Chun Li Match-Ups Thread: Police Reports

Mika main here looking for an alternate/new main. Was wondering what you guys consider Chun’s best and worst matchups are.

I struggle the most vs Nash and Guile may be a bit tough to get in on as time goes on too. Other than that, all of the other matches seem pretty winnable with overall player skill and matchup knowledge. She’s one of those characters where as long as you’re doing the right things the matchups usually don’t feel too bad.

Chun wins against:
Alex, Birdie, F.A.N.G, Karin, Ken, Laura, M. Bison, Nash, Necalli, R. Mika, Rashid, Vega, Zangief

Plays even with:
Cammy, Dhalsim, Ryu

Chun loses to:
Maybe Guile, not sure yet. But atm I think the MU is even. Not much experience against top level Guile’s though, they are hard to find.

I feel like when Guiles actually learn how to actually play the character, this may be a very hard matchup. I was having trouble with Graham Wolfe’s Day 1 guile finding it very difficult to get in. Slow boom is sooo slow it’s hard to get under/neutral jump. I felt like I had to preemptively guess to get in on him.

We need to get more in depth match up discussion going if ya’ll going to start talking how favorable or not they are.

Thanks alot! I will try to take note of all of that. I see what you mean. He certainly plays vega his own way.

how are you guys bullying the grapplers with chun? just play safe and use footsies?

I’m having so much trouble against Ken, his risk reward ratio is so much in his favor:

  1. Ken’s jump tatsu totally changes the timing to punish. Once he mixes air tatsu with jump HP, it’s super hard to correctly AA.

  2. His combos naturally carry you to the corner and from there it feels like a 50/50 guessing game with throw game and frame traps.

  3. Unsafe to throw out fireballs once ken has meter jump ex tatsu.

What’s the correct approach for this mu? I looked up some recent long sets of Nukki and major boy vs top Ken’s and it seems like they are having trouble too against Ken’s rush down game.

Some random advice:

St. HP him to the corner.

Use st.MK as a poke more than f+MP because it avoids his cr.MK (and any of his cr.MK xx fireball VTC VERY damaging combos).

Be ready to nj. HK ALL his jump in attempts. It’s to unsafe to try and AA him because he can change his jump trajectory and his J.HP is too good and can trade with st.LK (which favors him damage wise obviously).

When he gets in, its a guessing game because he has Oki from all his knockdowns, so you need to have solid defense and notice his patterns (if any). It’s better to take the throw than MK~HK xx HP DP shimmy.

Be ready to punish SRK xx V-Trigger (it’s only -5).

Practice punishing his YOLO xx V-SKill (-6 I believe) and don’t fall for ANY v-skill shenanigans.

Punish st.HK (-4) if he throws it out at close range with xx EX Legs.

Punish st.HP (-3) with cr.lp xx lk SBK.

Don’t let him throw fireballs if you have super.

Don’t let him press buttons after blocking b.MP (-2).

Try to anticipate air ex. tatsu and dash under for a trip guard full combo punish. If you don’t have enough time to dash under, V-REVERSAL!! Don’t let him frame trap you/throw you to death.

This MU doesn’t feel in Chun’s favor (5-5?). Ken is just too good, does great damage in V-Trigger (can stun and kill with 2 mixups) and Chun’s abysmal throw range makes it hard to defend against him. Don’t let him in. Be ready with your AAs/A2As or you’re gonna have a bad time. You have to be ON POINT in this MU because Ken has a lot of “gimmicks” that you HAVE to know how to deal with or you’re gonna get rekt.

This! This is exactly the type of in-depth stuff that I need to learn this MU. Thanks for he extensive write-up LionHeart. I will test this stuff out in the lab asap.

Dhalsim… any hints? I’m really comfortable with most matchups and I win way more than I loose but I really struggle against good Sim’s. If I get him in the corner I’m alright but getting in on him is crazy hard. If he throws a fireball, I get caught with a slide trying to dash in. His AA is very good so jumping is not really an option. I also have trouble with the up close, low air drills. I can’t AA them properly and he gets to continue pressure.

I played against a Silver Sim not too long ago and my main goal was to get a hard knockdown and pressure him with back fierce. It’s best to approach him on the ground with back-fierce (for a CC setup) or to do Chun’s f+HK. Also, use your V-reversals instead of saving the V-gauge for V-trigger.

Cammy… How ?

This matchup has been a tremendous amount of pain in the ass to me. I don’t feel confident at all to challenge any of her jumping attacks except maybe if i knew i had a down charge for EX SBK. The ground is also hard because her normals seems to have ridiculous counter pokes properties, especially her cr.Mk and cr.MP. The damage output also seems to be in her favor.

You need to change your antiairs depending on where she jumps and when she does a divekick. All antiairs are a read basically. If she jumps from very far you, if she jumps on top you or jumpback throw/mp into heavy airlegs. You can also dash forward and tripguard.

In the Cammy matchup, all I do is focus on the air. That’s my gameplan. Keep her out and punish accordingly. I rarely play footsies, especially when she has EX bar. Sometimes I will st.hp (or, cause it will beat her, but usually I’m just waiting for the jump and the vskill (punish with b+hp xx heavy legs to build vmeter for vreversals). Try to play at the range where you can anti-air with (that’s about right outside of your st.hp range)

Don’t force yourself in, just wait for the jump, punish it and then you’re in. Now you can pressure.

Learn the different anti-airs and keep focus on only that (, b+hk, air to air, dash under). That’s how you win the matchup. There is no 1 antiair that beats all (Only EX SBK, but smart Cammy’s won’t jump/divekick when you have downcharge). Also, if she’s in vtrigger don’t challenge the divekicks, it’s impossible to antiair. Just backjump jab or something or even just block and vreversal.

I can’t get past F.A.N.G. Any help would be much appreciated.

Seconded. I’m getting ass kicked in a matchup that’s supposed to be in Chun’s favor. Though for starters I really need to look at his frame data, i don’t even know when i can attack him.

I’ve been doing my best to just get in there but I get zoned out by poison.

You need to stop him from zoning. The key principle in this matchup is, don’t let him do the 2 upballs. You can punish it with sweep (it usually trades, but it trades in your favor. Cause you also get the knockdown and you can get in). When he throws the upballs mid-full screen dash up to him and sweep.
You can also punish the purple ball he does on the ground with (or super).

Once you get in, pressure him. He has no reversal and Chun’s offense is really good. Also don’t let him vreversal out for free, it’s punishable.

Also note that the fwd+hk (the one where he hits you with his knee’s twice) is only +1, and Fang doesn’t have a 3 frame normal. So you can press cr.lp and it will always trade. And a trade here is good, cause you go back to neutral when Fang was pressuring you. He also doesn’t have a reversal, so cr.lp is guaranteed (he only has Super that works in this situation, so watch out for that when he has full meter).

Solid advice thanks man.

hey guys, how to beat balrog T_T i’m terrible at this match-up, any advice?