CGL Super Street Fighter IV Week 2 Qualifier(s) 5/15/10 (Bi-Weekly) Chicago, IL

The Chicago Gaming League wants you!

We at the Chicago Gaming League (CGL) have been all over the United States in appreciation of gatherings centering around video games. We are happy to announce our formal introduction into the organized video game arena. For far too long, Chicago has been misrepresented (or represented at all) nationwide. Chicago has not been recognized. This changes now.

We are humble in our initial offering(s), but grand in our intentions. We hope that you windy city gamers will come, support us, and showcase your hard earned skills and talents.

We will host weekly tournaments that will award prizes to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, as well as general admission prizes. The 1st and 2nd place winner(s) each week will be seeded in our grand championships held every 6 months. Our intent is to place our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners of our grand championships in national competitions. Place them, or hold our own, whichever is better for our community.

Chicago Wushu
4405 N. Clark St.
Chicago, IL 60640


2pm General Admission & Registration
3pm Event Start

General Admission fee - $15 ($5 off if you bring in one of our flyers!)

Venue fee(s) - See individual venue descriptions.

Our tentative schedule for the month of May 2010 will proceed as follows:
May 1st ? Super Street Fighter IV [Competition Fee - $10/event] 70%/20%/10% split for 1st/2nd/3rd
May 8th ? Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [TBA]
May 15th ? Super Street Fighter IV & Tekken 6 [Competition Fee - $10/event] 70%/20%/10% split for 1st/2nd/3rd
May 22nd ? Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [TBA]
May 29th ? Super Street Fighter IV & Tekken 6 [Competition Fee - $10/event] 70%/20%/10% split for 1st/2nd/3rd

This is a BYOC (Bring Your Own Controller) event.

For all matches up to the Semi-Final matches, all games will be played on the XBOX 360 gaming console. Individual controllers will be on-hand, but it is highly recommended that players bring their own controller/joystick of choice.

For the Finals, the matches will be played on the Playstation 3 console. The CGL will supply two(2) Super Street Fighter IV Arcade FightStick Tournament Edition S joysticks for use.

You may view the FightSticks here: http://superstreetfighteriv.gameshark.c … -black.asp

For Super Street Fighter IV(Xbox 360) the following venues will be offered:

Double Elimination Tournament: $10

Qualifiers - Best of 3 rounds @ the best of 3 sets. (Xbox 360 - BYOC)
Semi-finals ? Best of 3 rounds @ the best of 3 sets. (Xbox 360 - BYOC)
Finals ? Best of 3 rounds @ the best of 5 sets. (Playstation 3 - Fightsticks supplied)

Team Tournament (Single Elimination): $5 per team member
Qualifiers ? Best of 3 rounds.
Semi-Finals ? Best of 5 rounds.
Finals ? Best of 7 rounds.

For Tekken 6 (Playstation 3) the following venues will be offered:

Double Elimination Tournament: $10

Qualifiers - Best of 5 rounds @ the best of 3 sets. (Playstation 3 - BYOC)
Semi-finals ? Best of 5 rounds @ the best of 3 sets. (Playstation 3 - BYOC)
Finals ? Best of 5 rounds @ the best of 5 sets. (Playstation 3 - Fightsticks supplied)

Team Tournament (Single Elimination): $5 per team member
Qualifiers ? Best of 5 rounds.
Semi-Finals ? Best of 5 rounds.
Finals ? Best of 5 rounds.

Rules for Double Elimination/Team Elimination Qualifiers & Semi-Finals.

  1. Before the start of play, players may opt to change their button configuration. An honor based system will allow time for both players to agree to their final configuration. If in the event that a player is accused of ?stalling? a match due to button config, an officiator will be notified and the player in question will be given a count of 10 to complete their adjustments. At the end of the count, any changes made will be final and both players will start play.

  2. Players may select any character they wish at the start of play. At the end of a set, players may opt to ?rematch? with their selected characters or to change characters. If in the event that a mistake has been made in character selection, players may opt to re-select their characters one time per match. If an agreement can not be made, officials will make spot judgements and allow/deny requests for character changes per situation.

