Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

I always thought one was long range and the other was short range, didn’t know you could hold it…

Held Kenshin counter is really good because you can mix up the length of your hold to mess with the opponent. It also helps for when you’ve frozen someone and you don’t know if you timed it right.

the freezing actually screws up some of my counters sometimes. sometimes they go so slow that the startup of their moves outlasts the active frames of the counter lol.

but yeah other than that the freeze status is hot.

yeah, i had same feeling. Then i figured out a lil something to get normals out faster from an air dash, and should work for air specials too, but i usually just tiger knee those.

Anyway, if you iad, then input another direction before you press attack, it seems to make normals come out faster.

So, how i do it, is simply do an IAD, then roll from the forward input to down as i am pressing my attack button. Just go play around in training with the idea of inputing an extra directional input before you attack from an IAD, and youll see what im talking about. Of course characters that have a air down + attack normals, this does the down + normal attack.

hope someone finds this usefull

EDIT: After posting I got to thinking if the directional input was necessary at all. It may just be the timing of your attack button press after the first few frames of air dash. Other people who mess with this, post your thoughts.


There is no online play with Sengoku Basara Cross…and yes I have the console version.

The infinites aren’t really that bad since most of them really have bad damage scaling. If you adopt the attitude of it being something to add to how you play your character and realize that not just your opponent can do it and that you can–its really not bothersome. Its a really fun game.

Engun Counters can be used to prevent infinites from continuing depending on when you do them and how much Engun Level you have.

It’s hilarious how high the enguns jump during the space race infinates if the punching bag tries to engun counter while you’re already on mars.

True. I do think that the console only characters can get up there sometimes… I know I did Kenshin’s counter infinite on Date once in VS Cpu mode and Kojuro did his AA assist and he fucking hit me–which was really wtf. I will admit “Space Race” hadn’t been off the screen yet so maybe that had something to do with it I was just getting off screen and he cut me down.

Yeah, sometimes that’ll happen to me if they counter like right before you get off screen, but as far as my experience goes if they are too slow to counter before I dissappear off screen it’s all over.

Is this the normal engun summon or the down engun summon?

I use down to launch them, but I can see the normal one working as well

Have there been any new match vids?

here a combo clip i made with kujiro [media=youtube]BJKP2lQ4l3g[/media]

wow…that was awesome. Do you have a transcript for that combo as well as some more combos for Kojiro? I want to use him but I can figure anything out.

Kojuro’s pretty simple actually, you’ve got your main B&B which is A or 2A > B > C > 2C > 236A > 236B which actually does pretty decent damage concidering. Then depending on when you activate Date just take it from there, so you might go 2A > B > C > 2C > 236A + D > 66 > JA > JB > JC > 5B > C + D > 66 etc… Or even 2A > B > C > 2C > 236A + D > 66 > JA > JB > JC > 623B (2 Hit) > D > 66 (engun cancel) > JC > 5B > C > 214214C. This is all without touching his other stances or cancels he has, so it shows how much potential he has. I would give you more in depth stuff but I can’t play the game at the minute so I can only work off memory…

A or 2A > B > C > 2C > 236A > 236B

2A > B > C > 2C > 236A + D > 66 > JA > JB > JC > 5B > C + D > 66 etc

2A > B > C > 2C > 236A + D > 66 > JA > JB > JC > 623B (2 Hit) > D > 66 (engun cancel) > JC > 5B > C > 214214C

Something you should try, I can’t… :lovin: I’m not 100% sure, but with the ammount of time it takes Date to hit three times, it could be enough time to “activate your shit.”

2A > B > C > 2C > 236A > D > 66 (engun cancel) A+B+C > B > C+D > 2141236C

nice combo. I’ve seen another that has a infinite.

this is the first gameplay vid iv’e seen of this game on gametrailers

Has anyone managed to get Hanbei’s Engun assist on his super to work? The command list says the (QCF)x2 one is assist-able, but I just get Hideyoshi’s normal engun action all the time. Thoughts?

After the second hit.