Cerebella Thread: Other Grapplers Wish They Could Be This Good

Well. I think it isn’t much to talk about right now.
What about NorCal Install?
http://www.twitch.tv/finestko/b/312121218 [SG starts at 2:06:30 btw]
What do you have to say about Cerebella play? Those guys playing 1-on-1 doing 360s were hilarious =]

maaaaan, that stream is so gooooood!

I was incredibly impressed by the stream, but on a Cerebella viewpoint, I learnt how effective the projectile deflector is. That thing is beyond beastly.

oh my god when she used it to counter Peacock’s super? SOOOO GOOOD

I can’t wait to get that delicious DELICIOUS hate mail from whiners online because I killed them with her 360… it was basically the only reason I played Tager in BB at all. Grapplers are so rage inducing to people who don’t know how to handle them, and Cerebella is first time one actually looks GREAT (Except for GGAC Potemkin, I miss those days :D)

I hadn’t realised she could use her regular counter to beat Peacock’s super either. Such a powerful tool.

it already looks like one of the best projectile counter’s I’ve ever seen in a fighter. barring various Ex and Hyper/ Super combo m monstrosities, this is a damn good counter.

I’m really starting to think Cerecock is just going to be a salt factory. Imagine zoning being done well, then imagine a DECENT grappler (Gief makes people salty enough.) I think sodium is just going to be pooring out of every private message. I really can’t wait.

you need to start reflector after the beam, right?

I believe so, trying to reflect on reaction would be pretty cruel.

Is it even possible to reflect beam? Itemdrop?

Item drop, yes; so long as it isn’t the road roller, they can be reflected iirc. No clue about the beam though.

the fact that Cerebella can reflect Peacock’s beam on reaction (as long as the beam is blocked) is really awesome for her, and will make that matchup alot more tense than most “Grappler vs. Zoner” matchups.

Maaan. You’re confusing me… O_o
Did you mean entire super? Because I’m pretty sure you cant reflect big lazeh.

I apologize. When I refer to the beam, I’m talking about Argus Agony, not the specific lazarrrrr. sorry, this is a habit from my Mahvel talk XD

I have no idea if the Laser part of Argus Agony can even be reflected. if it can, that would be cool, but since the move starts up so fast, and just blocking the laser is easier and doesn’t sacrifice much chip (Argus Agony is a Super for punishes, not for poking/ pushing away/ chipping. it’s just pure “fuck you”) so I see little reason to put yourself open when you can block and punish.


real talk

for the longest time, I thought Peacock was yelling “YACKITTY SMACKITTY!!!” during the startup of Argus Agony

I have no clue why, but it took me forever to hear that sound clip properly. oddly enough, I kinda miss that mondegreen :confused:

I thought she said “TARGET, AGONY!!!” until I saw the name of the move, then I felt like one of those people that sings the wrong lyrics to a song they have loved for like 20 years. Anyways, since someone enjoys reporting people keeping a thread alive, I’ll switch the topic. How good/useful do you think Cerebella’s level 3 is? I’m very undecided as I haven’t seen what it can do.

who keep reporting? are we really that far off topic?

anyway, in regards to her Lvl.3, it seems like the ultimate “Bait something predictable” Super. It’s meant to punish, but rather than wiff punish block punish, it’s all about catching them in the middle of a move.

also, since it has UNLIMITED SUPER ARMOR, it can be used in situation where you NEED TO KILL/ DEAL DAMAGE and don’t care about taking damage.

you sacrifice blood for pure, unadulterated HURT.

Unlimited super armour? That sounds incredibly useful, so it’s a bionic arm but catches fucking everything if your health permits it?