[Character Guide] The Lili De Rochefort Walkthrough (w/ Combos/Strategy/Matchups/Videos/Frame Data)

She’s very gimmicky from what i’ve discussed with pals who use her. You really gotta hit people with all her nasty gimmicks. once you know them though it makes the fight for asuka very tough. I personally think asuka is like lili wherein they shine most with meter. Asuka def can sit back and hold the life lead because you can’t jump in on her or get to close to her or even press many buttons on her without risking eating a counter. Two meter hungry characters find it hard to coexist in sfxt. I know for a fact that if i have meter and lili’s out i’m using it at any given chance. If asuka is out she needs that meter to prevent people from overwhelming her.
Look for a character who doesn’t need meter to do damage and who also can build it for lili. Someone said they used law, i think that’s a great partner to consider. You could also try julia, my friend and I are gonna use that as our team for 2v2. You could also try out my team, Ken and lili. The good thing with lili is she is so flexible, but you need to make sure that she has the meter. Lili can’t be building meter for x character to use. She’s rich and she likes to spend her money.Those are some things to think about as you look at the overall cast. Don’t worry about tier list or what team does said damage. Find two characters and sit in that lab for hours. It’ll all come to you before you know it.

I was thinking about Xiayou. I just havent put in the time for her. I hear once you get her down though she’s a real monster. I might try her out a bit too. I just really wanna use someone everyone else isnt. Tried Bob, not really feeling him. Steve is cool, but I feel like he needs meter too.

I so wanna use Asuka but she really had no buttons to help her get in or anything. And her moves need buffs like her Sweep Throw. It whiffs when you’re right in someones face.

I mained Lili/Asuka since the start and I can say that they work pretty well together.

I use little meter in combos with Lili, I usually end combos with lk knee > cr.hp xx deo > f+mk ~ st.hp. I think using meter with Lili is more important for her tools rather than a bit of added damage.

I think people are sleeping on Asuka, yes she has a terrible set of normals and footsies, but it’s a team game, Lili gets in quite easy and I launch/tag cancel into Asuka and Asuka has really good oki and mixups and really damaging meterless combos with f+mp or df+hk . Asuka does have a good set of meterless AAs, but it’s just all situtional like Chun Li in SFIV.

This is probably a stupid question but is there any special reason why I cant *cr.HP xx Team Super to work after a tag in? Its just not coming out… *

Props on the incredible guide btw im learning a ton of invaluable things.

When you do a Tag, your partner is still on the screen trying to leave. You cant team super if your partner is on the screen, so do a small combo THEN Team super.

Wasn’t there a lili video that went into detail on the pressure strings / frame traps available that lili was capable of (shown in a post on shoryuken front page)? I’ve been looking through all the videos and can’t find it anywhere.

Found a pretty good Lili tutorial on youtube. It runs down her basics and how she should be used. Nothing really that hasnt been mentioned in this thread already but I thinks its good to see some of her bullet points in action. Im not too sure but I may have seen this on here before but theres nothing in the tutorial vid spoiler atm so why not post it.



All credit goes to /www.youtube.com/user/ThwompBlock

Hello fellow Lili players, how are you finding the beautiful blonde? I’m just here to report that her spin kick (QCF+K) is unsafe on block, if your opponent is looking for it, they can also mash jab in between the kicks, so don’t use it against smart players! Her EX version is safe on block

How are you guys finding Lili against the common Street Fighters? I fought a Dhalsim the other day and my theory was confirmed, she will body him for free in the future. Although it must be said, he wasn’t aware of her capabilities. Also, try to condition your opponent to not jump with the counter, and then when they start to empty jump just use Andante, it really does work a charm.

Oh, and her one frame link is a must learn, as her juggles are wonderful to watch.

Peace out everybody.

Just put this up on the guide

any insight on dealing with Heihachi and Chun li? I cant deal with the constant high low 50/50 mix up that leads to over 50% my health and chun li’s normals are far too strong for me to compete.

I don’t know about chun li, but after Heihachi does a forward lp(block) and he’s always either going into the target combo low or high followup you can get in a mp counter that will cover both options.

