Chun-Li HD Remix

Straight jumping horizontal SBK has some weird properties. It’s hard to do, but it seems to be just better than her old jump-back-over-fireballs-to-charge-meter version.

How exactly are you using it to go safely through fireballs? I can’t really figure out how to use it effectively for this :confused: Here’s the problems I’m having:

  1. You can’t use it to actually go OVER fast fireballs on reaction. Seriously, she still doesn’t leave the ground in time, so you have to anticipate a fireball. For this reason, I find that I get beat by fireball guessing games, where if Ryu throws a jab fireball, and I anticipated a fierce fireball, I just SBK right into the hadouken.

  2. The Short SBK has enough invulnerability to go through a Fierce fireball, but I have trouble getting it through Jab fireballs. The other ones don’t have much of a chance. Even then, if you go through a fireball from a range where you won’t get Anti-air’d, the fireball will leave the screen fast enough for a fireball character to simply throw another fireball and knock you down.

I would love to know how you’re using it, cos I’m having a lot of trouble thinking of any other way to use it :frowning:

Actually, I disagree with this. This may have been a problem against Sagat in ST, where you could anticipate a fireball, jump over it, and STILL not land in time to avoid a Tiger Uppercut. But, it was never a problem with Ryu, and it’s not so much of a problem for Chun anymore. The way you do this with Chun is to just hit one of their fireballs with a Chundouken, while buffering your super. Then, hold towards your opponent and see what they do. If they throw another fireball, you can jump over that shit and hit them with J.Forward. If they do anything else, usually some sort of maneuver to put them in range for a DP, just continue to walk towards them until they try to do something to stop you. It’s a pretty safe guessing game. At this point, I feel like Chun’s SBK is too volatile to rely on for this.

This is a really good idea :open_mouth: I wanna try this, but my internet is being stupid and every match I find has really high ping. I can’t even do a ghetto test on the CPU Vega because he treats walldives like the antichrist. In twenty minutes of waiting for Vega to walldive, he did two: The first one he did the Walldive throw, which beat it clean (I did the SBK pretty early, so that Vega was right above me when he did this, and we were both really high off the ground), and he did the punch walldive, which the SBK beat clean. If there is a braindead way to time this, it might be good.

EDIT: So, I tested this against a few Vega players, and unfortunately, the new SBK ain’t shit against walldives. It does beat the punch walldives clean, but then again, so did fireballs. Vega can hit the SBKs clean AND throw them, no problem. Also, it doesn’t work to catch fakeouts from far away, because he’ll land before you. I’d say, continue with what works in this matchup: Use fireballs if you think Vega is gonna do a fake out or punch walldive, and otherwise, your best tactics are J.Short, J.Forward. Neutral J.Roundhouse, or Upkicks.

It’s still useful for setting up a guessing game. If you do a meaty df+roundhouse, you can tick with either Jab or Strong, and then either throw, C.Mk, C.Hp chain (if this doesn’t dizzy the opponent, they’ll only be one hit away), or wait, to bait reversal DPs. You can also do a meaty fireball (better against most characters anyways), or meaty C.Lk at the very farthest range; this will actually cause some DPs - like Ryu’s - to whiff, leaving you in a really good position to punish them.

Lastly, if you’re amazing (not me :confused: ), you can do safe jump J.Lk against some characters.

Could some1 test following?

Use SBK on a jump in opponent, normal jump attacks, Air fireball, hondas down up move (time late just like Hondas up down move)?

Use SBK on wake up to avoid meaty jump in or cross up?

Also, note if SBK hits, whiffs, geets knocked out.

I think it might not work cuz I got the feeling invulnerabilty got lessened, but you never know.


Question about the neck breaker. Does it need to be meaty in order to start the pressure game with it? I know Ive been doing it late when opponents wake up, and they can throw me instantly after I land from the neckbreaker, but my gut is saying that even if i meaty they will still have a chance to throw me. Are there only specific moves you can do after, eg would a be too slow to do afterwards?

you go through fireballs. yes, they have to be non-jab fireballs, but if you take away their option to throw fierce fireballs that’s a big deal

if you could reliably jump over every ryu fireball on reaction (with chun!), then the wouldn’t be a problem match at all. without the new sbk, to get into range to threaten with the super you have to make 1-2 correct guesses (1 if you jump, 2 if you go the ground route)

the point i was making with the new sbk is that it allows you to safely advance forward while still storing the super. you go through a fireball, and if they stick out anything when you land, they get supered

it doesn’t let you do anything that you couldn’t with a simple meaty low forward. after a meaty df+roundhouse, your next attack is going to go the wrong way unless you wait a split second. this really minimizes the frame advantage that you have here, so you basically have a watered-down low forward situation with a much greater chance of getting thrown or dp’ed

