[Character Guide] The Lili De Rochefort Walkthrough (w/ Combos/Strategy/Matchups/Videos/Frame Data)

Gems are preference anyways, there isn’t a best gem “build”

True. It’s whatever the user deems fit. I don’t think gems give a huge broken advantage when i play online. I personally think the skill really does matter in the end.

I just wish Alioune came here on SRK and helped me with this guide

Hey, so what is a good way to sneak in Lili’s overhead on opponents? Every time I try to do it I feel like it’s hella obvious that I’m trying to land the overhead or my opponents are always mashing buttons and I get jabbed out of it. I run Rolento and Lili so the only way I can think of doing it is during a tag while Rolento is doing a patriot circle but that seems pretty dangerous if I get alpha countered. Any tips?

I try to kinda condition them into not pressing buttons with counter so they’re just sitting there and kinda sneak it in

Aside from conditioning them to not press any buttons, you’re either going to want to do it after a standing jab (+3 on block, giving them less time to press a button), after a j.HK (Lots of block stun, but they’re more likely to press a button), or just on their wakeup.

I usually do a meaty one after a roll

Yeah you gotta condition them. They have to eat a lot of lows into damage. Cr.mp is crazy safe and crazy meaty on your opponents wake up.I usually do a cr.mp into a cr.mk and wait and see what the opponent does. It’s all a matter on what you’re doing to your opponent to make him respect you. I say letting them eat a few counters on their wake up will always stop them from pressing buttons.

need to update her combos. I have a question too: I posted a reset in the synergy thread, and I was wondering if anybody is interested in this kinda thing? Lili has stupid good options and pretty good damage for this stuff.

New to playing Lili, been trying out her specials which could start of tag cancels combo but cant find any to use to juggle with my other characters (Xiao and Asuka).

Edit: found it her tag cancel starters arent very good dont juggle high enough to get max damage from Asuka :frowning:

Do you have lili on point?

I recommend having her 2nd because she juggles really well

I have her as 2nd with my Xiao or Asuka just wanted to know just in case lili was on point with low health and needed to switch but her switch starters suck since they dont juggle them high enough for Asuka to get her max damage switch combo.

Here some of my Lili. Any tips or bad habits or any advice on things Im not doing or doing.


I could only see like 3 mins cause im running to my class buuuut. U lost ur first match because u werent using meter. When lili has meter u need to burn it. The bulk of all her damage comes from ex move into another ex move. If i.had done ex sunflower lance to cr. Hp lk sunflower law woulda died. Like ur footises though. Good stuff. I’ll give more input later mang.

You need to syngergize your team more. It seems like you just play as Lili until your health is low and then just tag Asuka in to finish off the match. Learn switch cancel combos for both characters and start using those. Especially if you’re running Lili on point, she can link into her launcher off of a jump-in AND f.MK~MP. That’s major damage and a juggle opportunity for Asuka. You can also do that if you land f.MK~MP on a crouching opponent instead of a measly Bed Time xx Sunflower Lance combo.

And yes, use your meter.

How do you use Lili against Kazuya?

I find myself having trouble with players who jump a lot. Of course her anti air roundhouse is good but when your opponent is too close her anti air kick will not even reach. What’s that move called by the way?

That Law user doesn’t know 2 things about Law… I know because my team is Law/Lili.
One; a blocked fury fist rush is -5 on block.
Two; he could have punished you way harder than cr.mp xx shaolin kicks after MP FFR, but that means nothing to us here lol.

I just thought of something; If yoshi charges up the windmill when you jump, I think you can catch him with ex divine step if he doesn’t see it coming.

Also, use dive kicks once in a while to confuse them with cross-ups.

Wait so you can link raw launch after f.MK-MP ?? And yes I still havent gotten used to the whole tagging system. I think I might just end up dropping Asuka all together ( atleast for this team ). She has 0 buttons!. THink I might switch her with Julia ( and switch places )

Good tip, I def don’t use Dive kicks enough at all.

Thanks, I think I still need to work more on footsies. I started using her crLK alot more too and Standing Jab. I recently ( like 30 minutes ago ), but all meter gems on Lili. Think thats over doing it?? I figure that way I can burn more meter.

Thanks everyone for the tips. Very helpful.

Wow. Ive been meaning to get a much better Lili. Id like to subscribe to this thread in hopes of a better Lili.
-Thank you very much

No, you can do a series of links into her launcher rather than the usual LMH boost combo. Namely: cr.MP, cr.MK xx Launcher. This avoids the scaling that boost combos tack on and sets your partner up for a juggle. I’d suggest doing it on crouching opponents if you don’t want to spend a meter on EX Dendrobium, or if whoever you paired with Lili gets lots of damage on a juggle. If whoever you partner Lili with is a really good juggler, you could launch them in, do a juggle, and then switch cancel Lili back in to use her juggle capability, and keep on playing as if you never tagged at all. That’s how I play my Xiaoyu x Lili team. It allows me to use Lili’s EX moves as tools (EX Sunflower Lance, EX Dendrobium as a pressure tool, etc) and pretty much never run out of meter, as Xiaoyu doesn’t need it beyond bringing Lili in off of a juggle.

Good choice on dropping Asuka, though. I like her, and tried to make her work for a while, but I honestly think she’s garbage.