Characters in A groove with potential

does it really take 6 frames to start up guiles

i’m asking because i wanna try out a-guile and want to know whats his fastest move to do after a CC activation.

Kim is pretty fun to play in A Groove. I think having meter gives him some elements that he wouldn’t have normally. I can see A-Kim being used at higher levels of play, although my style of play for Kim may be a little bit unorthodox and maybe even a bit reckless.

Most of my game revolves around rolling (no pun intended). My main goals are to roll past them and force them into a guessing game and to break my opponent’s spirit by landing as many flash kicks as humanly possible. Doesn’t always work in tournies, but its fun to try.

But you don’t want to just let your opponent guess randomly, cuase they’ll guess right more often than not and punish you. So I try to train them to defend against one thing and then start doing something that counters that defense. Before long they’ll have 3 or 4 different things to worry about after the roll, and at that point i just start picking things randomly.

So spam rocks until they learn to start using paper, and then start throwing scissors at them. Then once you get bar (which isn’t too long for kim with solid rushdown and pokes) you get a magical 4th item that beats rocks, paper, and scissors. And i think the fear of random activates that the full bar instills is more powerful than the damage potential of kim’s customs (his customs aren’t that great). Rolls become much more effective when anyone of them can end in an activate (not that his roll wasn’t already good, but now its more better).

I think if someone took my over the top rushdown guessing game style and applied a little bit of patience and maybe some smarter play, A-Kim would be a force to be reckoned with.

w00t credits.

Random activates are as it sounds…random. You can’t possibly use it consistently. Plus Kim’s CC doesn’t do all that much damage, so it’s not giving him any sort of advantage over say C-Kim. The only extra thing I see A-Kim gets is an Anti-air CC, but Kim’s already has plenty of other AA’s that are good.

The lack of a solid activate combo is the same reason that A-Rolento is stuck in mid-tier, and why C-Rolento is regarded as better than A-Rol.

Did anybody mention A-Boxer? Adding the ability to CC off AA rush uppercut or a good AA cc seems like a good add to his ok poking game and decent roll.

kims CC is easier to do than,, lk into super. :bgrin:

not saying that A-kim is superior to C-kim, because he aint, but a-kim has some decent CCs. i’m pretty sure he can combo his activation off c.lp or was it haven’t tested it out tho, but i’m pretty sure.

the only other a-kim player i played besides tae was this dude in norcal a few years ago, dunno does he still play tho.

you can link of cr.lp, but it doesn’t look consistent imo.

all i know is tae smells like feet

no one uses a hibiki no more :frowning:

I’ve been thinking about rearranging my team so that she’s in there instead of Eagle or Blanka. Either Eagle/Bison/Hibiki or Hibiki/Bison/Blanka. I like the first set up a lot against A-Are, actually. I know Eagle loses to vega hard, but I like that matchup, it feels a lot easier than everyone says. I like Hibiki vs blanka too, feels like he has some trouble there.

Eagle vs Vega is a better match for Eagle…Eagle’s got two pokes that out prioritizes vega’s and…

According to everyone else on here, its a rape fest for vega. He just runs all over eagle, but honestly, I’ve yet to have that happen to my Eagle. I took nestor’s vega out at Evo East with my Eagle and his vega is hella solid. I just like that matchup. Just don’t whiff anything.

A-Ken should be alot higher. He’s scrubby and advanced!

Also, That guy is soooo right GOOD players take risk…just not the elite ones.

you have never been good

wtf are you talkin bout?! When do I take risk?!

i’m convinced a yama is good. not top tier or anything, but a whole lot better than i gave him credit for originally.

Yama is pretty versatile. I’m in the same boat, I think he’s a really solid battery in A groove. His full screen custom isn’t terribly hard to do, either and it does decent damage (better than vega/claw). If he lands a custom in the corner or close to it, it’s easily upward of 7-7.5k damage.

The fact that he builds meter just as fast as he uses it is a huge plus too. I’d say he’s up in the top 5 as far as meter building goes.