Chun Li General Thread: Blue Jade

Well considering that Lightning Legs are all unsafe, c.MK xx LLegs is a pretty shit confirm. We already know that her trigger changes frames as her c.MP(?) was pretty much getting punsihed everytime it was used but in v-trigger it was a pretty good, safe poke. Need to also check if the multi hit normals take off extra grey damage on block. Also just saw combofiend combo after her overhead in v-trigger, but im not sure if she can do that outside of trigger as well.

I think her v-skill has some potential for tricky crossup stuff. Knockdown > fireball > v-skill and use fireball to: 1) make the approach safe, 2) use the pushback to setup left/right crossup stuff. Another use might be during footsie/poking range to try and tag a stray hit. If you dont hit with something then with proper spacing then you should end up as a crossup, making it harder to anti air. Bit less sure about this latter use but it’s just me thinking out loud, but im pretty sure the first one should work. At the very least it’s not a bad combo skill. Chuns v-skill feels like it has way more utility than some others we’ve seen so far.

Combofiend confirmed:
Critical Art not jump cancel at the end
D/F LK is NOT in the game for Chun Li…kiss that anti-air potential goodbye…

Hiya - you missed the point of my example. I was saying that you can confirm into Critical without the need for V-Trigger activated.
My example may not have been clear enough. Think of SF4 Ryu. xx Hadouken xx Super. If you hit Cr. Mk xx LLegs and then cancel in Critical Art for more damage and you can cheat the input because it’ll recognize the first initial input from the LLegs. You can do something similar with 3S Chun by using Kikouken as a "combo filler"
Plus we can link after LLegs on hit for continued combos. We you’ll definitely want to hit confirm into LLegs as much as possible.

Thing that has me most concerned is Peter called her a Mid-range/Poke character - in a game that once again lends itself to heavy offense thus far.
Putting her low on the food-chain, hence NO ONE is using her.

No i know what you mean. But while you CAN do c.MK xx LLegs xx Super. You cant hit confirm the c.MK to LLegs, so you have to do the LLegs on hit or on block. And since the LLegs are unsafe on block then you cant safely confirm c.MK xx LLegs XX Super. What im saying is that v-trigger will allow you to hitconfirm the c.MK so you dont need to do an unsafe LLegs on block.

It’s like Cammy can do c.MK xx Cannon Drill xx Super. But you wont see any good cammy do it randomly (guaranteed situations like whiff punishing/punishing is different) because you can’t hitconfirm from the c.MK alone and if you cancel into the drill, you’ll just get punished.

This is what im saying that v-trigger allows you to play a much safer game since you can do these far pokes and hit confirm into high damage. I cant be 100% certain but im pretty sure it allows better advantage-on-block situations, as seen from the c.MP stuff we’ve already seen. It should be able to let you do things like better f.HK pressure where the better advantage will allow you keep up block pressure or confirm into combos you couldn’t before when it hits.

Ricki and Momochi? used her day one in the team tournament, at the start at least, I had to go to work, so I’m not sure if they stuck with her.

They both didn’t use her day two, yeah, it looked like she was at least hard to use, possibly not very good. It probably didn’t help that she seems to be the character Combofiend is the worst at, so he can’t really advise people how to play her properly.

Nevertheless, Momochi in the team tournament, and Combofiend when he was playing against Ricki (who used Cammy) were the only times I saw her played well enough I was impressed. (don’t think I ever saw that kara throw UltraChen was talking about though).

Yea even though most people didt get to play chun when she was 1st showed off. Her v trigger was definitely better minus the double fire ball. Double legs cancelled into her palm and than to up kicks. Or spinning bird kick cancelled into her flip kick fits chun better

Can you post the source for this? Her super was jump cancelable in the previous build of the game.

It sucks but practically all the stuff we saw her do in the previous build were taken out. No flip kick, tenshokyaku target combo seems to be gone, no double fireball in V Trigger, no more ground bounces etc etc. It’s still very early but just based on the little I’ve seen, Chun sucks. Especially now that Combofiend is saying that she’s more of a mid-range poke character. That’s been her archetype for practically all her appearnces so I can’t really complain, but I really just wanted to play a more aggressive, offense oriented Chun, and it doesn’t look like that’s her game plan in 5. It just doesn’t look like she can apply pressure well and her V-Reversal effect almost confirms that assumption I have.

