Characters in A groove with potential

Brazillian Shakira looking chick from KI2, or Orchid from KI1?

Gene…wtf’s up with your headline…?

You’re still too young for that shit…what did those old men do to you in Vegas…?

Whats the word on A-Guile as battery?

mago at evo. inside joke. kind of a long story. Go next year!!

hahahahahahahaha. you’re the biggest masher out.

i think a-hibiki is sick with it. bitch eliminated me from evo semis.

This is my breakdown of characters and tiers in A-Groove. It is only my opinion, based on my experiences using, viewing, and playing against these characters in A-Groove. I’ve broken the cast into 10 tiers - TOP, Upper-High, High, Lower-High, Upper-Mid, Mid-, Lower-Mid, Upper-Low, Low, and Lower-Low tiers. In my opinion, all the characters CAN be used in A (especially with Blanka and Bison behind them), it’s just easier for some characters to do well than others.



Hibiki’s inclusion may shock some people, but I firmly believe she belongs in the highest tier. She has everything you could ask for - Ground CC, AA, resets, able to combo into it (off her throw), etc.

Upper-High Tier

Kyo - see Hibiki. Kyo is really, really good - just not as good as the top 5.
Iori - not quite a poor-man’s Kyo, just a scrubbier man’s. Blanka is a hard fight for him.
Honda - strictly as a battery, you can’t do better than Honda. He may be too high on this list, but he’s still fairly popular on many people’s teams.

High Tier

Todo - the damage on his CC alone puts him higher than most of the cast. If you can land the grab, it’s automatic.
Sagat - He’s Sagat. Unless fierce is broken on the machine, he’ll get wins.
Ken - extremely versatile. Hit-confirm a c.short to c.jab chain and you have a guaranteed CC. His anti-air CC is also extremely good. If his REAL guard crush CC (not the repeated DP to kara twd.roundhouse BS, but the blocked ground CC) did chip damage, he’d be a tier higher.

Lower-High Tier

Eagle - this is a shock, I know. I see him as a great battery that can use the meter extremely well if need be. He might be a tier lower, but I haven’t experimented with him much. Combofiend has done well with him though (and popoblo I guess?), and AO messes around with him sometimes to good results. If his AA CC did more damage it wouldn’t even be questionable.
Cammy - see comments for Sagat.
Akuma - he can land a guaranteed CC every round.
Upper-Mid Tier**

Rolento - I never said he wasn’t good, just that his setups aren’t practical. He still does great GC on a wrong guess, can counter CC for good damage, and annoy the hell out of his opponent.
Joe - Ok, this is a shock, I know. Version used to use him and would romp when he was on, die horribly if he was off. There’s another Joe player in Tokyo that used to play a lot back before More backstabbed their clientele, and he was great with him. The thing with him is landing an anti-air Short Tiger Kick. If he does, it’s a free CC. It happens more often than you’d think.
Vice - another shock. Sagyousa uses her as an R2. Combo’d rush near the corner leads to HUGE damage. Sure, he’ll mess it up once in a while, but he’ll land those Tiger Knee’d lightning legs more often than not. Plus her RC grab and sleeves let her do damage in the meantime. Maybe I’m putting her too high, but if you see Sagyousa use her, you’d think twice about putting her low on the list.
Guile - not quite to the level of Sagat or Cammy, but he’s Guile. As a battery, he’s really good. His ground CC is easy, although you shouldn’t ever use it. STSFB.

Mid Tier

Chun, Athena, Ryu, Maki, Mai, Kim, Terry, Ryo, Chang, King, Rock, Benimaru, Rugal, Yamazaki, Geese.

As a group, these characters aren’t so great and not too horrible - for various reasons.

Lower-Mid Tier

Dan - I think he can do well, he’s just Dan.
Balrog - THE sleeper on this list. I think he has great potential, but no one has bothered to really take the time to learn him.
Yuri - Could probably be in the tier above, especially with her GC CC, but no one really uses her seriously.
Nakoruru - see Yuri, except for the GC CC comment.
Zangief - Ok, I do pretty well with him. But I can’t tell if it’s because he’s a good character or if it’s because my opponents just don’t know how to fight against him. He’s good enough so that I wouldn’t put him in the “low” tiers.

Upper-Lower Tier

Dhalsim - Now, if Iyo used him in A, he’d probably be two tiers higher. But I am just seriously NOT scared of an A-Dhalsim. He can’t combo into his CC, and he has no true AA CC
Raiden - Another hard choice. Honestly, I just felt like I had to make an Upper-Lower Tier and came up with two characters to put in it.

Lower Tier

Morrigan - Probably a mid, but is anyone scared of a dash-Morrigan? Her lack of a GC CC (and consequently, her inability to lockdown P and K) doesn’t help her cause any.
Yun - does shit damage, but could be a good battery? Ameri-Ken used him back at one Evo and beat old school Bas.
Haohmaru - If I ever lose to Haohmaru I get pissed at myself and come back and beat his ass. I think Justin used to use him, but I don’t see what’s so great about him. He could possibly be (and likely IS) a mid-tier character, I just hate him. :lame:

Lowest Tier

Kyosuke - This is a little harsh. I actually used to use him from time to time, and as far as using his meter, he’s not bad. The problem is getting that meter. He’s slow and does shit damage, so he usually gets killed pretty quick. If he started the round with meter, he could probably kill a character, but honestly - are you ever going to use a battery for Kyosuke?

I would of thought A - Geese would be a little higher what keeps him mid tier?

On paper he seems really good. I struggled with where to put a few of the characters, but I haven’t ever seen a good A-Geese, so I stuck him in the middle. Again, my list is only my opinion, based on my own experiences. It’s not gospel.

I see yeah its a shame you dont see many A - Geese players I like him.

I use Rolento first… He can build meter really quick all day long and his CC is fairly easy with nice damage.

Also, Eagle tears everyone up in A.

db+fierce (or strong? i think it was fierce), activate, short slide -> etc. (he still sucks)

i always forget the answer to this, but im pretty sure joe can link a cc activation off of bakucancelled hands

yuri gets a lot better against big characters that cant duck her reflector. i think she’s pretty decent actually (mid-ish)

cant nakoruru link an activate off a df+fierce?

daidouraku videos are fun to watch. dude uses the crappiest chars in agroove (ok, kyo is good, and sometimes he uses hibiki) and does neat stuff

i love you

hmmmmmm A-Geese…

love you, too.

A-Gunter hes top tier.

what does everyone think of a-kim?

You don’t need tactics, just the ability to execute setups and pick one without thinking. AKA roll madness. Trying to play him methodically and solidly in A-groove is something I haven’t seen yet. And besides…it’s infuriating getting beat by something like that so you have that as a factor, too. Best reference I can give is Don Tran…he has a lot of neat scrub-killer setups and he seems to just pick one randomly. It works…


dude was made to do combos


A-Sage is God Tier.

so i was using a-kyo/iori/eagle today, and I realized I really don’t like using a-kyo against cammy. Dude is pretty good against sagat though.