Chun-Li HD Remix

It whiffs only because it’s timed wrong. Again, I swear you only have a 1 or 2 frame window to get the right timing. Otherwise, you do it on the ground or too high. If you can get good at it, I honestly think it’ll be REALLY good, because it’s a good attack and is virtually 100% safe and does chip damage, and the start up is invincible.

  • James

Heh, yeah, although those are actually simpler to do. In fact, I often get those whenever I try to do the in-place version.

100% correct. Upkicks are garbage compared to all other types of upkicks (DJ, Guile). At least it has fewer downsides on block, whiff.

Lots of stuff beats its. I had upkicks whiff a jump in cuz the person wasnt pressing anything or better yet, a certain character jumps in with Jab, I do upkicks and get 1. first hit whiffs, second gets blocked cuz theyre on the ground by then. 2. upkicks get beaten out since I did it too early.

Shit like that doesnt happen w/ DJ or Vegas upkicks.

And whats wrong w/ jump up RH? Otochun uses it, he is notorious for doing it as Anti Air. Payoff is also very good since comes out fast, far hitbox, and KNOCKDOWN!

eg. upkick Vegas wall dive? LMAO. Right … Youre better off doing jump up RH.

Besides, Chuns anti air game is all about mixing it up. Some1 wants to upkick every jump in, go ahead. Just wait until you fight Shotos who do Air tatsus on you (as in, they know youre gonna upkick)

And whats this about airthrows? lol Im 100% sure, instant jump up RH is faster then airthrow attempt. Oh yeah, I Airthrow on occasion, but try that on Hawk dive, j. Jabs, Gief lol, just to name a few, have fun.

Chuns j. up RH = 3 f start up. 3 FRAMES!!! 13 f active

Chuns upkkicks, forward vers = 4 f start up, 4 active for 1. hit of it

short vers. 6 f start up

And dont get me started on the hitbox of upkicks, pls.

@ skankin garbage

Good posts so far. Keep it up.


Yes, you are correct. I just realised my buttons are messed up, couldnt even do LLs decently. Switched to a old stick and I got it more consistent. And yes, very hard to do cleanly.

Also, doesnt work against crouch Blanka. But thats no suprise.


PS. If any1 practices this, turn off the guard, otherwise dummy will always slightly block high while in crouch.

yes, chuns anti airs are spotty. upkicks are definitely the most consistent though. jump straight up roundhouse/short loses to a lot more things than upkicks, and you also have to factor in jumping attacks that people tend to stick out early in the jump, like thawk or fei jump jab

and saying one move is faster than the other is pretty irrelevant, when one move has invincibility

there is a place for both, for sure, but the vast majority of the time if you have a charge, you’re better off doing upkicks

That’s it, fuck air SBK.JRZKZHRKLNKLRAN

I actually find Upkicks to be the least reliable AA in a normal situation. Except for a select few matches, I try to use the Upkicks as a reversal only. The big irony is that a lot of matches where Chun has to keep an opponent out, Upkicks are too volatile to use against (Thawk, Fei Long, Blanka, Zangief, Honda etc.). On other matches, the situations where Upkicks would be useful are rare (Dhalsim, Boxer).Most of the time, I find her most reliable AAs are Standing Forward (especially the close version), Neutral/Normal Jumping Short, or Neutral Jumping Roundhouse.

The few matches where I always go for Upkicks if I have the charge are Ryu, Chun, and Claw. For Ryu and Chun, they simply have jump-ins that can’t reliably be beat by any ground AA but Upkicks, and for Claw, well, Claw just kicks the crap out of all of Chun’s normals, lol. I just get right outside of his C.Mp range and pressure with C.Mk, Fireballs, and Lightning Legs while holding d/b as much as possible. It’s easy to beat any of Claw’s jump-ins with Upkicks (not counting walldives).

What beats honda torpedos on the ground? What about the air? Only lightning legs?

Also buttslam is a pain now, neutral jumping roundhouse works but i’m always scared shitless of doing the gay orgy i mean air SBK instead.

There’s not much of a reason to crouch unless he gets really close, and to offset the Air SBKs, you can let go of down during the animations of your crouching attacks.

The way I generally play Honda is really simple: Fireball all day from about a half screen distance away (just outside the max range of his Jab Torpedo), and see what he does. This will make it hard for him to close the gap by simply Torpedo’ing, and if you’re tricky, you can AA him with the fireballs. Anyhow, try to make him land on fireballs, but:

  • If he does Jab Torpedo, walk up and punish.

  • If he buttslams through your fireballs from far away, walk up and punish.

  • If you think he’s gonna jump over a fireball and be close enough to pressure you, Jumping Fierce will beat pretty much everything he does in the air. Just be careful, because a good Honda player will bait you (or learn to start baiting you).

I see, thanks. I’ve been doing a little better against him since i started turtling more. Alot of jumping back, alot of neutral and just safe safe and patient poking. Jab torpedo is a mystery to me so far so i don’t fireball much, i’ll try to walk up and punish it more.