I’m really hoping that V-Trigger is gonna be a godsend for her


It was livesteam question from chat during Fiend vs MRoss’s sets earlier today.
Here is link to the video someone archived (thankfully the archived everything BLESS them for that)
I couldn’t tell you the time stamp to zip straight to but it is worth watching in its entirety


I’m right there with ya. I was able to see some interesting things today with V-Skill and fill up my notes a bit more.
Her V-Sill can be hit confirmed into and up close it makes the opponent aerial
Land a Stomp and then using TC Hp looks pretty good, but the problem with doing the whole stomp, cross up thing, you get MASHED out of it because it doesn’t link - anything that doesn’t link you run the risk of getting hit and I’ve seen it already multiple times!

I say change her V-Skill to HSU F+Vskill moves her HK distance, B+Skill LK distance, N+Vskill MK distance and dump D/F Mk - or make it track like Cammy’s spin knuckle

give us back D/F Lk - they can even give a launcher property when hit deep like V-skill does now

Early videos suggested she was offensive minded and I feel LLegs should be able to be extended like SF4, SFxTk. and should be safer on block considering her pressure always comes from LLegs.
Before anyone flames me with OMG SAFE - YOU NUTZ!OP!,
Her Hk Legs aren’t safe in 4 or XTk and Lk Legs aren’t something you want to use either, its why we extend Legs with Mk so they are safer and give a nice push back. It isn’t incredibly safe but at least safe enough to be able to block and not get hit on recovery.

taking away her juggle potential off J. Hp is pretty lame considering they’ve taken away other abilities - after all if she is Med-range poke character. She needs to be able to go Air-to-Air land, Ex SBK or something like that to knock the opponent away and gain ground.

Before someone flames me saying that right now there isn’t much utilize for Air LLegs. Although it looks cool doing the Momochi jump in with it in his little combo video prepare to eat a DP. I haven’t seen it tried but possible V-Skill into ALLegs is a good set-up

Afterall it is still Beta. I’m hoping they offer up a possible change list consideration.
Whole point of Betas is to receive feedback and find bugs/glitches so to make legitimate suggestion to Fiend would be great.

Why do you think she can’t apply pressure well, she has the fastest walkspeed in the game right now (given her history, probably in the final version too), she has her old Super Turbo close medium punch to generate frame advantage and hit confirm combos, she has a command short jump, and she’s the only character with a kara throw. Her V-Trigger makes all of her normals do bonus chip damage and have bigger frame advantage.

@Rayartz I’m not sure why you’re saying her legs aren’t safe in SF4 because they all are plenty safe as long as you’re not pushed out too far to cause the remaining hits to whiff (which shouldn’t happen that much since the primary cancel for block pressure is from cr. HP or cl. HK). That and the extended MK legs are actually + on block. The most negative is non-extended HK legs at -1… hardly anyone is actually capable of punishing that and no one should risk it because visually it isn’t that different from MK Legs. SFxT might be different, but I don’t play her in that game.

-Regarding SF5 Chun, most of my questions and concerns are pretty much already answered after watching the streams. She lost some stuff from SF4 and the earlier build of SF5, but she has other things she didn’t have in SF4. She does at least have a link into cr. mk from that st. Jab (or back+jab) that Momochi was doing quite a bit, so that’s at least one safe way to confirm (and that’s assuming IF LLs are actually unsafe on block). EX legs apparently are still safe.

The V-trigger allows more links from normals is what it looks like and it doesn’t burn away as fast as someone like Cammy’s, so pressure away. I can’t tell if it allows juggles when you anti-air someone with a normal, but it looks like a possibility considering the way they fall down.

F+HK is both a low crush and one of her crush counters and can also be linked into another normal in V-Trigger. In 3S it was actually safe on block and could link into super on crouching opponents… not sure if those properties are carried over but would be nice if it worked out that way.

This is just her in the current build. I’m fine with it as is, but I expect it to change a couple more times before the official release.

Yer they seemed to change their mind about Chun-Li and now she don’t feel “finished at all” compared to Ryu when they was first announced (they changed his ,shes a new character they removed ALOT

her df+lk being gone isnt that big a deal though she has a reliable anti-air this time around and her v-skill serves as a launcher

she seems to be playing sf3 atm

Wait, that video. At 5:08, did Chun actually do a c.MK - c.LP-link? Because that bodes REALLY well for the frame data of c.MK.