They will eventually start mixing it up with sweep etc but you’ve stopped one of their pressure options, hope this helps.

having meter to spare can we blow up crouch tech with her dive kick since it can be tk’d.

chun aint that bad for lili. If you let her bully you around you’ll die. Consider that you both have 900 hp. If you have meter do not be afraid to get into chun’s face. Her wake up options are as bad as lili’s. If you are knocked down test the chun’s knowledge of the match up and counter her. cr.lk is common for chun players to throw out. The time where you should strike is if you have one bar and she throws out kikoken. Ex sunflower lance and you pretty much get in and 30-40% damage on her.

I have some anti roll tech with Lili hope this is helpful

Forward Throw:
After a forward throw do a backdash, then a netural jump into Saisaris the MK of Saisaris will cross your opponent up and then you can hit confirm into a combo afterwards so this is a good tricky set up.
Another one after forward throw is forward dash, jump back into HK dive kick it can cross up certain characters and even if they block it you will be on the opposite side of them and you can’t DP this set up the DP will whiff unless they know how to auto correct then I recommend doing LK dive kick instead.
Another is after the throw take like 2 or 3 steps back and then do a dash cancel forward so you can end up on the other side of the opponent and once your on the other side you can go for a overhead or anything you like I think dive kick is best because with this set up it’s tricky to block if spaced right.

Untechable Knockdown:
The best option I found for this is either Feisty Rabbit or a delayed jump back dive kick and the reason why I say that is because both are pretty gimmicky and spaced right you can make it cross up or not cross up so it’s very tricky but just so you know LK feisty rabbit won’t cross up while MK and HK will but you have to backdash or at least take a step back. Another set up is backdash then netural jump into EX dive kick this is very tough to block and it’s safe on block :slight_smile:
But I really do like Saisaris in this as well

Ok now that I’m done with that I don’t see alot of people using Lili’s air grab it’s very good when it comes to air to air I’m starting to use it alot more and her parry is under used but I can see why it’s not that good but the EX version is pretty helpful and you can avoid a high low mixup from a few characters. I plan on going more in depth with footsies and set ups so there is more to come. I think I’m becoming pretty good with Lili

And one more thing I found out with characters that have a two hit DP you can tag cancel and do HK Feisty Rabbit and get a wall bounce from hit but when you come in from the cancel do the LK Feisty Rabbit and then cancel that with the HK for the wall bounce.

Made a new video of me using my current team, Ken & Lili. The main focus of these combo’s is practicality and less on style, though some are just styling. Please leave a comment and tell me what you thought.


Oh yeh I also saw a Lili do divekick on chuns wake up and it beat out ex sbk(haven’t actually tried this out myself)

I mean 3 things happen if you do this on her wake up. You stuff the move, you trade and it sends you flying the other way, or she beats you and sends you flying in the opposite direction. 2/3, the odds are in your favor. Go for it. Do ex or hk dive kick because it start ups more slowly and will hit chun on her whiff. When I try to go for cross up mk dive kick i usually trade or eat the ex spk. Try not to be too eager to do dive kick asap. You want to make chun commit to the reversal first. If you do it too quickly she’ll beat you as you land. It’s better to do it in the lab or play a friend who has chun on their team to practice the timing.

I just found out while training that Lili can Pandora Mode setup into herself. While you’re opponent is flying towards the wall tag in your partner, jump forward and activate Pandora Mode once your opponent is directly above you.

I made a short video showing a few more Ken and Lili Pandora combo’s, though you can do the solo combo with any partner because they are only used to set up Lili’s entrance. Well, you watch. Enjoy :smiley:

Edit: Removed the combo that was not possible outside of training room and added a new one.

When I was making my combo video yesterday I was a little bit disappointed in Ken’s potential to setup a Pandora mode combo, but with this discovery you don’t need Ken too create a setup, Lili is a one character Pandora mode machine. If you haven’t seen my Ken and Lili combo video it is posted a few links back, or just check it out on my YouTube account here.


Cause I was bored.

Ok so im struggling with a certain zangief tactic, especially in the corner it gives me nightmares. All they do is hold forward and KKK lariat and I get caught on block stun. I realized that the KKK lariat is lower body invincible, so how the heck do i get out of this hell? ESPECIALLY when i don’t have meter for alpha counter