UPDATE 2/20/2008 - I was hoping the official site would have an FAQ or some other info, like a release date, but no such luck. Also, while I can understand most of the Spanish on the official site, some of it still escapes me. If anybody finds anything that I got wrong or missed, let me know and I’ll update this post. Thanks in advance!
UPDATE 7/24/2009 - Pointless 1.5 year later update. Jesus I’m old.
–= What is it? =–
Card Sagas Wars is a Mugen project featuring a variety of video game characters from various different games, including Donkey Kong, Leon Magnus, Master Chief, and more. It features “chibi”-style sprites seemingly drawn from scratch. The sprites all share a consistent style, so despite seeing Master Chief and Crono on the same screen, they look like they belong.
UPDATE 10/26/2009 - No real update, other than to remove the line about the game being dead. I’m not following it, though; if there are any important updates you feel should be reflected in the OP, PM me.
Dr. B would have made an excellent character. In any fighter.
As long as these guys don’t try to be fools and actually make money off of this, no game companies should have reason to slap a c&d on them.
Any way, between this and Serio’s Castlevania fighting game, I think both of these projects stand to be probably the best thing to happen to Mugen…since like the turn of the century.
Truly, I think the only thing that’s a shame is that there’s NO possible way that these guys could put all of the characters in the card gallery in their game (and they’ve stated as such already). Which is a pity, considering that ALL of those sprites look great, and I’d like nothing more than to see more of them in motion.
But hey…as long as I could see Rockman Zero, Jon Talbain/Gallon and maybe even some one like Simon Belmont and Dante join the cast, I’d already be pleased as punch. Bonus points if they some how get a work-able Kirby in the game, and he can still steal powers.
Actually, going by what the guys state on the site, it’s supposed to be more along the lines of a “Tales of…” game, with a bit of Smash Bros., and a Street Fighter-like combo interface.
In short, it will basically be in the Smash Bros./Tales of… school of thought (direction + attack button). Could stand to be good, especially if these guys take a lot from recent Tales games, like Tales of Destiny Remake, which seems to be overall the case.
Just looking at characters already drawn up on the site is hyping me up. I mean, Vyse, Zora Link AND Phoenix Wright?
Props for the creator as he has definitely put a lot of time and effort into the drawings alone, unlike most other mugen projects, this looks like its capable of more. I’m also intrigued by the battle system and what cards have to do with it.
I guess we’ll get more info soon. Great find, specs!