need some help with the kenshin infinite. I can get it to work, but as I am going into the space race the hit counter will darken or the other player will recover. how fast should i hit, or what little tricks can I do with the buttons to cover up for that little section?
Keep them as high as possible throughout, they can’t recover after the taunt so there shouldn’t be any problem landing the arial attack. Just make sure they’re high enough otherwise they will drop to the ground…
damn i wish i could play this game…wish it wasn’t a ps2 release. =/
I can get into the space race, but after like 10 hits the hit counter will go black or then they’ll recover. just wondering if im hitting b,c too slow or too fast or something.
After you launch them, press C, B, C as fast as you can. After you do that, just mash B+C and you’ll do it without letting them tech
cool got it to work, thanks
if youre asking if it has online option, no it hasnt
Wow. This game has so much serious play at this point? Such a bad game… I hoped for better from Arc this time… :sad:
I usually try and wait until about 49+ to summon engun you really don’t want to only have one engun–esp in situations when you get caught by infinites. I play Kenshin and my main comp plays Hideyoshi and its usually a fight to who can get either an inf or 80% combo off first. I try to make sure I can readily use Engun to break his combos and vice versa.
Note- Seriously—what is up with Hanbei’s infinite? I can get it to for work a few secs on Honda and then they pop out. As far as I can tell, I’m doing exactly what mammut does in the vid–and it still doesn’t work.
Also about Kenshin’s counter–sometimes it just delays attacks and doesn’t actually go into the counter itself–is there something I’m doing wrong?
it depends of who im fighting, usually i wait until the level is over 50, and sometimes i wait until it reach lv 100, but as i said before, it depends.
its not bad on the contrary is really good (7/10), still it could be better if they tested more the game, and if capcom would used the same compression system that arc use for the sound in gg
i wait til 51 or if i land an infinite to summon engun.
Any decent damage combos with kenshin other then his infinate? the most I could find was stuff around 200 or less using his 214+C, 2E, then something that links into j.623+B
His combos are Crystal light. Although I saw one combo in a yt vid that did slightly better damage than his usual combos.
But for the most part I’ve yet to see one combo with Kenshin do alot of damage. I try and get damage within offense presssure, combos, and throw mixups since I’m under the impression that his throw is good, don’t quote me.
Does this game have online play?
Dude…someone answered your question already, pay attention.
I couldnt find my post :(.
not sure how i missed this one. he has two versions of each counter. the 214+button counter stays out for as long as you hold it, and the 421+button counter just stays out for a bit. not sure on the differences between them though.
also for kenshin combos, i just try and hitconfirm into 236C~A, engun, 2BC, aircombo, air 2C. if i dont have engun i just put out an iceball and wing it from there, lol.
Thanks, I’ll mess around with it to see what the differences are. His infinite is braindead easy, its just the only issue would be when it just delays attacks. Luckily in some situations I was able to get “free” throw or combo against a Hideyoshi player but in alot of those situations I would’ve prefer to be able to do an infinite. I would post stuff about playing him but someone already linked a dustloop post that at least covered the basics.
I enjoy playing Kenshin but–right now at least to me his biggest flaw is the damage issue. He’s still pretty top tier IMO but he’s not unbeatable. I seriously think its a race to 50+ Engun if he fights Mori or Hideyoshi. I think if they reach 50+ first Kenshin really has a hard time dealing with them.
I wish normals would come out faster when you IAD in this game.
haha yeah, seem like that pretty much how I play him. The ice balls really seem to trip up hideyoshi, but man is that one hard match up for kenshin. Finding an opp. for a counter is tough when you’re getting tossed around like a ragdoll. I have no trouble dealing with mouri for the time being, but I can see how it would be trouble for kenshin.