2.1)For Team Matches ? Team members ?must- select different characters (i.e. two person team members can not both select Akuma as their characters. One team member can choose Akuma if he/she wishes, then the remaining member must choose any character except Akuma.) If duplicate characters are choosen, a warning will be given to the team in question then a reset will be administered allowing character selection to begin anew. For the duration of the day?s tournament, if the team that was issued a warning repeats this offense they will be removed from the tournament, forfeiting their placement, entrance fee, and possible banning from future events.

  1. In plain English: ?If it?s in the game, it?s legal.? As of this posting, testing on Super Street Fighter IV is unavailable. We at the CGL leave game balancing in the capable hands of the individual developers and will not intervene/ban any gameplay techniques or mechanics at this time. If in the future there are player-controlled techniques or mechanics that will give an impediment to tournament play, they will be banned and the player(s) that utilize these techniques or mechanics in question will be forfeit their match, entrance fee, and face possible banning from future events.

King of the hill:
Cost - $1.
Rules ? This competition will last for thirty (30) minutes from the start of play.

Players line up ?old school? style placing their $1 in the pot.
Players will fight in the best of 3 round matches.
The winner of the match stays seated, the loser moves on.
The loser ?may- place $1 in the pot and move to the back of the line.
At the end of the 30 minutes, the winner of the final match collects the pot.
If at the end of 30 minutes there is still a line, play will continue until the last
person in line at the end of the 30 minute mark participates. The winner of that
final match wins the pot.

At the judge?s discretion, entrance to each individual KotH event will be halted prior to the 30 minute timer. This is to prevent ?vultures? from waiting until the last minute to participate in hopes of seeking a ?fatigue advantage? over the remaining players.

We look forward to seeing you all in May!

Contact us @
Phone ? (773)-874-9153
Email ? (Place ?Add Me? as the subject to be added to our mailing list.)
Twitter ?
Facebook search ?
XBL ? CGL 1 (There is a space between the L, and the 1)

Self-promotion bump.


Self-Promo bump.

Working our asses off to make sure that this is an event to remember!

Friday bump!

Get ready Chicago, if you miss this you’ll regret it!

A copy of our flyer for our internet folks!

i got a couple wireless 360 sticks are those allowed?

Quick question: why would you switch the systems and make players switch sticks at grand finals? You should keep it one way or the other.

Other then that, best of luck.

Interesting! I may show up to this!

yeah the venue fee is a little high like i was saying but at least there is food

Yes, your 360 wireless sticks are allowed. I dont recommend wireless because of possible cross-interference from other wireless sources. (It could cause input lag, or input failure altogether.)

Since we’re just starting, our equipment is limited. We are using the best equipment that we could gather within our means to bring a professional feel to our events. That said, we will have 4 360s running SSFIV for the the Tournament up to the finals, as well as casuals, money matches, KotH, ect. We are using the PS3 for the finals and supplying arcade sticks to offset the system change. The majority of competitors use MadCatz arcade sticks, so the transition shouldnt be an issue. If both finalists decide that they wish to play on the 360, we have no problem doing a system switch and proceeding. We offer the PS3 because of its availability to us, and our planned final match feel.

Thanks for the well wishes and we look forward to providing a great event for you all.

ChiGL, pretty much all of the serious SFIV players already have their own sticks or controllers, but it’s nice that you have equipment that they can use in the finals. But to be honest it’s pretty much guaranteed that the best players that make it to the finals will have their own gear.

Their response to my email:

Hey Joshua, thanks for contacting us.

To answer your questions:

  1. We charge $20 as a general admission fee, this cost is separate from the individual venue fee(s). This is our first event, so we took an average fee of other events and ran with it. We charge a general admission because of the quality of equipment that we supply, as well as offering food, drinks, and a varying raffle every week that we sponsor Fighting game events. The venue fee goes directly into the tournament prize pool and will not be touched by us, it goes directly to the competitors in a percentage split for first, second, and third place @ 70/20/10. If theres a desire for more tournaments to go on throughout the day, the fee will be adjusted accordingly. Our cost is at $10 to insure that players are serious about the competition. We have been to many events where players put in a few dollars, only to throw off brackets, stretch out competition time(s), and the like. We will have casuals, money matches, and are introducing a King of the Hill style event for those that want to test the waters, but the tournament entry fee stands where it is for now.

