Cheating in Halo 2 out of control

I’m w/ Flooper, Warlock is absolute shit. Haven’t played the winter level in matchmaking yet, it’s obviously Big Team Battle exclusive. Warlock should have been 2 vs. 2 exclusive. 8 ppl in Warlock for team slayer is absolutely retarded.

As for all this debate over Halo 2 as a good game blah blah. Halo 2 is its own shooter, it is nothing like Unreal or Quake, it is much slower, and different, and should be judged on its own merits. The reason the game is so high rated is because of the insanely vivid 1-player campaign, fighting alongside a big group of little AI guys, Vehicles, etc. That is the draw. The multi player is good too, esp. w/ vehicles. Good? YEs. Overrated? Probably. Best game ever? Not even close. Still, people are not buying this because of “band wagon” syndrome. It’s very fun and yes PC FPS are better but PC gaming is not mainstream like console gaming, that’s why shit like GoldenEye and Halo is so popular.

WoW, all you people are talkin about H1 and H2 like your good and know what your talkin about( Your prob decent at H2…but who isn’t ). H1 One of The Best Game’s ever ( Took skill, Strat, Everything )-H2 One of The Worst Games Ever( Takes No skill, just some strat ).

All you who are saying Warlock is the worst map, that just shows how bad you are. MLG TS on Warlock will show the better team. It’s the only map that takes skill and doesn’t depend on the luck of the spawn.

Bottom line…H2 sucks, and would be dead by now if it wasn’t for XBL.

Psst…Don’t listen to T1. He got GGPO’ed at MLG Orlando really badly. And he looks ugly too.

I think the new updates are fucking great.

Starting with Battle Rifles and having 3 Rocket Lauchers on Coagulation is the best thing to ever happen in Halo 2.

I used to hate that map because of fucking snipers and Banshees (overpowered piece of shit). Now that there is more rockets for Banshees and actally having a fighting chance with the BR when spawned by snipers, I love the map now!

Coagulation was an atomatic lost for me and the team before the update, but now, we havn’t lost one game on Coagulation!! :smiley:

Collossus was one of our worst maps to, but now starting with BRs and the melees doing damage, we haven’t lost on that map either. Before the update whoever had the Beam Rifle was going to dominate, but now it’s whoever has better team work wins.

I don’t know why there’s so much hate for Warlock? That’s my best map haven’t lost on that one either!! :smiley: The key to winning that map is control the top with BRs. Just like in Wizard in Halo 1. Control the top with Pistols.

There’s is things I don’t understand about the new update thou? Like the magnam being weaker. I read this article, The reason Bungie did that was because there was a bug that gave the player shooting the magam too much of a head shot bouns. What I don’t understand is why fix the magnam and not fix the sniper, I don’t know if it’s just me? but it seems WAY too easy to a head shot with the sniper in Halo 2. Sometimes it dosen’t even look like you hit the guy in head and you still get a head shot?

Well anyways I’m just saying that I like Halo 2 and I cosign fatboy.
If you don’t like it don’t play.

Love, La Bamba

LOL, ya getting on a sponsored team that I’ve never played with until Orlando then getting like top 16 in a game I really hate and don’t play is getting GGPO’d. LOL, you talk like you know what your saying. Plus, my team mates were horrible it was like getting top 16 when it was only me playing. I’ve beat so many Pro’s in H2 it’s not even funny. I hate that game with a passion and barely play it. Yet I’m still better then 95% of the people who play it.

Also I got like 4th in the Halo1 2v2 side tourney losing to the team who got second by 10 kills off-host on my worst map. Any time you wanna try me in Halo or Street Fighter feel free to put some money down on it. And stop tryin to be an E-Thug like everyone else on the MLG Forums.

Now it’s time for you to start talkin some random shit and make stuff up. That’s what MLG is famous for. Don’t come to SRK and try turning it into MLG.

Also WTF!?!? He look’s ugly to. Thanks for that I am really upset a guy thinks I look bad. LOL, I bet I’ve got more pussy in a week from hotter girls then you’ve ever seen. Then you’ve got in your life from your mom or anyone. Your mom’s pussy is prob the ONLY Pussy you’ve ever seen. Oh and were you at Orlando?!?!? Also if you were and you knew who I was why didn’t you come up to me and put some money down on those skillz you think you got? Your a scrub and always will be.

EDIT: Damn, I just can’t get over how this guy says I look ugly :lol:…I’m just happy my g/f who looks like she could be a model or in Playboy doesn’t think that. Ok, I’m gonna stop before I write a damn book about scrubs like you.

Could you go back in time and stop before you write that post?

I think we’d all appreciate it… =)

Put your cock away, kthxbye.

On topic… Turf is the ballz. Play some MLG TS on Turf. You’ll see.


you’re a quality poster

A hand model, right? Do yourself a favor; use your “girlfreind” to grab the mouse, edit that post and click delete. Then have her punch you in the ovaries until your knuckles meet spine.

WoW Random, when I talk to you in person your a cool guy and all but every post you make has to be cutting someone down. I think you have an issue were you like to cut other people down because your life sucks and it makes your life feel better.

lol@you singling me out.

No, just you, Troy. Just you. :tup:


You cut more people than lawnmowers…


Its ok Anthony, you don’t have to tell your child that you got SERVED by the young one.

Well thats good to here Anthony, now I don’t feel so bad.

edit: troy, still play customs?
speaking of cheating, I lost my 30 in head to head cause some guy got on top of lockout (not on top of sniper tower, on top of the elevator room). He sat there with a sniper rifle, and if I tried to go to the spot to super bounce, he shot a bullet to warn me not to go there since he got a hold of the sniper rifle. THerefor, I just ended up quitting since there was nothing I can do, I threw plasmas and frags, tried shooting him with a BR, nothing. Forget that shit.

Send bad feedback, that shit works

I just suck at Halo 2 :sad:

If you see “Setoshin” with a white symbol that’s me, a steel one is my roommate.

i think halo 2 is coo if u know what ur doing…ur got ur clans going all that good stuff…i think the super bounces are cool if u can use them in the game against noobs…just like any other game…its alwayz cool to make a noob look dumb

Thank Goodness we got that cheating under control huh guys :wink: