Oh. No. I mean if you use drop assist AGAINST zoner PS. You’re dropping shit with assist and while she’s blocking using CB’s command run to pass dem tears that already on the screen. How’s that?
an equally good use for it. indubitably.
man, Cerebella’s command run makes my dick ROCK HARD. I love grapplers that have a speed setting other than “slowly walk forward and hop around when they use projectiles” a la Traditional Grapplers. alot of people who aren’t Mike Z haven’t utilized that move enough in FNFs though, which is a bummer.
like, remember that stream a while back showing around 2 hours of casual matches? and how Parasoul was constantly wrecking shop thanks to “NAPALM SHOT” spam? All the people using Cerebella never utilized her command run, which DROVE ME INSANE. Command run is the perfect tool against Parasoul, she can’t rapid-fire like Peacock can.
What can I say? I’m strong in theory-crafting lol. That and mad props to Mike for DESCRIBING moves’ properties (and to Pizza for cospecting =]). Because some shit in 2d games is just counter-intuitive: they shooting you in a face. What’s the right answer? RUN AT 'EM, BRO!!! It’s confusing. That’s why I think guides should be implemented INSIDE of the game. Not be selling to you for $20 >_>
Oops, cut that offtop.
Oh yeah, soooooooooo many games outright suck at describing all the Properties of the moves. Like, in MvC3, the shuma forth community discovered a cool little property of his wiffed command grab: it absorbs 1 hit of any medium projectile and instantly recovers. It took us 8 months to discover that
Just to discover a move’s PROPERTIES. Not an amazing combo or setup or glitch. Just one of its innate properties. What. The. Fuck.
The fact that Mike and company are telling us all this shit up front is really nice. I know they won’t have a movelist on release, but when they release it later, I hope they put that info in the game as well. Knowing all the properties of a move is alot more important than people give it credit.
Like, I was giving a buddy some street fighter advice the other day, and he asked about frame data. I went through the whole explanation process, and eventually get to move properties and such. He had NO idea some moves did the things they did, even shit like armor breaking, or untechable knockdowns and shit. I realized then that that kind of info really makes a huge difference between your average joe derping around in a Fighting game and a dedicated enthusiast KNOWING the game.
Let’s just hear how it sounds: “you should be A DEDICATED ENTHUSIAST just to know a game’s basics”. I mean srsly? And after that FGC is wondering why people calling them elitists.
OK. Let’s cut this offtop. This one is even less on point then PC’s.
So let’s talk about CB: what properties on her moves are useful and where they should be applied?
Let’s see: armor on qcf+P. Pizza saying that it’s swallowing multiple hits but doesn’t specifying how much exactly;
throw invulnerability on qcf+Th’s start-up - useful if you’re anticipating Lv3 from giant enemy PC or any other throw for that matter. PREDICTABO! ><
her qcb+Th has inv. too but this one sounds confusing: “(vs hits only, then all attacks, then vs throws only)” @@ Can anybody comment on this?
reflect on dp+LP of course. Also causing stagger - more time to close the distance;
dp+MP sounds like good anti-air;
dp+Th is blockable for descending characters, but unblockable for ascending ones. Which means that you can catch people who’re trying to jump out from you;
run has 1-hit armor and HK follow-up has 2 more. Suck on this, Parasoul!
her air command throw is actually tech-able.
Sounds like much material to work with!
My guess for the merry-go-rilla confusion is that there is physical attack invul. at the beginning, then straight up “fuck yo shit” invul. after that, and then some throw invul. at the end.
It’s just a guess though
Also, lock n load has 1 point of armor. I specifically remember Mike showing that in the Cerebella walkthroughs.
I love the idea of the devil horns, since it’s essential a DP… But for a grappler XD
Shoutouts to Egoraptor reference.
What about Cerebella’s assist capabilities? Which do you guys believe is most useful? I’m undecided between Diamond Drop and Cerecopter.
I thought so myself. But it’s still sounds awkward.
Pizzarino to the rescue!
Assist Selection
Titan Knuckle (→ + HP): This long range Default Assist Choice lets the point character combo after the on hit, but it may not be as effective as some of Cerebella’s better custom assist options.
Lock n’ Load (↓↘→ + P): Any strength of this attack, including the Default Assist Choice MP version, faithfully keeps the property as Cerebella attacks. Opponents need to hit Cerebella multiple times to stop the assist once she’s on screen.
Diamond Drop (↓↘→ + LP+LK): As a custom assist Cerebella will preform the Diamond Drop on the opponent and leave her teammate to combo afterwards. The command throw custom assist demands specific defensive measures from the opponent, making it a powerful choice for Cerebella and particularly strong as a Stunt Double.
Merry Go-Rilla (↓↙← + LP+LK): The longer range command throw custom assist requires slightly different placement, but can be just as strong as Diamond Drop. Combos after Merry Go-Rilla always require the point character to use the one OTG for the combo.
Tumbling Run (← charge → + P): As a custom assist Cerebella can run, but the single button custom assist input prevents any follow up attacks.
Devil Horns (→↓↘ + MP): Despite it’s short range, this is Cerebella’s only choice for a inv. startup anti-air assist.
Cere-copter (→↓↘ + HP): As a custom assist choice, this attack can trap opponents in block stun during its multiple hits. This causes significant chip damage from an assist and allows the point character to confirm into a longer combo on hit, making it a top choice for Cerebella.
Since I’m going to run CereCock I’m gonna use either Diamond Drop for close combat or Devil Horns for AA…
I could see Tumbling run or the farthest reaching lock n Load being good for acting as a “Meat shield”. both have armor, and I could see tumbling run as a good Solo or Duo Parasoul killer since she’s not as good at just racking up constant hits with her zoning as Peacock is. like, Imagine Painwheel with Lock n Load or Tumbling run as an assist. ALL DAT SUPER ARMOR.
I’m not sure what Peacock can get off of her jumping normal that hits low, but if its hard for her to do anything by herself, then Cerecopter could be nice for capitalizing off of that specific move. It’s a pretty versatile assist from what i’ve seen so it would certainly have other uses apart from that, but i just love that jumping normal that hits low with Peacock, so turning that into possibly good damage is nice.
Cerebella and Peacock are my 2 favs right now, but i’ll probably end up adding a third to that. Probably Parasoul or Ms. Fortune for AA.
I could see Double being good for Cerebella and vice versa (no pun intended). the straight parasoul gunshot would be good for countering Parasoul horizontal projectiles, as well as being fast.
Double could make good use of Cerecopter due to her “Blackheart style teleports” with her dash. actually, I could see command grab assists working really well with that, if only because now their inputs are messed up, and they might get a normal, or their wrong move and eat a command grab. It will also keep the assist safe due to them spawning BEHIND the opponent.
Meat shield is good idea actually! she can heel that damage back after all
Yeah, I feel like they would have allowed for a followup off certain moves if there were genuinely useless ones as assist (other than dashes, but TECHNICALLY they can function as meat shields too. Just shitty ones). Cerebella seems like she could make for a LEGIT meat shield with tumbling run.
Btw, I don’t mean meat shield in a derogatory way. I know that’s kinda a negative thing in most VS games, kinda like the term “assist character”, but I genuinely think meat shielding can be totally legit for Cerebella. If you got dat armor, USE IT!
That move isn’t a true low, it can be blocked standing.
I clearly understood what you meant. With so many options it’s deliberate decision to use her as such. As of follow-ups - there should be secondary input for them to adjust timing. But assist mechanic as a whole quite can’t afford them. That’s the reason I think. Also with Run Bella can push opp until she’ll eat a second hit, right? Makeshift keepaway lol.
I wasn’t saying that cuz I thought you (or anyone else) misunderstood, It’s just when I was writing it down I thought to myself “man, I wish there was a better term to use than meat shield, since that tends to have some negative connotations attached to it”. so I was talking to myself more than anyone in the forum XD
it was more just me thinking out loud rather than anything else. I apologize if i came off as a bit patronizing. sometimes I hate talking only through text
oh god, imagine her Headbutt being usable as an assist. that move has 3 points of armor, jesus
Lol I think it’s quite opposite - I didn’t get that bad meaning because my luck of MVC knowledge.
It’s good though that we’re able to have civilized discussion =]
I only hope it will not change TOO much after release lol =3
I highly doubt it will change much after release. I like to think I’m a pretty civilized person, and I know the Nemesis sub-forum has yet to burst into flames despite my constant presence there, so I must be doing something right. you also seem chill and you never got weird in GD like… some people…
I’m a complete asshole about SFxT though. getting me anywhere near that topic will turn me into the biggest douche you can imagine. (speaking of which, cutting this offtopic off right now to avoid just that.)
I like the part where Cerebella grabs people with her arm hat. what are you guy’s opinions on that?
Good to talk with someone mature. Props to you, sir
No wonder you’re so fond of Q. You’re equally classy.
As of Cerebella I’m planning to work on advanced tactics from Pizza’s guide. I hope I’ll nailed them one day.
oh my, thank you very much! and you sir are quite… skark-tastic XD
man, I cannot wait to use some sick Cerebella resets. Grapplers with AA grabs always end up awesome IMO