i still use it because people are still trying to block it as a cross up, but for all intents and purposes there’s one less option open to chun on wakeup now

that’s a shame. i kind of figured anyway from playing yesterday, since all sorts of jump ins were beating sbks

i’m pretty sure fierce -> rh legs doesn’t combo. you have to do short or forward legs

in old st, the jump fierce -> fierce -> legs combo is braindead easy:

jump -> mash fierce+short

now you kind of have to finesse it. i actually just do fierce fierce fireball instead now

being able to just pull out low forward -> legs out of nowhere is kind of interesting, but it’s not really all that useful except for chip damage. if you can hit low forward -> legs, you can also jump low forward into sweep (knockdown) or low fierce (possible dizzy)

To each their own, I suppose…I still can’t figure out how to SBK through a fireball safely. My biggest problem is that even if I SBK right through a fireball, the fireball will leave the screen in time that my opponent can AA me with another fireball. This is especially true from fullscreen more than anything, because they’ll be able to throw another fireball just as you’re leaving the ground - more than enough time to hit you. Is there a particular range that you do it from to avoid this?

You only get a backwards attack if you do your attack, like, immediately as you land. The only time I ever get backwards attacks with consistency are when I try DF+Roundhouse / Lightning Legs. But yeah, DF+Roundhouse / Jab/Strong puts you in a lot better of a position to try things than a meaty low Forward, like you can throw them more easily, or do any sort of link combo more easily. This is, in my opinion, what keeps meaty DF+Roundhouse useful.

…I didn’t really have anything substantial to say about this, other than I love that people panic to this shit :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s really a terrible anti-air, unless you use it as a surprise move at the beginning of the round. It’s not very safe to do so, though.

Something else I think I noticed about SBKs, is that I think the recovery on all three are slightly different. So far, I rarely get punished for blocked Short SBKs, but it’s virtually a free hit when I do the forward and roundhouse version. This makes me think there’s not much reason to do any other version:

  • All three versions travel about the same distance, and all of them land three hits for about the same amount of damage

  • Short SBK is the only one you can use to get all the hits of that really situational super juggle

  • Short SBK is safest on block

  • And, Short SBK has the longest startup invulnerability.

Here’s another weird use for the Air SBK…

This is REALLY hard to do. But it is possible, and I can’t put it past anyone to get really good at ridiculously hard things. But if you “Juice Kick” the SBK (Juice Kick being like Ken’s Air Hurricane Kick at the lowest point possible), the Air SBK will actually hit crouching people and it is almost compeltely safe after blocking. I did it to my friend who was using Balrog and I got two Blocked hits, he did a Reversal Balrog Super, and I blocked it.

But again, it’s super hard, and if you miss it, you fly above their head pretty much to die.

  • James

Sounds like the new SBK is mostly just situational shenanigans. Sigh.

I actually used a lot of O.Chun in ST (you know, the one with a very usefull SBK) so i am hating on Remix Chun so far :(.

Heh, that’s rough to have to go from O Chun SBK to this one, lol. Honestly, I think if they at LEAST made the SBK invulnerable to throws, it would have been useful. I was hoping for that change more than anything, so these new fubar SBKs are just killing me!

Doesnt always hit, whiffs more then hit on crouch. tried this on cammy and gief, sagat. (tried it in trainings mode, could be wrong about it in actual play)


IMO new SBK ruined Chun Li, she depends on her instant jumping moves to counter. Now it’s always Spinning birda kick = eat a shawerma combo !.
The old motion never effected her AA game like the new SBK.

Super Combo finisher

Does chun’s SBK as the super combo finisher only work in the corner??

If you’re doing the super combo mid screen is it best to use upkicks rather than SBK as the finisher?

it only works in the corner. they have to hit the corner in a specific way that will allow sbk to connect


LOL, yeah, if you’re referring to the “breakdance SBK” where she’s essentially SBK’ing in place with her head on the ground, that is a blast (if you can do it).

I did that accidentally a couple of times, and it rocked. Too bad it’s so hard to perform.

lmao! I’m stealing that name and pretending I came up with it :stuck_out_tongue: You can actually do a BDSBK that moves forward or backward though.

I think the lightning legs are pretty good, considering you can do

walk up low short XX lightning legs

really easily… this is really good I think cause low short hits pretty quickly. Good for throw mixups.

im pretty sure low short is actually slower than low forward

i find it weird that you guys are using jumping moves as anti air… when you have a down charge

if they’re at a weird angle and you’re so used to jumping at them, why not just airthrow instead

Upkicks aren’t reliable anti-air all the time, and if you’re rushing someone, you probably don’t have a down charge.

then there’s no chance of you getting air sbk on accident