  2. For the finals: The qualifying, quarter, and semi-final matches will be played on the 360. Those events are BYOC. The finals will be on the PS3. We are offering arcade sticks because the majority of players use the MadCatz SFIV arcade stick as it is, but play on the 360. If it comes down to the final two players wish to play on the 360 with their own controllers, we have no problem switching systems and making the proper changes.

If you have any more questions, dont hesitate to contact us.

My reply to the above email:

Thanks for your response. I think you have one thing mixed up, though.

Generally, what we call the “venue fee” is what you’re calling a “general admission fee.” We call the other an “entry fee,” which is what you’re calling the “venue fee.”

It might be less confusing if you change the names in the thread. The “venue” is the place, and the entry is for the individual tournaments.

General admission -> Venue
Venue -> Entry

so the Admission fee is 20$ and the entry for Super is 10$?

We didn’t want to assume anything. Like I said, if the finalists wish to play on the 360 with their own sticks, that wont be a problem at all.

To expel any confusion, in plain english: There will be a $20 general admission fee, (If you wish to enter beyond the front door, it will cost you $20), and a $10 Super Street Fighter IV tournament fee.
We are only running one ‘official’ SSFIV tourney on Saturday. Official for our records. The first and second place winners will be seated in our grand finals in six months. The fee, and prize split, reflects our seriousness to sanction these tournaments. This will not be the only event happening Saturday, there will be loads of minor events as well. Individual money matches, a king of the hill type event, minor-brackets, and just about anything that the players wish to participate in.

Correct. See the above response.

Thanks for the interest and again, we hope to see you Saturday!


It’s been brought to my attention that theres a game-breaking glitch or element present in SSFIV.
Fei Long has an infinite combo apparently.
This ‘technique’ or combo is banned in all of our events, save the individual casual stations.

This posting, and our edited initial post will be counted as the first official warning to not utilize this techinque. Before our tournament begins, before players are seated, we will give a second warning.
Any player that preforms this combo before the onset of severe diminishing returns will be eliminated from play voiding his/her entrance fee and current tournament standing.

Using the video provided, this combo is legal from the 0:00 point, to the 0:05 point. If there is a third “rotation”, the player in question will be eliminated immidiately.

Just to nitpick once again, banning infinites is very anti-SRK.

We’re willing to run the risk of alienating some of our potential players by doing so.

We seek skilled and spirited competition, not cheap repetition.

If running Fei Long’s infinite combo is how you want to win, we dont want you.

We wont be swinging the ‘ban stick’ often, if at all. We all want to have a good time, and something like this infinite would suck the fun right out of the event(s). Look at it this way: who wants to sit through a football game full of on-side kicks, or a basketball game full of free throws? Yes it takes a certain level of skill to perform either action, but that crap gets boring quick.

how do you even go about banning something like that? Don’t attack after hitting that special move or what??? I’m sure they will hot fix it in no time after the game is released but still…

Were hoping that they hotfix the infinite, but in the expectations that they dont before Saturday something had to be said.

As to how we will enforce this? SSFIV has diminishing returns on combos. Put simply, the higher in number that your combo hits are the less damage the individual hits deliver towards the end of the combo. You can see in the video that the first ‘rotation’ of the infinite combo in question deals a respectable amount of damage, the second rotation deals less damage than the first, and the third rotation deals a considerable amount less than the first. This third rotation has considerable diminishing returns and at this point, in our eyes, is an exploit.

Again, we dont want to police these events. We are setting up these events for our Chicago gamers to get together and enjoy some serious organized play. We aren’t going to waste your time with offering sub-par venues, so we only hope that you dont waste each other’s time with exploiting a glitch.

There’s a clear difference between players with skill, and those without. If you walk into a wake-up Dragon Punch, you deserve it. If theres no conceivable way to recover from a repeatable combo delivered at full life, you don’t deserve that.

The amount of technical skill it takes to pull off that infinite is so high that only the players with the absolute best execution would be able to do it.