Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

I juss started to play this game yesterday. I havent played it since it first came out

It is entertaining if not taken very seriously

So, is dead or did it move?

This sucks, that site was too good for anyone looking to learn this game to some degree.

Yeah, BasaraKO is hella dead. There are still youtube links advertising the website and some match vids if you do a search, though.

I still have the site handy, I can zip it for offline viewing if you want.

This game died in like two days.

I would like to get this if possible. I figured the site would be on way back machine, but it’s not. I still really like this game, even if nobody plays it.

sent you a PM.

Yo I learned a little bit about how to play the game and I used to check that site from time to time. I don’t know anyone else that plays it though. My buddy and I got a few games in on it once but then we just went back to 3rd Strike and recently SF4 and BlazBlue. I really like the art and character designs in SBX. Its a shame that a game with such nice production values died so fast.

yeah, I got the infinites down and everything. I was ready.

So is there any recent combo videos or match videos for this game? Or has everyone given up on it entirely? I need to get my self a new PS2 so I can get back into it, I really liked it…

I think it’s pretty dead now.

If you still have it handy, I’ll take what you have.

I know this response is a bit late, but I pretty much gave up on the game after my last post in this thread, so I didn’t see your response. :xeye:

Im interested too!

It was a good game, shocking how fast it died. Capcom arcsys fighter 2D, no real other new games at the time… Weird.

i have the site too, but its only the game mechanics, and the move lists of all the chars, dunno if that will be useful to you, i lost all the stuff of the forums :confused:

well, i just got the game and i’m still not sure how most of the stuff works? (are there even RC’s or Bursts?)

anyways, favor to upload the site backup? i wanna get into this (dead) game

Yeah there was a lot of good info on the forums, I think the move lists don’t even have everything. I recall Kenshin having 4 counters instead of just 2. A dp and a quarter circle one, and both high and low, and the dp came out faster but it didn’t last as long.

The game died really fast, and it was a shame because I really like the characters and when it came out we played it hardcore and then realized there were like the three of us playing it in the whole country.

There is the E button, this calls your assist. There is an entire system to how that works but you can use the assist call to RC a special move, and you burst by calling your assist while being comboed and they come out and hit the enemy, which won’t work after the space race infinites start that take you up off the screen. The character will still come out but they wont be able to reach and will just attack air.

here, and yes you have the engun cancel, you can cancel your current action when your assist hits the enemy, you can dash, jump, input a normal, or another move


Not sure if I have neough post for it to matter, but I + repped you.

Thanks for this. I wish I could get back at the forum though for some of the combos for characters I don’t play.

It is missing some stuff, at least for kenshin. He has his reverse DP counters and his DP B. Also it doesn’t mention that masamune can charge his DP.

It was odd reading back through this thread and people talking about banning infinites. What a bad idea. Oh well, nobody plays it anyway.