Cerebella Thread: Other Grapplers Wish They Could Be This Good

It only reflects one projectile. However, that projectile is invulnerable (passes through other projectiles freely) and Cerebella has some invincibility if the reflect doesn’t whiff.

Would it go through a Cerebella level 3 and can you reflect back Cerebellas lvl3?

I’d have to test to make sure but I’m pretty sure it would work, yes.

I’m so happy to see that there is not 720 in that move list… the super grab its just a 360 :slight_smile:

Feels nice doesn’t it?

So, how is everyone thinking of running Cerebella?

Solobella? Duo? Team? Who with?
I’m curious people!

I’ll be running solobella, but I’ll also run a duo with painwheel as well as one with peacock. When panzerfaust comes out, I already knowing be runnin him with 'Bella

Three person team with her on point (Val and Peacock as assists).

I highly doubt I’ll ever play her solo but I’ll make a duo using Squigly or Annie when available. Assists are more valuable to me versus health.

> Option whore

Team MadHatz - CereCock or PeaBella depends on which option will work for me.
Or maybe solo for each of them.

Cerecock. Without a doubt.

Sounds like sack beatdowns lol =]

I like the idea of Team CereCock due to the double danger of command grabs.

you have the CONSTANT command grab fear from Cerebella, but also Peacock’s Goodfella’s Grab Bag level 3, which the opponent knows the peacock user will USE because they also play Cerebella.

they go from straight up keepaway when fighting 'Bella to fighting a weird kinda rushdown where you dont want to get too close for fear of the Grab Bag.

They can tech it though. And it’s kinda predictable when PC [Peacock] player gets 3 meters. They’ll anticipate the throw because of yours 3 meters. Open them for mindgames though…

How does Peacock’s level 3 actually work? Do you just regular throw and then input the level 3 while they are in the sack (lol, in the sack) or is it a seperate command throw?

First. And you can check command in the movelist (It’s in my sig =3)

Thanks, I couldn’t be assed going to the wiki to look for an answer. Each day is another day closer to sack beatdowns, I can’t wait.

You have to throw and then basically immediately do the level 3 input - there’s not a lot of time to decide to level 3 or not.

Someone reported posts in here about Peacock saying it was thread derailing, and while I disagree (it was a natural course of progression over who to pair Cerebella with), let’s keep things on-topic to Cerebella and why she’d benefit from Peacock (which you guys are doing), and other Cerebella-related strategies.

to Duckie: thanks man, we’ll keep it on topic. :slight_smile:

to the reporter: really dude?

here’s an idea for a segway: I think team CereCock will have a fair amount of synergy. which Peacock assists do you think will help Bella the most?

I think go-kart or walkin’ Georges will be great for Cerebella due to space control, but I think Item drop could be REALLY useful for making people block, especially if the Heavy one still tracks while as an assist (even though it drops the lightest item). It would act like Strider’s Vajira, but alot less fucking bullshit. like, if you’ve got them in the corner, spam that assist on them and make them start blocking too much and stay on the ground. then BAM, command grabb’d


I was thinking exactly the same. Little drop is homing so it’s two options for opp:
1). take hit - get hitstun
2). block it - get blockstun

Either way you get the time to get in if you’re far away or if you’re close you can either combo of drop or set up some throws or whatnot.
Sounds helpful on paper. Even if blockstun is shitty it’ll stop opp’s momentum which isn’t bad I think. Although PS can fill screen with tears which’ll give her time to block… But you can run through one tear with armor while she’s blocking, right? I guess options are here. I’ll try this setup first I think.

I think I like the item drop a wee bit better than PS’s stuff, if only because of it’s more vertical, and because it tracks. As I said before, it’s like if Strider’s [S]Vagina[/S]Vajira WASN’T on crack. still pretty damn useful.

honestly, due to Bella’s AA grab, Item drop spam in the corner could be straight up cray-cray.