Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

Wow. What the fuck happened to the scene that never existed?? This isn’t good…

Hope people haven’t stopped playing already…

Not fareal. I don’t know bout everybody else…

me too.just been playing alot of kof 98 um

Sweet, thanks. Dunno why I never tried it there before, but it makes the move a LOT deadlier, awesome. And yeah, I’m with everyone else in mourning the effective loss of the SBX community. We should start spamming Aksys Games’ forum ( to see if they can bring over SBX, and possibly fix some of the problems from the JPN port, as they had ArcSys do with GGXX AC.

So I just started playing this today. I picked up the ice chick. I dunno shit about this game lol. Are the knockback attacks comboable in this game? Ig so I ca’t do it with her at all. Also, what do her little ice balls do?

Oh yeah, the sound in this game sucks. It’s like someone has their hand over my speakers.:bluu:

ice chick is a DUDE

the ice balls cause freezing on contact.

But they can still move when they glow and stuff though. Does freezing make them slow or sumthin? Is (s)he even good? I might try Nobunaga (I think? Dude with the gun and sword)

Yeah the sound is terrible. As for Kenshin–the ice balls slow down your opponent making it easier to counter hit them into his B&B. For the most part, Kenshin doesn’t do good damage–right now his strategy is really to pressure the opponent to attack so you can counter into infinite. I mainly put on alot of pressure with throw setups and combo mixups until I get Engun 50 and IF I need to call my assist I’ll start using it. To me, Kenshin is braindead easy to play but I enjoy using him. His throw is like K-Ken to me lol–its pretty decent.

Don’t combo your assist into this main super–its not worth the damage…its pretty low actually. I would only use her for AA or combo assist. IAD C is good–although I’ve been spoiled by Shin’s IAD sexy breakfast from HNK…IAD"s in this game are relatively slow. Supposedly holding down after IAD makes them come out faster, I haven’t tested it enough to say whether its true or not.

His infinite is so easy I’ve actually finished my dinner while playing a friend…nonetheless his Hideyoshi raped me soon after.

What he said

I can’t even do a combo let alone an infinite yet lol. Are there any ways to get a launch from the ground besides assist? And what’s a good air combo? Right now all I got is ja, jb, jb, jc, 623b.:bluu:

I don’t do alot of air combos with Kenshin–and when I do its mainly from comboing the assist. You “can” however do setups that involve his Ice Patch attack (Kenshin: Naruhodo!) when that hits as counter hit or clean hit you can follow it up with :

-ja ja ja jb, dj. ja ja ja 623b

-ja jb dj ja jb 623b

To me Kenshin is strong on the ground…I only use his launcher in his infinite…

No air combos huh? I think I saw the cpu dash cancel out of attacks to keep a combo going. Either that character can combo their knockback attack and boosted after that or there is something I don’t know yet. Also, why does the damage seem random in this game? Like I’ll do a combo one time and it does shit damage, but I’ll do it later and it does tard damage.:confused:

almost =P

It has nothing to do with holding down, I just gave down as an example because thats what I use.

Mess around in training mode for 10 min and you will have it down. I still am not sure if the extra directional input is even necessary. It may be just the timming between the actual dash animation and the attack button press. The extra input may simply be a crude way to time it. I just really don’t care enough to figure out exactly whats goin on.

Either way, I can get moves to come out nearly instantly after the air dash, so take that for whatever its worth.

Well he can…I just don’t really use air combos with him. I’ve seen weird Banishing Strike combos with him but not really alot or often. Damage is really low–even if you use just hard hits in combos the scaling is pretty retarded. He jsut doesn’t do good damage.

Anyone have notation on yukimura’s wall street?

the setup is actually quite simple.
get engun lvl 51, and combo into 236[A] with engun.

Full charge?

Anybody know any combos or strats for keiji?

nope, it actually does the wallslam thing pretty early in the charge. you’ll have to experiment since its a just frame thing though