Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

Yea. Simply put, go for 6C-5C wall loop combos. Even the crappiest effective variaton should do at least half life if uniterrupted. And utilize his range by zoning your opponent out. If they get in on you it could be frustrating because Keiji wakes up really slow. Also, some of his moves have a bit of lag. Knowing what moves you can do and when is key. Some of the timing can be deceptive. Like 2 B+C is a really good launcher and covers a lot of area but is so damn slow that if the opponent is in it’s blind spot and it doesn’t connect you’re in trouble. This, and a few other moves I initiate as soon as I get a knockdown or a bit after because the opponent will most likely get him by them AS they wake-up. Doing them as an opponent pursues you could get you combo’ed. 6B stops a lot of shit, but there’s not too much you can do right after. Some of his moves can’t cancel into others but you there’s a 98% chance that you’ll ALWAYS be able to go into 214 B or 214 C, although with C version you have to be at a certain distance to get the second hit. Unless you got something going, don’t try to run in, match rushdowns with you opponent, etc. Patience is key. Use that range to aggrivate them, exploit fuck ups, and take them to the corner. If you get rushed down, throw out 2B or 2C. 2B makes your hitbox smaller but is still risky at times. Overall I’d say Keiji is best played by reacting to the opponent

I know this is a jumbled, confusing mess. I’m at work. I’ll try to edit it/ add more later.


thanks for the info! i will add this to my own personal faq/strats

Finally got this game a few days ago for PS2. I used Sanada Yukimura and had a blast. I like that Basara super move he has where he kicks you far away lol! The TM Revolution song is nice, I’ve seen them perform that song at NY Comic Con and all the while images of the 3D game where shown on a big screen! Anyway, fun game! It’s like Guilty Gear + Hokuto No Ken. Arc rules! Looking forward to Blazblue on the PS3. :rock:

Been having trouble deciding on a main, but I think I’ll stick with Hideyoshi for the moment. He’s super simple, and has some funny looking non-infinite combos.

So is down?:confused:

no, its not down :shake:, but its not that active either :sad:

Tell me about it. It’s kinda weird being the only one on the site.

that’s probably why i haven’t seen any new videos lately

I’ve had like the last post in GD for weeks… :frowning:

I gues the game is DEAD! Not suprised really, lazy ass bastards (ASW)… :mad:

blame capcom, they rushed the game, arcsys doesn’t take any of the decisions of this game, still, pharaon uploaded some videos today, and he uploaded more in his youtube account, im guessing that is only that almost every one of the staff is busy (at least i am, with my work and some other stuff)

Didn’t ASW make the game? They were aware of the system they were using and the potential problems it had. Taking that initiative and sorting out the problem, is surely somewhat their responsability right?

of course, but if you are making a software for a company who is rushing the release of the product, reducing the time for the tests, you can bet that the final product will have some flaws, im not saying tha asw doesnt share the fault, but capcom as the owner and the one who sells and takes the decissions of the game is the one who has more fault, remember that capcom wanted to release the game in december of 2007, they moved the deadline because the obvious errors and glitches but they still rushed the release, they could be waited until june and make some more local tests, i think that they never thought of this game as a serious fighter and more like a sideway project, a spinoff of the main series, its obvious when you see how are they working with sf4, sf2 hdr and tvc

I am quite busy so I can’t do everything right now.

I have uploaded few new matches, I’m currently writing down all combos from all official vids, I’ll try to make some kind of strategy vids soon … but I don’t have much time.

Once we get this running and the Gnouz ranbat series starting in September, you’ll probably see more stuff coming from us. Don’t expect much from Japan, the game is so fucking dead over there … :arazz:

Thanks for responding everyone. The reasons I asked was because every time I try to go on the web page, it comes up as an error. So am I the only one getting this?:confused:

I think so. I have BasaraKO bookmarked and I never get this “error” you’re getting.

Personally I find this game a lot of fun and easy to pick up. Bad news though, the one guy I thought would get SBX didn’t get it so it looks like I’m stuck playing the CPU. Shame really, I wanted to test my Yukimura and Kojuro against someone good.

are you serious?.. awww man its a shame, this game has potential to be very good for tournaments if they fix the few problems that it has (and even with them is really fun to play)

I said it a hundred times, they should just go ahead and release Sengoku Basara XX with bug/glitch fixes, improved gameplay, more Basara characters and Enguns playable, probably introduce priming attacks to the X series, etc.

I see, well they’re all lazy bastards, jerks…

That would be nice but…y’know. :rofl:

I think it’s safe to presume that SBX was probably meant to be a “1 time fling” for both Capcom and ASW alike. If it did well, then that would have been an incentive to collaborate more. But if not, as it stands right now, Capcom and ASW are still very much rivals in similar markets, and they each have their own products to market, such that further collaboration isn’t necessary.

Bottomline: With ASW all busy with BlazBlue, and Capcom probably focused on making sure at least ONE of the their newest and brightest (SF4 and TC) goes on to be a big hit…I wouldn’t count on seeing any more SBX games any time soon. Especially since, in Capcom’s eyes, the BASARA brand has been doing just fine already without the need for such a game.

its the same what i think, right now they are focusing all their efforts in their main stream games, so its practically impossible right now that they’re gonna make a revision of sbx, and as pharaon said, if the game is dead in japan its more improbable :sad:, still, we have many other games that are comming, and sbx its just fine even with its flaws, of course every one wants a product with great quality and not only a game focused on satisfy a fan base with more fan service