Characters in A groove with potential

Nice try scrub.

First off, Vice’s custom does about 6k if you’re lucky. Plus she has no setups. Shes just not good in A-groove PERIOD.

LOL, if someone picked A-Yama I would laugh until the time ran out. Yama has ZERO setups, a non damaging custom which is only usable in the corner. A-Yama is right on par with A-Zangief…TRASH.

A-Akuma hits customs off hurricane kicks which is free guaranteed damage. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Akuma match where a player didn’t land a hurricane kick with him.

And A-Chang has all kinds of mixups cuz of Choi, bellyflop-bait, AA Custom.

So don’t come spitting nonsense at me until you know what you’re talking about.

A-Kyo has great potential. Also, Kid Icarus, you may wanna talk to Gunter.

A-Yama is good. Go David.

I’ll second Akuma’s damage with CC…anything that gets over 30 hits is always good damage.

Not many like him in A

But I’m saying A-Kyo…

i dunno i’m just spamming.

fulgore also got that sickass slide. you could probably do hella those in a GC CC. also them triple fireballs. and that dp for aa cc…


jago got the same shit cept some dumbass flying kick instead of slide.

is there ANY character that’s not good in A? i don’t think so

Eh. There are a few characters who suck in A-Groove…like Vice or Yamazaki. I’d say Yama can be used in any groove, but in A, he’d be strictly battery.
Speaking of A-Groove beasties, is there anyone on record who plays Sakura outside A? I was going to ask the same question about Bison, but then I found Dr. B.

jago has the sword swing move too. good for corner GC. YEEEEE

heres a new a groove combo i compiled, i was bored. enjoy.
Gene’s A Groove Combos

-TJ Combo 7.2k
[media=youtube]VAPXaMAHRuI[/media] 6.8k
[media=youtube]dj0Yt2K3hzQ[/media] 6.5k

Akumas does the least damage out of all of them. Surprise Surprise.
Know who else has no setups? Rolento. Yes he has ways of tricking you into getting hit by a custom. Guess what? Everyone else does too. Not as good as rolento, but there are ways. Everyone falls for roll activate, whiff activate, dash activate. Its not like neither of them will never ever get a chance to hit a custom. Thats completely unrealistic.

Im pretty sure you can link into a CC off a meaty low forward with yamazaki as well but itd be better to just bait into a cc.

Also, akuma hits a hurricane every match just like vice hits a shoulder tackle every match. Vice also has a CC setup off a command grab

Surprise surprise you only post one video of A-Akuma. Well heres one smart guy with Akuma doing between 8-10.5K worth of damage…thats what I thought. [media=youtube]0gf1uAuIYtY[/media]

Did you just say Rolento has no setups? You have to be joking. And whats this about how everyone has ways to get tricked by getting hit by a custom? Obviously, that has nothing to do with characters, anyone can walk up to opponent crouch for 2 seconds and then activate, or roll activate, empty jump activate, its called random activation.

Hit me up with some sick Yamazaki setups, I’d love to hear them.

Ok, so tell me you’re crazy damage custom after Vice hits you with a shoulder tackle? Is it the one that you can’t end with a super, unless you’re fighting against Rolento or Dan? Siiiiiiiick.

This thread makes my day.

A-Athena is her best groove. She can guard break and shave off at least 50% of oppoenents health in corners with the hcb + rk. She also have several customs in the corner that racks up around 9000 damage.

A-Kyo b&b custom is easy to do. [D/F rk, s.rk X3], repeat then super. The anti-air with the DP is tricky but once master it does good damage. His guard break works almost as well as Sakura’s.

I always wanted to pick up A-Chang. But I never had the patient to do so.

All of those videos are mine (although bas did the combos for Akuma when he was living with me at the time). All of Akuma’s high damage CCs are combo’d into (some with 2 air fireballs, like that’s really going to happen) and/or done half screen. Yama can get more damage (than the video I made) by doing a jump kick also, or by being near the corner.

The ONLY practical setup Rolento has is a jump kick. The only POSSIBLE other ones he has are off of air-to-air knife, springboard punch, and the end of a patriot circle. None of those are common. Most Rolentos get their CCs off in counter-CC situations and no-tripguard situations. Same with Yama.

Crossup roll, activate, c.short is unblockable. It’s a setup.

You don’t need a super with the damage that it does. There are better options in A than Yama and Vice (and even Zangief, who you mentioned earlier). But A is still the best groove, so it’s the best groove for THEM. If you want to use those characters, use them. Just put Blanka and Bison behind them. I can tell you live in a theory-fighter world. All you want is guaranteed stuff. Good players will minimize opportunities. You have to take risks. GOOD PLAYERS TAKE RISKS. You just have to take them when the risk isn’t so big as to be suicidal.

K so Gunter got the post before I did. Thanks for saving me the time gunter. Also I said I think Yama can link into a cc off a meaty low forward.


there arent many videos of kichinii since hes way out in kyuushu, but in the short amount of time that i was there i got the impression that he’s maxed out a-rolentos potential

he hits air-to-air knife -> cc. not every game, obviously, but enough to make it something to think about. something like once every 3-4 games. i’d say it at least happens much more often than yama landing a hcf+k counter near the corner

another thing rolento has going for him is random super ambiguous cross up/non cross up jumping mk -> cc

he can set up an equally super ambiguous cross up/non cross up during a blocked cc. it’s really scary actually. scary enough that i burn meter to AC him off me instead of risking it. togawa lost to kichinii at sbo2 because he was expecting the cheap parlor trick cross up during the blocked cc, but instead kichinii did the advanced move and hit him with the non-cross up

that said, i think a yama, vice, rolento and akuma are all pretty average


I wanna see you guys playing these A groove characters. Perhaps you guys should post some vids up. Less fulgore combos and more cvs2 PLEASE.

*Looks at keith
*waves at Gunter!

<3 :lovin:

you need to stop hating on fulgore. hes actually low tier in that game, how i knew that i dont know. And so is my homie JAGO.

-Fuglore Buddy