Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

yes lets give everyone trijump mixups what variety

The second sentence from this thread.

Jesus christ wtf are you talking about, i dont give a flying fuck if you play it or not, only comment was on your retarded air dash argument.

All of arc systems games have air dashes why would they suddenly decide to not put it in this one? Also who actually got converted from a 2 way dash to an 8 way dash? Mvc2 has more characters with horizontal air dashes than ones with 8 way dashes so your argument is retarded on pretty much every level.

since you are a dumbfuck, i’ll just sum this shit up:

if capcom has nothing to do with this game, why is this game so hyped with 42+ pages and the thread starter and people that are for the game telling others to support it in hopes of capcom making sf4 and other fighters(fat chance in hell)?

if capcom did have something to do with this game besides publishing it, why make a ggx rehash and use the ggx and loli fighter system of universal air dash? there are wayy more characters in marvel that has no air dashes than ones that do, its just that ones that has an 8 way air dash usually are the ones that dominate, therefore a winning formula, which kept marvel strong for 8 years and going. why not implement that shit in?

Hey this thread is getting ugly.

Listen, it shouldn’t be too hard to understand that the GGX/“loli” style of play is hot right now. ASW makes those types of games. Those games are popular. ASW is trying to make a popular game here. This game borrows a lot from their other popular games. Get it?

Whether you like it or not, this is how 2D fighting games are being made now and even Capcom wants a piece of it. Theres no use arguing the facts.

Eeeh that guy gets props for putting out info, but I wouldn’t read too much into the logic. Capcom’s been all but done with fighters as they don’t generate nearly the revenue as the console action series releases. Plus someone said earlier a lot of the original team members cut out, like the guy who produced most of the Street Fighter games. Up until recently, Capcom’s been totally milking the work of the guy who headed the RE, Onimusha, Devil May Cry, and Sengoku Basara projects…that dude gets too much work.

Anyway my point is, if anything, support it cause you like Arcsys OTHER series than GG, it’s true they lift their own work when it comes to making new games, but they also add a lot of stuff in there that GG doesn’t have ( or at least didn’t til AC ). Or support it if you think Capcom’s not making enough money already.

because if the game makes them a good amount of money they’re more likely to want to make more 2d fighters in future? do you understand how companies work?

if you actually looked at how the game plays you’d see it plays nothing like gg or any “loli fighter” (which all play differently btw)

Capcom is PUBLISHING the game, ARC SYSTEMS is developing it. DEVELOP = actually make game PUBLISH = distribute, do you understand at all the words that are on your computer screen? I can’t speak to why other people are saying “support capcom” type sayings, what I can say is its not a capcom made game its an arc system developed game.

Dude you’re like really really REALLY dense.

actually youre both fucking dense

How so other than me arguing endlessly about a trivial fucking point?

dude, you’re like one of the dumbest posters i’ve ever come across on srk, no wait, even gamefaq members has more sense than you.

what i’m trying to say is that if capcom actually did develop it, why not put in some triangle jumps and shit.

but since you are a dumbass and can’t put one plus one together, i rest my fuckin case.

hey can yall keep this thread on topic, none of this arguing ha to do with the actual game so just chill out =/

Ok, but capcom isnt developing it so where is the relevance? And again capcom has made more characters with horizontal ADs than 8 way ADs, kind of stupid to complain about a fairly unused feature that was only really used by another dev NOT being in the game.

here we go again.

the relevance? how about the entire 42+ pages of srk peeps getting excited just because capcom has something to do with it? or the fact that supporters are telling us to support it just because it has capcoms name written over it in hopes of sf4? or even the title of this thread (capcom x arc system works…)

and once again, capcom has also made even more characters without air dashes at all. its just that those characters with the 8 way dashes is one of components that made marvel worth playing for.

Meh started typing a reply but Sabin is right this is dumb shit apologies for derailing thread

The question is: are you going to play this game or not?

yo Sabin, got my PM?

this game looks hot…

playing sanada cuz he has rekka kens…w00t


sabin, wut up homie?

By the way… according to AM-NET, the game was delayed to April 2008.

I already heard about this game a month ago. And I can see that the makers of “Guilty Gear” are developing it.

What matters to me is that i’m really keeping an eye on this game to keep interest since I enjoy lots of fighting games. :slight_smile:


Hope there’s a damn good reason why they chose to delay it, if this is indeed true.