I’m not a casual, so I asked friends why they weren’t buying SF5. I will classify them into two:
Casual fighting game players who play other competitive games games (DotA, CS, Hearthstone):
Can’t learn the game while playing online (ranked too competitive)
Can’t learn the game while in training mode (training mode too “boring and repetitive”)
Can’t learn the game while playing against the CPU (no arcade mode)
Too much memorization (frame data, safe/unsafe, setups, etc)
Grinding for FM is too boring (ranked too slow, survival too soul-crushing)
Casual players who do not play other competitive games
Online is too competitive, offline also too hard (survival too soul-crushing)
Getting colors is too hard (survival too soul-crushing)
Getting trophies is too hard (gold rank, ranked wins, 1,000,000 FM)
“The character I am interested in playing is too weak or hard to play” (i.e. Ibuki, Chun, Zangief, etc)
Grinding for FM is too boring (ranked too hard, survival too soul-crushing)
Main surprise for me was the amount of casuals who would not buy a game they cannot realistically get the Platinum trophy for.
One think I already knew, and re-confirmed, was that the strategy of designing some characters to be for beginners and others for hardcore players can backfire. A lot of casuals don’t want to “play SF”. They want to “play as <character>”, and if <character> is too complex they won’t play. SF does a better job of this than Tekken though. At least the main protagonist (Ryu) is pretty basic. Tekken decided to tack EWGF onto all the Mishimas, gimping their player base for no reason.
Agreed, but I think perception matters more. It doesn’t matter if arcade mode won’t actually get you very far. Casuals believe it helps, so the lack of it impacts their willingness to “take the plunge”.
I do agree that arcade mode develops bad habits that exploit AI holes. In particular SF5’s survival mode encourages players to spam moves like DP or Rashid’s running stuff.
One of the people I asked about this seriously wanted to know the PSN handles of the “5 gods”, so he could confirm whether Daigo and friends were “good enough to Platinum” SF5.
I’ve been saying since launch that one of the main reasons people ragequit is because of the trophy for reaching Gold rank. Adding that achievement was probably amongst the worst ideas Capcom ever had.
I agree with those that think they should create a new disc version, let’s call it Super SFV or whatever we want. And that people who own SFV currently get the content for free, but they stop selling SFV on disc and only sell SSFV.
Having a whole new name will make the game get reviewed again and will create a new sku, and doing so will be a positive for them. If they just keep it SF5 they won’t get any of that. Killer Instinct hardly had any S2 reviews compared to the initial launch for this exact reason.
Yo can this T&A debate just fucking die already? @Jimbo13 You think we’re pervs, and that SFV is just pure Waifu bait and fetish? Fine. And those that disagree? Fine. Agree to disagree and move on already. No one is gonna convince the other of seeing things differently so stop wasting effort and time on this subject.
I believe this 100% and I believe it is the reason for the success of the MVC series. Game is busted as fuck. But for the casual player. Who cares? All they know is that they can play as their fav Marvel Superheroes and Street Fighter characters, and have fun doing awesome stuff with them in game. As for the reasons previously mentioned. I have no idea how to improve on those aspects Casual players find alienating. Like most of those things are just the nature of the beast that is the fighter genre.
But what can work IMO which MK has been doing for years and Capcom should’ve been taken notes on. Is simply adding more stuff to do other than just fight. Like mentioned before. Unlockable artwork, music, interviews. Game modes that take a spin on the traditional mode. Like how I think it was SFxTK that had this. Tornado mode or something where 4 characters were on screen at once. Just give casual fans more bang for their buck and variety. So if they don’t feel like playing in ranked or arcade. They have other less competitive modes to just have fun in offline, or even online.
I agree. Adding online achievements for getting to certain ranks in general in games is terrible and encourages people to “cheat” to get them. Stuff like “do 100 SRK” or somethign is fine though because that will come in time.
While I will never understand the appeal of achievements to an extent, the new “me me me” millennial generation loves their achievements and will do anything so they can get them and show them off.
Well before you could do stuff like take a photo of the results screen that shows you had the highest score or try to complete the game at 100%. Now the achievements do that for you and show it automatically to everyone on whichever system you’re playing. I guess people like to give themselves goals/challenges and achievements are the premade shortcut to get them.
