Chun Li General Thread: Blue Jade

Its her alpha 2 overhead flip kick (senen shuu) turned into a command normal. Nothing really new about it. Hazaanshu is just her 3s interpretation of the move where she hops a bit in the air.

Is this the senen shuu?

Nah thatā€™s her st. HK in 3S. Senā€™en Shuu looks kind of like a Hasanshu except she doesnā€™t hop with it.

Edit: At the 57 second mark of this video

From what Iā€™ve witness so far when Chun gets in and lands a hit confirm she can dish out decent damage and especially stun.
the key is getting those hit confirms.
Her v-skill doesnā€™t seem to great to me. I know combofiend raves about it, but I just picture her getting mashed out of it all the time with reversals or even jabs.
So either he knows something I donā€™t or heā€™s hyping the utility.
Just be able to do stomps and obvious cross-ups that DONā€™T combo are going to get you very far unless you can land a juggle opportunity.

Interesting to see her St.Hk be comboable after, but it was on a counter hit. So I want to see her land it without a counter hit.
Little disappointed they didnā€™t do a true character breakdown for Chunā€¦Oh well Pro Exhibition getting ready to start. Looking forward to seeing more Momo using her.

I need Combofiend to show us a breakdown of her V-Trigger. Everyone keeps saying she can get more combo ability and all that, but right now the whole thing looks very lackluster. I feel like we have a great sense at the obvious advantages of the other revealed characterā€™s v skills but hers. Unlike the others, it hasnā€™t been properly displayed in any of the matches with her so far. How dangerous does she get? Right now the advantages are just too subtle while everyone elseā€™s is much more overt.

Obviously only Combo would have a good idea at the moment. I hope he busts it out in a match soon. Iā€™m kinda liking what Iā€™m seeing of Chun, but I think those first trailers and exhibitions from the first build have really spoiled me. I feel like a lot of her cool stuff got taken out since then. Some of her tricks seemed more interesting than what they ended up replacing it with.

Itā€™s scandalous that noone is playing Chun in the tournament :o

Well I got several Cammy notes out of this tourney, lol.
I too really need to see a true breakdown of Chun-Li. Like I said before her V-skill is kind of, eh.
Now I will say she has a SOLID anti-air with the B+Hk, but we havenā€™t seen anyone try D/F Lk, which was in prior demo/trailers.
She has a Karathrow and to my knowledge ComboFiend said it is the only one in the game right now out of the cast.
Is her St.Mp cancelable?

Truthfully I think Chun needs to be played defensively SF4 style but offensively 3S style.
Think about it this way just as an example say you are using Cr. Lp, Cr. Mk or maybe St. Mp (if cancelable) xx (hit confirms go LLegs/No hit confirms xx Kikouken) Follow up with a poke or Karathrow.

All conjecture at the moment; I really need to see her in action more.

Did she lose the fireball stuff with v-trigger?


Yes. Combofiend confirmed all that got taken out

Iā€™d like them to keep the double fireball, but just let her have two fireballs on screen max.

Tbh Iā€™d be okay if she kept fireballs as was shown as long as she burned through meter very quickly to do so. Kinda like Cammyā€™s V trigger

Iā€™m thinking there will be some good links and juggles with those V-trigger normals.

Also I think landing the super leaves you in the perfect position to do a crossup setup with her V-Skill jump. I want to know if she has any ground target combos like the other characters. I spammed that question in the chat but it never got answered. I also think she kind of got jipped on a true character breakdown from Comboā€¦ both her and Ryu.

To me it doesnā€™t appear that she is a natural counter pick to grapplers. She seems much more offense oriented than she has been since 3s.

Not complaining as I find offensive chun to be what I like most (st chun ftw)

It could just be birdie though.

I donā€™t think anybody knows match ups yet , and let alone know what she can do.
I saw combo play her and he went in going ham and rushed down like crazy

Yeah I was thoroughly irritated that Chun didnā€™t get a true character breakdown - that was horribly lame, sorry Capcom, but Iā€™m not sorry. Character breakdown is CHARACTER BREAKDOWN! Show her off!

Momochi is really our best reference so far for what she can do in that brief video filmed by Choco. Ricky was all about Chun on twitter and didnā€™t even use her in the tourney. NO ONE DID!
That was sad. I personally think Cammy, Birdie and Bison are the three best at the moment.

I do have several notes on her though all of which have been confirmed on stream at some point. Today Iā€™m off work and will compile current working combos and post them later, same for Cammy if anyone is interested in both characters.

Even in casual tourneys, people actually want to win. Plus, PS4s are on the line.

I think weā€™ll get her character breakdown todayā€™s stream

Unfortunately all the character breakdowns are done.
Todayā€™s stream is only Editor Challenge and after that roughly around 2pm (my time) Single Elim tourney plays till around 5pm for free plays.
Lots of Scrubby play is going on right now, Youā€™d think there would be at least a measure of SF4 understanding of the people playing, but it is mostly mash mash mash mash.

Although interesting enough in the midst of scrubby place and mashing I noticed something interesting.
St. Hp xx CA works and does good bit of damage (so think of it like SF4ā€™s Chun cancel Super off St. Hp, linking into HP this will be a set combo)
LLegs juggles an airborne opponent, not sure what we can do with it - but we know LLegs can be canceled into CA - CA juggles with full animation according to Ultradavid; so it is note worthy