Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

i really dont get it, capcom gave birth to the marvel franchise and engine yet they rather copy guilty gears whack ass system of generic ass air dashes? what gives?

and hell fuckin no, guilty gear wasnt the first game that had air dashes.

1)Guilty Gear playing style is what’s hot over there in Japan right now.Guilty Gear along with all of the loli fighters with Double dumps and air dashes

2)When was the last time Capcom made a good original fighting game? 2001 :confused:

I’m guessing they don’t have the means readily available to just come up with a fighting game that meets the demand of the market.

I could go into a big rant but this isn’t really the place.

I’ll just say that even though Ouroborus sounds kind of bitter about it and ignoring the fact that it IS Arc developing the game, I agree in concept with what he says and can see where he’s coming from. Honestly I’m disappointed in what’s happened to modern fighting games since mvc2, and it’s kind of depressing thinking about it.

What happened to a true assist/team system? Why is a game that’s 8 years old, light years more advanced in a lot of ways than games that have yet to be released? These new games are barely paying homage to the assist system with things like Juda’s assists or the new Engun crap. I don’t know about everyone else but I can’t really get excited over a gameplay mechanic that’s simply a weak and less evolved version of something that was pioneered 8 years ago.

My only thought is they don’t have enough characters to comfortably develop even a 2v2 game. Maybe in a few years?

I wonder if Arcsys fans would be pissed if Capcom forced to adhere to their standards rather than give them free reign…pretty sure it wouldn’t get played in Japan in that case, seeing how Marvel did over there and all.

fuck marvel and leave it out of the conversation. marvel = drama and I hate drama, save that shit for GD.

Honestly I like the limited assits that is the engun system. as well as stuff that is like Juda’s. It makes you play the characters of the game for the tools that they have in the actual fight rather than picking a character just because his assit is good with a certain other character. This way, I feel, will make the game much easier to balence.

I’m pretty sure it has more to do with the fact that S246/256 is the current defacto Capcom arcade board. Seeing as how all the recent Capcom titles (Gundam VS titles and CFJ) all ran on it. Adding to the fact that Arc System Works’ old choices of hardware (Naomi and AW) are both already dead.

You’re really fucking ignorant, almost every game that has an air dash in it uses the same type of dash, why would they randomly decide to use 8 way dashes that have been used for like 12 fighting characters ever in the history of games?

you’re the fuckin dumbass. every fighting game? you mean almost every fighting game that came out after ggx had the limited one way air dash right? why give air dashes at all to the cast when like less than 15 characters ever in capcom history has an air dash?

What does it matter? This is is how the game is. You don’t like, you don’t have to play it. There’s no use in wondering why the way it is.

If they made it like Marvel, then we’d have people that don’t like Marvel complaining about the game. Either way, someone isn’t going to like it.

Why are you even talking about capcom games? They’re irrelevant. SBX isnt a capcom game, its just published by them. Almost every game to use an air dash before AND after GG, there are far more GAMES that have a universal horizontal air dash then there are CHARACTERS that have an eight way air dash, shit even the VS series itself has more 2 way air dashes than they do 8 way, you’ve no idea what you’re talking about.

You sound so excited!

Even so, my argument still holds up. There’s no denying that as far as costs and “ease of development” goes, the 246/256 class of hardware both meets those ends. Capcom knows it inside and out (though I doubt that has much to do with this particular instance), while ASW both needed a new home for their 2D wares, as well as something that wouldn’t be hard to work on. And how much easier can it get than to basically utilize suped-up, arcade-version of PS2 hardware?

It was either 256, Taito-X2 or ASW would have had to find means on another Jamma-based hardware. The latter two probably could have had mixed results, so 256 was definitely the safest and most inexpensive of the lot.

SFIV ain’t happening.

and who cares if shodown is going 3d?

why wouldn’t i be talking about capcom games? this thread is basically telling me to support this game for the sake of capcom.

now why would i be a fuckin tool and support a game that looks like a ggx rehash?

Who told you to do that? LoL If anything, supporting this game will make Capcom want to do MORE games like this.

god dammit, I don’t want to play a guilty gear knockoff when I just go play GG on ps2. Shit garbage, for god sakes, the guy in red looks like sol… did they even try to create a new game??

endorsement denied :wasted:

give the people what they want, SF4 for the love of god!

Yukimura looks nothing like Sol,aesthetically or gameplay wise.

They both have long ponytails,and seem to have affinity for the element of fire,and the color red,but the comparisons end there

Do you understand what the difference between developed and published are? It “looks like a ggx rehash” to you cause its made by the same people who did all those games that you dont play, GG, HnK, etc.

publish it locally and ill support it by buying it and if i like it I’ll continue playing.

so you expect me to support this damn game just because capcom has some investment in it just in hope of sf4? dont be a fuckin tool now.

now going back to the air dashes. a lot of combo fighting game dont have air dashes at all, so why even put them in? and if they do put them in, why make it generic and dash one direction, especially for a capcom game? most characters that had a horizontal air dash in the marvel games evolved to 8 way air dashes in future installments.