Vega was also very tricky to deal with at first due to air SBK, but same as honda i started going into super turtle mode and it’s better now.
The matchup that gives me the most trouble is sagat. Once he gets in his jumpins are very hard to stop for me unless i predict one, let go the charge then do the neutral j.HK.
As a result i have to keep him at a distance, where sagat is also very good.
Not to mention that jumping randomly can make me eat a knee, which is doom.

thawk and fei jump jabs beat chun’s jumping normals, but lose to deep upkicks. blanka jump short beats chun air normals, but will also beat upkicks usually. i generally try to trade with a fireball in that matchup

gief and honda splashes beat upkicks 100% of the time if they’re right over her. close standing forward usually works in that situation, jumping up with normals usually arent fast enough unless youre just jumping up and throwing it out randomly and not on reaction. that’s news against gief (free sweep), but not so much against honda

Against Hawk, you can beat pretty much every jump in with a Standing Forward. If you’re pretty close up (my favorite spot for that matchup is just outside the range for the first hit of his sweep), you might have to do the S.Forward early, but it can definitely beat everything. As for Fei, I don’t know if I’ve ever had any Fei player try jump jab against me, but I generally AA with S.Forward, Neutral J.Short (mostly to beat the Chicken Wing), and rarely with Short Upkicks.

The only air normal I don’t regularly beat with Chun’s J.Short (neutral or no) is Blanka’s J.Mp. You can beat that with something or other, I forgot what exactly, because I don’t fight a lot of good Blankas on STHD :frowning: I’m beginning to get really scrubby in that match

And yeah, you’re in a lot of trouble against Gief or Honda if they get that close to you in the first place…I find that as long as Gief isn’t on top of you, S.Forward will beat pretty much anything, and if you can anticipate jumps (not incredibly hard vs Gief :P), Neutral J.Roundhouse wins if you do it early enough. You can even nail him if he’s the first to jump.


For Honda, I just don’t know any way to reliably AA Honda but J.Fierce. A lot of his normals at close range just seem to beat a lot of Chun’s.

Most important thing to know: Use SHORT (LK) version ONLY. It has easily the most number of invincible frames. Jump Jab from Hawk, for example, beats both the Roundhouse and Forward versions. But it loses to the Short vesion. Make sure you do it deep. But the Short version is the ONLY one you should ever use as anti-air.

  • James

Could someone please list some cross-up set ups, and maybe some touch of death combos?

Yeah, true, which kinda sux, less damage/hits.

Im often tempted to do Forward for more damage cuz of the slight more forward movement, but end up doing short after all to be save.

@ AAs

jump up Short in advance is also good for AA. works against anything honda throws at you (his specials etc.) and also against chuns j. short.

VS. Fei. If you ever get to upkick his jump in, Fei is doing everything wrong. The Fei I play with, if he sees u charged down, hes gonna Chicken wing you. You have nothing against it from crouch block if youre within range of CW.

I try to zone him, be mobile and stay out of CW range so I can sweep him if he goes for it. If he gets too near, random/anticipated jump up Fierce to kill CW (or rekka lol), get some space again. Sitting on your upkick charge is a big mistake in that match. Not like Guile or DJ.

Upkicks dont work always against Hawks j. Jab. If he can space it perfectly, your gonna not hit. Also, Chun jump up Fierce beats j. jab, can beat Dive (or you both miss each other lol)

And I dont feel comfortable sitting on my charge VS hawk. With guile or DJ you can just sit there, duke it out with normals and projectiles. But with chun, smart Hawks will sucker you in if they know youre always going for upkicks when they jump.

Agreed, upkicks when theyre on top of you, go for it. But smart players dont always jump on you from close. And btw, why are they jumping on you in the first place? :confused: What are you gonna do if you throw kikoken and they jump? Upkicks?:amazed:

Also, no one doing crouch forward+kikoken (for pushback) as AA? Helps me a lot against eg. Blanka. Makes him guess more.

Like, if he does j. short, I cr. forward+kikoken. Next time he jumps in and thinks Ill do it again, he will use j. Fierce to beat my cr. forward (which he has to do late, almost at ground level). Instead I do early forward, RH or even better, jump up RH.

Keep her AA game mixed up. (I just noticed, SF4 chun has the same kind of “diverse” AA game lol)


PS. Goddamn breakdance Air SBK is too difficult to get it to hit crouch people consistent. I thought instant j.+down forward pogo was hard. But I get way more pogo overheads out then I get breakdance SBK:rofl: And thats just trainings mode. No idea how its gonna be in online play or regular offline.

This may sound obvious but Chun aas seem to be situational, so far in my play time as Chun which may be a little limited due to me also trying to play Cammy,Ken, and Claw, but I’ve noticed for far jumps in, early j.short or jump straight up RH seems to work, st.forward or early st. roundhouse seems to work for close and short up kicks for weird angles. These have worked very consistently for me against all characters.

