beat lights on traded hits due to the priority system. It’s a lot riskier to mash lights in this game due to that.

As you get better you should be able to just throw in s.MP which gives you the plus 3.

is there a difference between chun li`s light medium and heavy critical arts?

Is it okay to use v trigger to help hit confirm into CA? for ex if i go cr.lp,, xx vtrig and then see if they didnt block and go straight into my ca? is that a waste of v trigger cuz of how long the CA is?

The video is now up! In the thread.

Ideally you want to practice the way you should be playing, and what you’re describing is not optimal at all. You could do that but you don’t want to get dependent on v-trigger to hitconfirm into a CA, and you don’t want to waste a v-trigger like that. cr.lp,, is more than enough to hitconfirm, no v-trigger needed.

I’m in a strange situation as a chun player how can I open up people crouching I get grabbed out her overhead it seems like no real downside other than the throw mixup but you have to be really really close and a DP you taking crazy damage. If they throw tech your in the same situation. While playing footsie her pokes don’t really have combo potential because at many far rages whiffs.

Outside Karin and Nash no one has a move anywhere near the speed and range of Chun’s cr. MK and Chun’s is much more hit confirmable with a late cancel and Nash’s can’t even be cancelled. Anything else really has to use at least 2 more. They can just down back against your footsies so you have to put some gaps there when you see a player being over defensive and try to get them to press a button at a range you have the advantage. If they tech a lot of your throws cr. LP->(delay) cr. MK or IALL is good.

Also against 4f characters IALL throw is a legit throw setup so even if they block the IALL you can typically do a throw bait (except against bison since you can’t walk out of his throw range before it hits you … ).

Some matchups cr. MK isn’t her go to poke as much as st. FP is or even a well spaced cr. MP xx v-trigger becomes important at some parts of the round.

Guys, is registering 3 hits on IA LL confirmation that I did it correctly and got the frame advantage, or can you land 3 kicks and still do it wrong?

Sounds about right.

Or put dummy on crouch. If it hits 2 times, then you did the best version. Prefer it this way to train. Too many players not doing IALL proper > Opponent could crouch whiff them.

Or just try a followup cr. lp. If u combo, u did it right. When I’m in pmode, I combine practicing IAL with the bnb sbk combo.

Has anyone found use for Chun’s I really have absolutely no idea what it is for.

I never use it, but I can imagine it could be useful to get out of the corner when f+hk is not an option. It’s sort of like a jump-in with a really weird angle that could catch people by surprise. Again… I never use this move, ;_; I would rather use vskill if I’m going to attempt a jump, cause df+hk could leave you open to punishes if your opponent decides to walk backwards.

For beating people who don’t know how to block :lol: Also for survival mode in some instances apparently.

In SF4/SF5, it’s but a shadow of what it once was. You should have seen what it could do in ST.

I’ve used it a couple times. I have got it to hit non-crossup a couple times but I don’t know how to do it consistently.