Ok, played around with those a bit, now I’m getting “USB device not recognized”. Any more ideas?
More information/testing would be good.
Have you tried it on the systems once you’ve reached this point? Have you tried holding LP down to force switching into the 360 mode, to ensure it’s not a driver issue? Pictures, as always, help too.
Ok no problem. I guess a bunch of weird stuff is going on now. This is what it looks like atm:

With the cerberus attached to the 360 PCB, the light stays on whenever I plug it into the PC and it gives me “USB device not recognized”.

When I hold start, the LEDs don’t cycle. I don’t get anything when I plug it in on 360 mode except the light staying on. Same thing happens when I do it on my 360 itself. When I plug it into the PS3 however, the light just blinks but still nothing works. Same thing when I hold start, it just blinks and I can’t do anything.
When have the cerberus unattached from the PCB, the light doesn’t even come on when I plug it into the PC, it just says “USB device not recognized”. When I hold start, the LEDs cycle like before. 360 mode it just does nothing like before, same with plugging it into the 360 itself. Nothing when I plug it into the PS3 either normally but when I hold start, the LEDs only cycle for as long as I’m holding the button, and when they do they start then stop over and over until I let go then they just stop. Haven’t even tried that until this point, no clue if that’s normal or not.
I just hope my stick isn’t RIP at this point.
- Check your ribbon cables to make sure you don’t have anything backwards, I don’t see labels on your button terminal block ribbon cables, so make sure they aren’t backward.
- The USB almost looks like you shoved the shielding into the connector, not the black wire… I can’t tell.
The oddly cycling lights just tell me you have a messed up/inconsistent power connection, which can be related to #2.
I cleaned it up a bit, recut the wires and everything and now it’s at back to how it was before (USB device not recognized, 360 mode not working, LED cycles work). I’ll try exchanging for a new one and hope I have better luck with that. If I have anything weird going on with that one I’ll ask you. Thanks a lot for your help.
You didn’t really answer my question though, did you shove the shielding into the connector or use JUST the black wire? I can’t tell in the picture, and it makes a huge difference.
Sorry I didn’t answer sooner. No I didn’t put the shielding in, it was just the wire. In the picture I tried stripping it and that didn’t work either. I tried it one more time just yesterday and still had 0 luck with it.
Did you try stripped the green and white wire? I’ve actually had issues with that myself on some TE’s… the insulation just won’t bite correctly. Power never seems to have a problem, only the data lines.
If you’ve tried stripping those too and still had odd results I’m not sure what the issue could be… other than to cannibalize a spare USB cable, take the cerberus out of the stick and try it on it’s own. I test all the units, but perhaps it missed my flashing procedure or something.
I tried stripping all of them. Still nothing. I even tried a spare USB cable and that didn’t work either. Tried stripping that one too.
Damn, the only thing left is to try and do a firmware update, supposing if you plug in with START held the LED rings cycle. If you’re up for that it takes less time/effort than swapping the boards with FA, but if you’ve already started that process that’s cool too.
That’s really weird, but it is possible that I missed one in the stack of boards and it got placed into the tested pile.
Ok the new one actually works. No issues at all. Thanks a lot.
Beautiful, sorry for the problems but I appreciate humoring the debugging.
Shoot the bad one back… I’ll try to fix it up. There’s only a handful of possible failure points.
I installed the Phreakmod’s Cerberus (http://www.phreakmods.com/products/cerberus) into my Madcatz FighstickPro. The mod board works great - the PS3 functionality is perfect using the stick through PS3 console and PC. However, now my stick will not register as a 360 device on the XBox 360 console or PC. I know there is a bypass for PC which is holding down button 1 (X on 360 I believe) and on consoles it should be auto-detected which board is to be used. It’s essentially been converted into a PS3 stick instead of being dual modded.
When plugged into a 360, the green logo light blinks once and then there is nothing. When plugged into PC using the bypass it shows up as an unknown device. I’ve made sure all wires were properly connected to their respective terminals, and that connections are secure.
I was wondering if anyone had experienced this problem as well or can advise further. I have a friend who also has a Cerberus, and it functions correctly in his Madcatz T.E. stick. We plan on swapping the mod boards to determine what the problem is. If my Cerberus does not work in his stick, but his Cerberus works in mine, then it’s my mod board.
If it’s working on PS3, and the Cerberus is getting power on the 360 (the flashing LED), sounds like the USB cable connecting it to the original board isn’t being bitten into properly.
Try taking the wires out (checking if the covering has been pierced) and putting them in again - or even stripping them first to ensure a connection is made.
That’s a solid debug plan, for now I’d try to make sure what Graymalkin is suggesting is done first though. It could be as simple as the green or white USB wire not bitten into all the way. Try to pull them out, check for bite marks down to the copper, and maybe repunch the cable.
We opened it up today, and, before going through the trouble of opening my friend’s stick as well, we did strip the wire coating off more. After reconnecting the bypass wires and testing with a voltmeter we tried plugging it up again. And it works perfectly fine now!
The housing that crimps the bypass wires just wasn’t making it all the way through the coating. This saved so much time, effort and trouble. Thanks Graymalkin and Phreakazoid.
Hi HaussVonHorne, this is my first post on Shoryuken. I just ordered a Cerberus for my Mad Catz Arcade Fightstick PRO (X360 obviously); I was wondering why you chose this PCB over the Akishop PS360+. Both offer a solderless dual mod solution; what was the tipping point, if any, for your purchasing decision? For me, it was price ($40 vs. $60), but I’m sure I’m not seeing something.
When installing a ps360+ in a madcatz there is still some soldering involved for the home button. Also, it offers legacy console support when combined with a neutrik port. The ps360+ is the only semi solderless solution when adding 360 support to a PS3 stick.
The cerberus is fully solderless and is only available for the 360 madcatz line. Also, it only offers PS3 support.
Hi all, I just installed this into my Mad Catz Fightstick PRO (X360) and it seems to work fine on the X360 and PS3, but it does not recognize on the PC anymore like it used to before the Cerberus installation. I’ve tried plugging it in without pressing any buttons (normal boot), holding 1P (force 360 mode) and holding Start (bootloader). The only feedback I receive from the bootloader method is that the lights do the circling LEDs routine, but still no PC recognition. I’ll double check My connections and strip the wires for USB Out when I get home, and also read through the 12 pages in this thread for a solution to my problem, but did anyone else have the same issue?
most likely your USB out, since it’s not showing up as cerberus