I… hate Ryu/Ken in this game period. They’re too overpowered. The only tip I have against Hugo’s are he has a weakness to cross ups. I read this a while back in the Juri thread, but I never confirmed it.
I play ken and thus have a good grasp of how to fight him as lili. You just gotta block it and even then it could still hit. You could also try neutral jumping the move if ken is using it to get into your face. If he’s not trying to cross up then you adante or lp counter. If ken is doing that “frame trap” and ending it with hadoken he is -9 on block…like bad. You need to walk up and throw st. mp in his face and hit or being your frame trap. If you feel that doesn’t work use ex counter to make him stop.
Yes hugo gets molested by cross up. I should know because i abuse the holy hell outta the ken hugo match. Hugo can’t do jack shit about Ken flying all over the place. Even ex air grab can whiff on ken because of the arch of tatsu.
You can stop Ken’s air Tatsu with st.MK if he does it at a range where he’ll easily land in front of you without Tatsu and cross you up with air Tatsu. At this range, Andante will whiff if he Tatsus, so I don’t recommend trying it. If he jumps from a bit closer to where he’ll just land in front of you or cross you up a good deal, st.MK will whiff, and you should use jb.HK, as well as neutral jumping with j.LK -> j.MK TC.
May I have some notations fora reliable safe pressure string? People mashing crouching jab is really annoying.
st.LP -> st.LP is a massive frame trap. After two or three, you’ll be pretty far out due to the pushback outpacing her walk speed, so at that point you can do st.LP, st.MP, d+LK to get back in their face, or neutral jump HK Air Spine Shot aimed at their feet, or forward jump EX Air Spine Shot, or cr.MK xx LK/EX Sunflower Lance to play low -> high.
Her other relatively jab-proof links on block are:
st.LP -> cr.LK/cr.LP/st.LP (1 frame gap)
st.MP/cr.MP -> cr.LK/cr.LP/st.LP (2 frame gap)
st.LP -> cr.MP/cr.MK (2 frame gap)
st.MP/cr.MK -> cr.MP/cr.MK (3 frame gap)
cr.LK -> cr.LK (3 frame gap)
Thanks! I have also noticed that I can only stop rolls with feisty rabbit if i end it on sunflower lance or cloisonne and not a throw. am i doing something wrong or does the throw set up not work?
I’ve been trying to figure out oki for her knockdowns. Here’s what I have, meager as it is:
Forward throw: nothing substantial, best I have is just walk up meaty or forward jump MK ASS to hit front then land as a cross-up. You’re negative on block, but if you hit it’s free pressure, and the cross-up might get some people.
Back throw: free dash up meaty or j.MK cross-up, unless they auto-correct a DP. You can cross up with FR, but only MK/HK, and it’s punishable, so it’s not an option.
f+MP, HP combo ender: forward empty jump, cr.LK. Very effective mix-up, and if they block, well, you get free block strings.
SL: LK FR to cross-up, into cr.LK/f+HK/IA EX ASS/st.LP pressure.
When it comes to mirror matches what do you guys do?
Also how do you approach steve?
Treat the lili match up like you would any other. Try not to fall for the same set ups you do on your opponents. Block any non ex sunflower lances and use st. jab to punish it. -4 on block
Don’t be afraid to counter too.
For steve. Let him frame trap enough where you get a good idea on what normals he uses. Counter afterwards. Steve is horrid on KD so you’ll be able to exploit that.
If I catch rolls with submissive heel do the frame properties change in my favor or is it still -6 on block?
Hey guys i hate to ask this but could you guys give me a quick short list of her best BNB’s i should be using cheers.
There is a good section of them located on first page.
yes still -6.
I’m trying to find away to punish rolls when i cant cross them over. Any suggestions?
By the way after any string that ends with the opponent blocking a Dendrobium which is minus 2. go for a counter if you know for a fact the other player is pushing buttons. the counter will act as if it were a 3 frame move. I tried this with a dummy and in the rare event that I got hit it was blocked. does this means it caught the lili dummy in the motion for the counter resulting in it registering as a block?
You can dash up and throw them. You could also do ex sunflower lance because you’re not at any risk if they block it and if they don’t well you get easy 30% damage, that’s a good 50/50. You could also do ex fiesty rabbit and commit the opponent to another 50/50 mix up. You could also read the roll and jump back and do lk to mk air chain combo and that will really throw them off if they aren’t used to it and they might block the wrong way.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say about the lili dummy. Let me assume your input was spot on. Like its a legit half circle. Sometimes the dummy does hiccup and a move or motion can regiesters as a block. Happens all the time with my ryu dummy if i don’t let him hit cr.mp cr.mp to ex donkey kick.
Guys i need some help. I recently tried to learn Lili as i am still trying to find a suitable 2nd character for Gief(Ogre doesnt work that well for me in high level play), but i encounter to specific problems this far.
I try to recreate the situation in which the air spin shot(db K) prevents the opponent from rolling forward after a knockdown, but it just doesnt work. I see people do this all the time, but i just cant or i have been misinfromed that this actually works and the opponents in this videos just doesnt roll forward.
The other thing that bothers me is that i cant get a special after cr. HP on a launched opponent. Basically all the combos that ends with EX Rabbit Thorn and/or cr. HP to wind spear special doesn work for me. Lili just hits the opponent 2-3 times and the rest of the special doesn connect. Pls help, thanks
Use the HK follow-up to EX Rabbit Thorn. It will juggle them for a wall-bounce.
cr.HP xx Super rarely works off a juggle for Lili. The most consistent way to Super an airborne opponent is using her target combo cr.MP, f+HP xx Super.
Can anyone please tell me what her best go to anti air is?
Andante (Down-forward + HK). Use st.MK against crossup tatsu and when you’re too close for Andante.
Thanks mate.