Achievements do no harm when it comes to single player modes - you may cheat, but it’s only between you and the developer after all; giving an achievement for being good at multiplayer though is simply spreading poison in the online community by encouraging people to cheat where everyone expects a fair match.
Since they also removed all chance of boosting in SF5 through blind matchmaking, people who just wanted to collect the achievement have no other way to get it quickly than ragequitting. This is probably the main reason people RQed their way until Gold. After that it’s either habit or the need to defend your e-reputation.
It’s the participation trophy generation at play here. They believe they deserve gold even if they aren’t good enough to truly earn it. They grew up getting trophies for sucking so they think they deserve trophies on PSN for sucking.
They are joking, right? Dota have tons of champions, with tons of moves, items, builds, etc. Heartstone have many cards and decklists and even CS there’s things to memorize, like ideal spots for camping and to throw grenades, etc. There’s much less things to memorize in SFV than in any of these games.
It’s extremely simple. It almost makes me think that these companies are brainless.
The reason most people don’t get into FGs is because they don’t want to waste hours and hours and hours losing 80-90% of the time. It’s especially frustrating because it’s a one on one game. This makes losing far more disheartening.
THAT’S IT! It’s nothing more complicated than that. That aspect can NEVER be fixed. There will always be a frustratingly high learning curve which most people don’t want to deal with.
What can be fixed is adding more content and more variety. For most gamers, there needs to be much more to do than what FGs currently offer.
If Capcom or NRS or Arc wants to move units, they need enough hours of content so that for some people, playing one on one against a human is more of a side option.
I have a lot of friends who play video games. ZERO of them have any interest in FGs for the exact reasons I’ve just stated. If Capcom doesn’t want to do this, then they’ll just have to accept that more people are watching some schmuck beat Mario 64 for the thousandth time rather than watching SFV streams.
I think we should focus not on why casuals aren’t buying fighting games, but why they aren’t buying SF5 specifically. Because MKX sold a ton last year for a fighting game, and the giant backlash on SF5 just shows how much interest this game brought up amongst all kinds of gamers.
That is under the assumption that SF5 sold less than it could’ve had reasonably done. Because we all know the number of regular players didn’t really change and that the base may look larger just because of crossplay.
SFV just needed a weapons master mode like SolCal2
I think having a FF beat em up would have been a sick side game since it could be the segway for FF characters to be in V
Mini games tied to the trials and or other challenges.
Unlockable art, music, pre rendered cut scenes and colors
A puzzle/spirits game that gives out FM/Colors alts (but the drop rate is fucking rare) and more art
Better tutorial
Seriously the one we got was some of the laziest piece of shit I’ve ever seen.
As much as I hate to admit it allot of fans love for SF doesn’t come from the mainline games. I see a chick shoving a thong up her ass and I’m like “cool she must play Cammy” nope. If a Puzzle Fighter like game had been included I guarantee SFV wouldn’t have been met with so much disdain.
That being said Capcom just fix the fucking game. Y’all miggas are killing with this CFN coonery.
>Man I really wanna let xX-I WANNA NUT ON JURI-234 that I have to help my grandma up the stairs.
You are correct, but this is from the perspective of someone who is already competitive at another game. Johnny Hearthstone is already spending a lot of his free time scouring the new for the latest metagame snapshots, decklists and whatever for Hearthstone. He doesn’t have time to also look up SF5 minutiae on top of that. Let’s face it. Hearthstone/CS/Dota/LoL players won’t give up their games for SF5. The time investment required to get good is the reason why they don’t play it on the side.
Even for me it’s a factor. I’ve been playing fighting games for more than a decade but I don’t buy all the games I want to play because I just don’t have the time to get good at them. Between work, SF5, Hearthstone and Magic the Gathering I don’t have any more time. I picked up Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax and Nitroplus Blasterz because they were simple and easy to play, but I held off on KoF and GG for lack of time. I already have a foundation from playing KoF 99-2003 and GG Accent Core! I can imagine it just seems impossible for someone else with no fighting game foundation.