Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

without. the game is much better that way.


Robot Sentinel Guy= Honda Tadakatsu

erm, i have a silly question. are there ways to charge up the Engun levels quicker? And do different Enguns level up quicker than others?


this game is dope, i’d love to get a little scene in reno going for it, but everyone’s too busy being stupidfaces.

don’t summon them. and if you already did, just don’t use them.

and every character whose own subsystem relates to his engun (motochika, honda and mouri), charges way faster than the rest of the cast.

so should enguns be used primarily for counters, rather than tacked-on combo assists?

very cool to know. thanks a bunch!

On a second note, you don’t have to level them up to LV.100 if it isn’t your priority and you only want to use them three times, as most characters let you use them three times at LV.51. So you have two good choices there, break early (51) and still have the advantages of three calls, or wait it out till you hit 100…

just reading through the thread, but could anyone explain to me these glitches?

gravity glitch?
wallstreet glitch?
spacerace glitch?

gravity glitch occurs when you do more than 30 hits in a combo. when you launch with 2bc and pursue with attacks, gravity is nullified, causing infinites.

wallstreet infinites are combos that utilize wallslam attacks to send the opponent back and forth across the field.

engun counters are very costly. use them only when you really really need them.
use enguns mostly for much better combos and mixups (some characters must use engun to be able to combo after an overhead), better pressure, and to prevent punishments from mistakes you make.

thanks for clarifying! :lovin:

One set of first-to-10 from 7-2-08:

Has anyone been using Motochika lately?

me why?

My friend is learning him after he saw some of the matches hosted at Shakujii. I just wanted to know if he’s easy to learn.

He takes some getting used to, problem I find with him is that he has too much of everything. Great normals but need good spacing, excelent specials but are tricky to get your head around, lots of Engun power but again, hard to get the hang of. Overall he’s great, but will take a bit of practice.

he doesn’t have any hard stuff besides the firekick cancel, which isn’t that hard, but also isn’t super important…
he really isn’t a combo character. he’s all about poking and mixups and zoning with the robots.

also, some honda love

wow, i didn’t know about his super armor glitch…that’s buff!

the funny thing is that i understand better motochika than mouri or nobunaga :sweat::rock:

Just got this game, so far it’s fun, I largely don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m maining Oichi for the moment.

Hopefully this game catches on enough to have a few smatterings of players at various tournaments.