Any ideas on building a solid offense with Chun? I feel limited to basic stuff such as either cr.forward or st.strong followed by either throw, fireball, another poke, predict their jump over a fireball and anti-air, or block. Does Chun have anything more creative?

In my opinion, Chun has a lot of rushdown options compared to most people.

Her most basic options are S.Mp and C.Mk, of course. With S.Mp, you use it to force them to block, and then you can follow it with a number of things. C.Mk is best used just outside of the range where it will hit your opponent, because it makes it dangerous for them to stick out many things; it can also be used as an AA from very far ranges (make the opponent land on it).

The biggest problem with just sticking to these two options are that you are VERY susceptible to sweeps and DP attacks. You want to mix it up by adding a few other things to your arsenal:

  1. Lightning Legs. This should be a pretty easy one. Do at a range where the Lightning Legs will barely whiff. This will kill just about any ground normal in the game. Best of all, you can charge while doing Lightning Legs. So, you can charge d/b, and get ready to cancel your Lightning Legs to throw out something else. If you’re playing a fireball character, or a character with a good DP move, you can just stick out the lightning legs for a split second before cancelling them and throwing a fireball to pressure them, or go right into super (will blow through just about anything, but don’t be reckless). Otherwise, most people just try to jump over it, in which case you can cancel it and do Short Upkicks (most invulnerability) or Roundhouse Upkicks (fastest startup) immediately. Oh, and you also build meter while doing this. Cool, huh?

  2. S.Mk. This is an oft-overlooked move for rushing down, in my opinion. This one is a good move for anti-air while rushing down (suppose your opponent just tries to jump over you), but it’s also a VERY important rushdown move in Shoto matchups. When you are just outside of a Shoto’s sweep range, S.Mk will stuff fireballs and Hurricane Kicks effortlessly. Also, unlike S.Mp (which admittedly stuffs fireballs, too), it won’t leave you susceptible to foot sweeps. In fact, if you throw out a S.Mk and see your opponent try and sweep you, you can immediately counter with your own sweep. So, while this move is important in all of three matchups, they’re a VERY important key to those matchups.

  3. S.Lp. This one isn’t exactly for pressure, but this one is for setting off DP characters. For example, lets say you just anti-air’d someone, so they’re gonna get reset you have about three or four options:

  • You can go in and do some sort of meaty attack, which runs a big risk of getting DP’d

  • You can throw a meaty fireball, which is safe, but widens the gap between you and your opponent (unless you’re in the corner, in which case, do this)

  • You can try to walk up and then stop, which is kind of awkward to do sometimes, because your opponent will already be reset really close to you, or

  • You can, as they’re landing, throw out a S.Lp (while holding back) to make them react with something. This is my favorite one, because it leaves you in a good position to do a lot of things: You can hit them back with a fireball, you can walk up and hit them with a combo as they land (C.Mk, C.Hp or C.Mk, C.Hk), or you can just throw them.

And, here’s some more situational moves:

  • If you are positive that your opponent won’t reversal (or you’re playing M.Bison), meaty close S.Hp is pretty excellent.

  • C.Lk is nice against DPers, because the hitbox doesn’t extend forward like C.Mk does. So, you can use it as a meaty from max range and usually avoid DPs.

  • S.Hk is good if you anticipate that your opponent will jump, cos it’ll hit them out of the air immediately. I wouldn’t try this TOO often, though. The only situation where I would even use this is if you have just pushed yourself out of the range for most of your attacks by forcing your opponent to block a few. This is the most likely time your opponent will jump, but there’s still probably better options.

  • C.Hk of course is useful because its your foot sweep, but don’t use it unless you’re sure you’re going to connect (hit or block), because it’s easy to counterattack.

There’s also a bunch of Chun AA’s that we’ve discussed at length in this thread. Go ahead and check those out - you have to learn new ones for almost every match, anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

sounds diverse enough, I’m definitely one of those that forgot about Thanks for the extra mixup tips, perhaps I won’t be dropping Chun-Li.

Anti sagat strats PLEASE.
The only matchup where i feel i loose because i picked the wrong character. Seriously i can’t do shit.

Im a lazy guy, so just some words.

Dont get involved in a prolonged fireball battle. cover the space to get near.

When you are not yet very near, eg. outside of his sweep range still, dont always go for frontal ground attack. You might run into tiger shot. Instead, do sometimes jump up straight + RH or Fierce when you come down.

RH for low tiger shot, Fierce for High and Low ones.

Thats one way of making Sagat hesitate throwing shots out, since his fists extend very far forward when he shoots them. So you can be outside of his Uppercut and normals range, but can still hit his limbs when he fires.

Also, do not try to low forward his low shot like you would shoto hados. It will whiff. Instead, do something “higher” hitting like crouch RH.

Also, a good sagat does not stay as far away as he can from you and shoot you up. If he does, do the same and jump in. Not much options there for sagat.
