Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

God, they made another Guilty Gear? Fuck…

game looks pretty interesting, i love fighting games so i’ll give this one a try


That’s insane.

Hope it ain’t true


the final bit is HOT, damn i knew i got the right character in this game.

that’s been posted about

3 times

at least


I’ve got a new SBX post up on ze blog. Moves for Mouri and Oichi plus a bit of Engun Attack info for everybody.

It seems like Oichi, like Zappa (?) or Eddie, isn’t really running the show when she fights? That’s fine by me except… it’s kind of a shame that the game’s only female character’s main attack is swooning. I want a proper butt-kicker like Chun-Li or Vanessa!

nice, ive been waiting for some new info on oichi

Report #3 is here.


it seems Capcom has sold there souls to the devil

this game will be tainted
and sucks because I loved Devil Kings

It’s not that no one wants to support Capcom
it’s that Arc Systems is in control of this
it only has Capcom’s name on it that’s all.


This has nothing to do with SF4’s future

too bad SF4 was announced, otherwise I can read more interesting posts regarding SF4 will never come, lol! Did Sengokubasarax get the insider information? Reading some of the previous posts pre SF4 official announcement do make my day:D

Don’t worry, Capcom is in total control of this game. Arc System-ish SBX plus Capcom-ish SF4… It’s a win win for Capcom in 2008. Let’s hope the sequel doesn’t suck now XD

Ehh, I was hoping the trailer would give me hope for the game. The Capcom logo appears, the cool rock music comes on, and then… here comes the in game footage and it immediately turns me off. I wish I could get into the hype but I’m really not digging the art style.

When Eddie learns parry… Oichi info update!!! With a lot of pics!

ASW developing games for capcom just means that Cappcom doesn’t have the ability to make 2d fighting games anymore,unless ST4 prove me wrong otherwise

Oichi is up

New loke test is supposedly going on today and tomorrow. The other big thing is that ALL of the characters are playable in this release, which would include the Motos, Oichi and Nobunaga.

What’s known so far that hasn’t been reported? Nobunaga does indeed get Ranmaru and Noh-Hime as his Engun, while Motochika gets his pirate pals to help him.

Thanks to tianyuan for the report. More to come when it comes in.

…Of course…now I’m left to wonder if the game is still “on schedule”, or if the delay to Spring is still in effect.

I would think that with all the other stuff coming out around Spring, it would serve Capcom and ASW better to just play-test the hell out of this game, and get it out there so it won’t have to compete with all the other things in the pipeline, but that’s me…

A Kenshin player supposedly got 101 wins in a row @ the ikebukuro beta test. Then a different Kenshin beat him and got another 80 wins.

The Engun system sounds whack, and makes it seem it’s gonna drag Basara X down.

I added special move commands to the most recent SBX post on the blog.

new universal commands:
Aerial Spike - During an aerial combo (when you’ve launched opponent) 2+C.
Aerial Engun - E during aerial combo

It sounds like this weekend’s beta test was a mess. They had better not rush things.

DaveNK - Yeah I don’t have a good feeling about Engun Counters.


That certainly says something about Kenshin…