Chun Li Q&A Thread: Interpol Information Desk

I mainly use it for cross up. Granted, her VSkill MK is better but I use both.

Lets talk about chun Anti-air I really don’t feel like it’s as solid as some other anti-airs. The example I used is Ken’s I set the computer to jump at me. At a far unrealistic range I beat it every time at a close or or medium range I am trading and loseing the trade it gets stuffed completely or I am getting crossed up or he can ultra after the trade which I lose. On defense chun is weak. She can’t just open people up and her jumping gets shutdown. Not to mention so many people have safe block strings like Ryu, Ken, Nash you gotta sit there and hold that L. There are other times when I know people are going to throw so I press a button to straight beat them out and my hand gets grabbed. It’s crazy… but then on the flipside I am getting jabbed right out of my grab.

When exactly do you use chuns cr.lp xx mk sbk combo?

as a meaty? Most of my pressure is based on TK legs and im often spaced out where I cant quite do that.

For combo’ing from TK legs generally i’m confirming off the legs and just doing cr. jab-> LK spinning bird if I’m doing it from not near point blank. That or cr. jab->st. jab->EX Legs / Super. Getting the full MK SBK combo is for doing TK legs after an anti-air reset or something like that where you are sure you will hit up close.

I only get the combo opportunity for this maybe 2-3 times a match cr. LP -> st. MP -> cr. MK-> SBK or st. MP->cr. MK->SBK and generally it comes from a random dash in to cr. LP or off an anti-air air reset. You can get it as a meaty sometimes also, but less commonly.

Majority of my damage is coming from neutral pokes, whiff punishes, and sometimes a solid post super mixup. Personally I’m really liking combo’ing into super early if I don’t need it to punish fireballs in the match so I can get the post-oki mixup.

The short answer is just to space them better. Like if you get a antiair, you can walk up and do IALL and you’ll be in range to do this combo. Or cr.lp (on block) and then IALL (as usually you do cr.lp into a throw, e.g. a tick throw).

You should use IALL at the same situations where you would go for a throw. As you want to bait out a throw with it. If you’re midscreen and come in with IALL, no one will try to tech cause you’re not even near them. Then it’s no wonder that you can’t combo into cr.lp xx mk sbk

I know this isn’t a video thread, but watch this video if you need references:


Didn’t know where to put this so I thought I’d just stick it here… I’ve just picked up the game so with any luck I’ll be active on here like I used to be before I got a PS4 and Destiny :confused: hopefully I’ll be able to learn/help like the good old days.

Hope the guys that remember me from before are all coolio, and I swear down I’ll try to be active again like I used to be

@"Wii Wh1ppet"
Cheers mate!
Going to share your CFN or are you gonna hide it from everyone again :wink:
I still follow your youtube page after all these years so I look forward to seeing some SFV vids

Now if we can just get GunslingerMeeks to resurface, we’d almost have the old gang back together XD

Who is this again? :whistle:

Blue Jade seems to be a more suitable thread for that

@Rayartz :smiley: hey buddy sure I’ll share it :stuck_out_tongue: though I’m not at the level I was on SF4 (make of that what you will lol) and I’m not going to be mainlining this game and doing the whole tourney thing in the same way as I did SF4. I’ll see how it goes though, what I’ve played so far game seems legit:

CFN: Wh1ppet

@4neqs :wink: hey buddy hope your ok and I’m hurt you don’t remember me (jokes) sorry for posting in the wrong thread its been a few years since I’ve been to SRK let alone to this new fancy Chun place.

what are the best normals to cancel into vtrigger? when should i throw out v skill? it seems unsafe and i dont know any setups for my money is the pound for pound best way to cancel into trigger. No matter the distance you can always get something off it(even if its not big), closer you get the better results, and it can go right into super.

b/f+mp, st.hp also both good.

As for v skill, mostly just go for it when you know the fireball is coming.

I am sure this is asked a lot, but I checked the OP and couldn’t find it.

A few questions about instant air lightning legs.

What is Instant Air Lightning Legs on block? Does the pos/neg differ depending on the version used (lk, mk, rh, ex), or if the opponent blocks high or low?

What is the best way to perform the move?

About where is the height restriction on doing it?

Yes, medium is +1 (if done at the lowest), light/heavy are minus. Always use medium legs. Heavy is only used in aerial combo’s.

If you want to blow up low normals or throws. The best time is every time you would normally throw (e.g. after a antiair, walk forward, then throw/instant air lightning legs. Or cr.lp (on block), throw/instant air lightning legs). Or it’s also good to close distance with minimal risk. Like after a cr.lp, (on block), you can use instant air lightning legs to close the distance and keep pressure.

About the top of the opponents head (when the opponent is regular size, like ryu/ken/etc) xx l.sbk

What is the math behind charging this?

stand MP 5 2 10
crouch MK 6 2 15

If you press down as soon as you hit you get about 15 frames before start up. Then you get 7 more frames until the recovery starts. That is only 22 frames. It is +0 on block so the earliest you can cancel it and still combo with l.sbk is 6 frames into recover. That is 28 frames, not close to the 40 needed for charge.

It works of course so my understanding must be wrong. Please explain.

Don’t know exactly how the math works on this one, but one thing I can tell you is you shouldn’t take into consideration that CR.Mk is neutral on hit because you are cancelling the recovery animation. Also the window for cancelling CR.Mk, specifically, is longer than usual, which, inturn, allows combos such as St.MP., CR.Mk xx Mk. sbk to work.

It’s important to consider that it is +0 on hit so that you can do the math on cancelling the recovery. It has 15 recovery frames, so if you cancel 9 of them you should be at +9 because 9+0=9.

If a move is +3 on hit and has 7 recovery frames which you cancel, you end up at +10. In other words, adding the hitstun is important, even when cancelling recovery frames.

Also, does xx mk.sbk work? I thought it only worked as cr.lp xx mk.sbk?

If you cancel late I thought the mk.sbk wouldn’t combo.

If so, then I am even more confused by the math.

You all aren’t accounting for hit stop. When you actually hit someone, the game will pause a little but will continue to account for charge time. Compare trying to do the combo whiffing and hitting, you’ll notice the hit stop. Whiffing the combo which the frame data has shown will never have enough time to charge a sbk.

An extreme example of this is v trigger activations. If you activate v trigger, you’ll have enough time to charge a ex sbk. Game stopped but time is still running.

Yes, MK SBK works. Charge time is the same, but move start-up is different making it a tightier cancel.


That was the answer I was looking for. Thanks.

Does anyone know how many frames worth of hit stop there is in the combo?

Hey guys, I’m currently having a good deal of trouble dealing with players who are constantly going for crossups and just generally frequent jumpers. What are my options against this?