Haven’t posted in a Chi thread in months. God, I’m such a slacker.
CHICAGO 2016-2017 Thread: Welcome New Players, check out the Facebook Group page as its more active!
Domingo, DON’T bring the tortillas.
No way! None of those stale, 5 day old tortillas they have out there. ;p
(Not with el milagro’s factory right down the block from me. We’ll bring those bitches hot and fresh, right off the comal)
Looking good for about 2pm Saturday, too.
kof 2k2um was the game we used for the tournament at frosty faustings
kof 98 is still the most played I think
kof 13 should be out eventually.
Actually the game just got dumped but it’s in a very small circle, not leaked yet. And yeah like that dude was saying they got it at GGA last week.
Also I love tortillas
Man, you timed this thread perfectly Tactics. Good job capitalizing on the UFGT hype. Really looking forward to meeting some folks this Summer.
Also, it took me this long to realize that you’re the Ibuki that was on a serious winning streak in the smaller game room (the anime room, I called it). You played my roommate’s Makoto for a while. Good shit!
I’m probably a B+/A on the food tier. Do you work in a restaurant in the city? I work in the front of the house at a pretty excellent place that’s been getting a ton of press recently.
I’m not sure if I’ll be around long enough to enjoy the special shit on Saturday, but it sounds so good and I hope I can. I’ll probably bring something plain to throw on the grill, but I’ll make something ahead of time for folks to chow on too. Cooking and fighting games, holy cow.
I’ve been playing it super, super casually since proably 04/05. I have little to no understanding of how the games even work, I just mash out specials with the few characters I like. Still, way fun. I’d love to try XIII.
Hey Jerry. I got here about a month before stephan. He invited me to hit up Frosty Fausting (is that what it was called?) but it was NFL playoffs so I passed. I’ll see you around.
Apologies for incomplete info
Joe Lee
Rosemont (Basically next to the Rosemont station)
Not necessarily new to fighting games, just new to the scene.
GGAC- started in 2005, but haven’t touched it for about 2 years as I do not have ps2 stick or the game.
RTS (used to competitively, not anymore)
I have a car for the next three months.
No available Online IDs as the lag causes me to rage (blessing in disguise, in hindsight).
Name: Mike
Location: Lakeview, Chicago
PSN: Pandasmshr
SSF4: Abel, Juri
good times at UFGT.
Rikc if you work at Nightwood, get me all the smores donuts you can, the next brunch they’re serving 'em.
Or if you work at Alinea, introduce me to someone I can blow or let blow me for a job. (only partially serious there)
But to answer, I haven’t worked in that industry for about 4 years now, since selling my old place.
(A little hole in the wall biker bar/grill downstate, with an emphasis on gigantic oprah-head sized burgers, and obscure fried and battered everything. I’m such an idiot in retrospect, mmhm.)
Try to come through for sure on saturday, we’ll definitely meet and hang out.
And speaking of KOF, I’ve never played probably any of them longer than an hour or two, but I’ll be damned if 13 doesn’t look fantastic. Might wind up hitting GGA tomorrow instead of GW, if my ride situation shits the bed.
Damn that sucks, id go tonight if we could get time cards.
Also keep that info coming NEW GUYS!!! If I havent added you yet dont worry, I will do so very soon. Ill probably grind out the rest tonight and will organize it a little better so its easier on the eyes.
Man I can’t wait till Saturday now…
Might as well mutant up the intros a bit.
Name: Josh
Location: NW Side (Portage Park)
Transport: CTA/Metra/bumming rides
PSN: lurch_E_bean
AH3: Eko, Kira, trying to figure out Zenia
MK9: Kabal, Sindel
BBCS2: Taokaka, considering learning Tsubaki and Platinum if people actually play
Since there was a little talk of it earlier, if someone held a noob session for teaching people VS, I’d give it a shot. It’s always been one of those games I have the urge to learn every few months, then look up a bunch of stuff on the wiki, mess around in single player a bit, but have no idea what I’m doing, then forget about after a few days. I think the UFGT VS hype brought the itch back a bit.
Name: Stephen
Location: Logan Square
PSN: HungryAmbra
ssf4, AH3!, mvc3…anything capcom
Biking around, public trans.
why does everyone live in logan’s square?
Name: Andrew
Location: Chicago (UIC area)
XBL: BlueBalloon
I’m posting right now because I don’t know how to subscribe to this thread without posting first.
blue line supremacy for life
all you have to do is have one conversation with mightymar and he’ll start talking about the game eventually
Yay Kenny!
No GW for anyone tomorrow!
My boss knows the owners of Longman and Eagle, I can inquire when he is back from China.
Joe Leeeeeeeee!!!
Oh, I guess I should do this thing too.
XBL: "Kobayashi SRK"
I has car. PM me if you need a ride. Call/text if you have my number.
4 N. 481 9th Ave.
Addison Il. 60101
AREAXIII is where you go to sharpen your teeth. Here we don't just play for fun, we play to learn. If you want to get better at any game then you need to show up and ask questions. I built this place to service the fighting game community, both the new and the old players. The best players in the Chicago land area play here when they can and it's your job to knock them off their throne. Any game you play is played here. I built stations and set up 27" CRT televisions on each one of them but it's up to you to bring systems and games. Most importantly you should bring your stick or pad. Each station has it's own outlet. Having a duel modded stick really comes in handy here as well as at tournaments so I recommend getting that done when you get a chance. Phreakazoid is a local and he has made it very easy for people to get their equipment modded. ( PhreakModz.com ). AREAXIII is heated in the winter and air conditioned in the summer. The building itself dosent look like much and it's not, the bathroom has a functional urinal and that's about it. It's has everything you need to get better and I suggest you start showing up. We meet almost every Tuesday night and every other Friday we do a tournaments.
Tuesdays 6:30pm - 2am
Every other Friday 6:30pm open, tournaments start at 8pm.
I ask for a $5 donation for the night per person. Tournaments are $5 per tournament entered and all that goes into the pot.
I will be busy all next week so AREAXIII will be open again June 14th and the next tournament night will be the 24th.
be shure the check the thread often for schedule changes
If you have any other questions feel free to PM me on he SRK.
I wanna be like the cool kids, so…
Name: Brandon Brockman (most people call me Brock)
Handle: TuboWare
Games: SSF4AE (Yang/Blanka), MvC3 (Wolvie/Deadpool/Sent) and I poorly play CvS2, since I get no practice with it nowadays.
Hit me up on XBL: TuboWare
And if you are closer to central IL, hit up the UIUC/Central IL thread. That’s where Humbag, myself, and many others from UIUC post regularly.