Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

The game is dead in Japan : number of cabinets have dramatically been reduced, not much videos on Nicovideo, it’s a complete failure over there. On a worldwide thought, I guess people focused too much on infinites and the intense damage scaling.

Still, the game is very fun to play and has lots of possibilities.

On another note, I’ve started posting on our BasaraKO YouTube account which is meant to be used for our official stuff, meaning that I have more free time to search for new tricks and tips. You might want to check it out as it will be filled on a regular basis.

Pharaon, you’re the only Kojuro play I know of besides me. Care to give me some tips?

you are forgetting the person who posted the 100% combo with kojuro, bad thing is that i dont remember who was, and where (if it was here or in basarako)

Yeah but why would I want to learn 100% combos with Kojuro unless they’re practical?

i know, im not talking about learning the 100% combos, im talking about that he mayba can give you some tips too, if i remember well, he said that he was using kojuro as his main too

hello all…ehh it’s been long since i posted something here. Will, i quit playin al lof these things anyways due to RL, though the only game i’ve been playing past this year was GGXXAC…simply amazing. sengouku basara x been released, and so far every torrent i download the image from, fails to work on my ps…so i decided to buy the actual game!!!

now wut i discvoerd is…it’s not goin for US version?? is it only japanese?
plz help me out cause if so, i guess i will order the game Japanese instead, thank you :slight_smile:

PS: the game looks so broken with the easy mode infinities but still…guess could be kinda fun

Just got this game for PS2. Trying to Learn Kojuro, such a neat character with his black katana and “form” change ability.

I just picked up a copy of this game too. It’s too bad that it didn’t do so well in Japan. I’ve been having a lot of fun with it and it hasn’t left my PS2 all week. If any people in the Bay Area wanna get some matches going I am down!

I’m surprised anyone is playing this game at all anymore.

I quit this game last week. It’s really easy to pickup and being the only SBX player in a 200 mile radius kinda killed it for me.

Anyone want my copy of Sengoku Basara X? I’ll post pics later on.

i still play the game ocasionally, at least i have someone to play this game, the problem is that he doesnt like it too much, so we dont play too often :shake:

we spend our time more in gg, hnk, sc, or tekken, its a shame i feel that the game has more to offer

I am currently doing my level best to kindle some healthy SBX interest among my gaming friends. As long as nobody uses infinites (or Motonari…), the game is good fun, thanks in part to not being as taxing to learn as GG or even Arcana Heart.

Last night, I discovered this useful and heftily amusing Masamune combo:

(mid-screen, Engun Level 51 or above, skip the f+C against Honda, hard or impossible against Oichi)

jump-in C, standing B, crouching C, f+C, D (call Kojuurou), run to the other side of the opponent, as he is ~at Date’s chest level after taking both of Kojuurou’s hits, do standing B-C into [qcfx2+C, D] or [BKO] :pleased:

AFAIK, this is the only (or most reliable?) way to combo Masamune’s Engun Assist when not in the corner.

you can do way better with masamune.

engun lvl 51

5B 2B 5C 2C 6C, 214C, (wait a bit), 6D

then from there you can do

  • engun cancel jump, airdash jC, 5C 6C, 214C or super or IK
  • engun cancel run (maybe even an empty iad), 2bc, aircombo

YEEESSSSS!!! That game is harder than it lets on.

Currently my friend is borrowing my copy of SBX, cause I kinda just lost interest.

Its still a good i just haven’t had the time like I want to play it.I have 2-3 people already interested in the game its just hard to make get togethers.

who the fuck cares how a game does in japan? do you live there?

the game didnt do well anywhere, because it sucks complete and total ass and is wholly not fun.

just like marvel:looney:

just kidding… or not… mmm

still the game its damn fun, and has good qualities, its easy to pick and the character desing is good and has a good variety, the problem its the flaws, there are many because the lack of testing before the published, and it wasnt taked serious by capcom either :sad:

I dunno, personally I think the game is boring. The character and system is interesting but executed very poorly. To me, the game just feels like a slower, ultra low damage version of HnK. It’s not even fun to mess around in training mode, IMO. I was pretty hyped when the game came out, but my interest in it completely died after playing it for a week. D:

I guess the best way to describe how the game feels is a mix between HnK game mechanics and CvS2 style of play except you do no damage and your supers are a joke.

Stocks are made for Alpha Counters and Bursts, not for supers. And that’s pretty sad when you think about it. Aside from maybe Mononari (who already has enough tools as it stands), all supers are pretty much useless.