The main problem I’m having with chun ATM from videos is I’m not seeing this midrange poking character. That seems to be what birdie is good at. Chun seems to have lost many of her midrange crazy pokes. Both her and her seem range nerfed from sf4. Her new command jump looks like it will be gimmicky at best come when people get experience playing against it.

Her f+hk crush and some of her links along with her v trigger damage are the only things that are keeping her above water for me right now. But she doesn’t seem to have the cheese that a birdie or a dictator or even a Nash currently enjoy.

Also, she had one of the best backdashes in 4 and with backdashes now having no invincibility that would seem to affect her more than it does for others.

The one good thing is that hard knockdown safejump cheese has been done away with which was one of her most deadly detriments in sf4. So that’s a pretty big buff for her in that regard.

Chun has never been about cheese though. Well, except in ST, but everyone in ST had some really dumb stuff.

She seems to play less like she did in SF4, where she would poke people to death, and more like she did in 3S, where she would occupy space with well-placed buttons to shut down options, and where she got her damage from whiff punishing. She’s also the only character with a proper kara throw, which could be really huge even though we never saw anyone utilize it.

I just wish I’d seen more of the character. I loved the way Momochi played her, and Combofiend seemed to know what was up (including some v-skill headstomp shenanigans), but that was about it. It might be just because she seems very straightforward and honest compared to a lot of the other characters, where all the other characters had at least one thing that seemed really strong at the first glance.

I think it’s just Chun Li requires more setting up of her tools to get them to work. Her V Skill doesn’t just work to do something immediately good just by pressing it at the right time, her V Trigger doesn’t simply make her faster or anything really obvious, they all are tools that will have to be experimented with to get the most out of them.

She still has the best walk speed in the game and some good buttons so once her V tools are figured out and other things like kara throws and hit confirms are applied, she should look to be stronger.

All these names that I haven’t seen since vanilla SF4 popping up all of a sudden :3

Mainly because everything I liked about SF seems to be missing in SFIV and SFV looks like its bringing back the close game pressure and mid range that I remember from 3S, CVS2, Alpha 2 and such. Can’t wait. Definitely looks like a game I won’t stop playing after 2 years. The combos look much more varied than jab jab link into no damage and they’re actually doing something riskier with the meters than just super and ULTRA super. LOL.

Chun is the epitome of cheese in both A2 and 3s

I mained her in A2 and dabbled with her in 3s. She’s quite the stupid character in A2 with fireballs that are comparable to o sagat speed and a walkspeed like ST vega and ridiculously easy and damaging custom, priority of a god character and anti air for days.

I play her in A2 because it is rare to be able to play a character that good that isn’t banned. And gives a huge sense of power. Yes, I would call her in A2 cheesy and she’s probably even better in A2 than she is in 3s which is super crazy.

SF5 Chun looks super fun to use, I’m itching to get my hands on her :blush:

She looks to need some polishing in terms of making her a bit more consistent combo-wise but her basic gameplan seems solid.
Really looking forward to see what she’s able to do with her V-activate.

Her st.hp seems really good, it recovers really fast, like does in SF4. combod into in some video I saw, so you can probably pressure with it.
f+hk is going to be amazing because it links into lights, goes over lows and throws AND you have the special counter hit property.
b+hp seemed to have a very good hitbox, I think you’ll be able to use it as your pressure tool when applying a throw mixup.

Hmm, what else did she have?
Oh yeah, going to be interesting to see if you can do stuff like kikouken, v-skill into safe crossup/jumpin setups at the right range.

Her regular hk (?), the one that is HK in sf4, seemed to have a better anti-air hitbox too.

LOL, just skimmed the front page’s 24 videos - 1 Chun player…no love, no love
Yeah it’s cool to see some older members speaking up. Dime had just created that Chun Compendium when I found SRK and decided to join, lol.

Anyhoo I can’t really find any more footage of Chun played. I have a friend who has a PS4 who is going to Pre-order and play the beta.
I’ll try as much as I can think of with Chun and Cammy and report back. But that’s another month away. Anyone planning to attend CEO?