Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

Mori and Kenshin are top

Anyone else having login problems at BasaraKO? It’s either that, or I’ve forgotten my password… :frowning:


Anyone know how good Keiji is?

A friend of mine plays a pretty solid Hideyoshi. I have a vid of him doing some simple combos with only 1 use of Engun and multiple throwloops. I’ll see if I can post it later on. It’s from a cellphone though… :sweat:

Hmm, I’m in now, guess I forgot my password… :confused:

Keiji’s good, it’s hard for me to say it this moment but he’s deffinately got a lot going for him… RANGE!

Jeff Nagi- Man I fucked off in training mode for about 2 hours with Keiji. Dude is going to be my main. I’m ready for matches whenever you are. Let me know.

Tataki, Kayin, & Hecatom- Too late, I already ordered it. Thing is, I’ve been looking to get the game for about two years now but put it back on the shelf everytime I got my hands on it. I just returned Samurai Warriors 2 today. The warriors series has never been my cup of tea so naturally I’d go for something flashier like Devil Kings. I probably won’t care about how they butchered the storyline, which I don’t really know anything about anyway. I heard about the shitty voices and how they changed the names. Who = who anyway? I just know Devil
King is Nobunaga, and the Frost chick I heard about is maybe Kenshin? And is Keiji on Devil Kings? Also, I thought about getting Sengoku Basara 2 and then 2 Heroes but NOTHING is in english right? Thatsgonna be pretty difficult for me so I figured I’d get Dev Kings first, get used to the series and this hack n slash feudal takeover genre in general, then maybe that’ll ease me into importing SB2.

But this game is awesome despite me not knowing the system at all. For now, I’m playing it as if it’s a slower GG. I’m coming up with combos, set-ups, etc. for Keiji but I don’t know how to properly use Engun, as far as their gauges, lvls, etc. so I’m kind of leaving it out of my repertoire for now as far as flashy shit. I’ve been doing some stupid shit with em combo wise in training mode but I have all my bars maxed out and I don’t know what lvl/ guage they need to be at for the various situations and supers. What’s worse is I’m unable to watch any match vids. If someone came up with a small user guide for SBX covering basics I’d be really grateful. The rest will fall into place from there.

P.S. It’d be sweet if Kojuro and “Ivy Whip Guy” are allowed in tourneys to increase diversity among character selections. Maybe in SBXX they’ll make some of the other Engun playable characters, preferably the girl that’s with Kenshin, and Yuki’s boys. Hopefully they’ll add even more new characters like the guy who had the rifle/shotgun in SW or Fuuma.

Does this game run in 480p?

FlyMike: I have both SB2 and Heroes so I actually have those pretty much translated when it comes to menus and stuff (not stories like that lol)

S.S. what’s up man! So you’re saying you personally translated them, or are the menus just user friendly? I do want SB2 for the SBX characters like Keiji, Oichi, “Tira Guy”, etc. but I already ordered Dev Kings so it’ll be a minute anyway.

To release different Engun, juss to make sure I’m doin dis right, its it hold the direction plus the engun button, or is it to tilt with the stick plus the engun button. Which is it cuz I currently do both.

Sit down, I have some news for you.


“Why don’t you take a seat over here…”

FlyMike is in for one terrible experience once Devil Kings arrives.

Goddamn Mike…take a seat.

…over there.
And the menus are in japanese but I know what they are for the most part.


no, capcom doesnt put that option in the game

LAWL I found out shortly after making that post that Kenshin is a guy. I originally saw his Engun assist super and thought I was in for a bit of lesbo action. But fuck you guys lol. I’m not worse than the people who played GG since XX and STILL think Bridget is a girl…

And another question, although I really hate to stray away from SBX discussion. Why is everyone saying stay away from Devil Kings if it indeed has the same gameplay, with maybe a few changes, as Sengoku Basara? Is it strictly because they removed the historical background and story? I agree it’s pretty fucked up but I’m more for flash, flair, and over the top insanity anyway. So why tell anyone besides me( the ones who don’t have means to import) to not cop Devil Kings? I mean if it’s the only way that they can experience Basara why not go for it?

I intend to play Devil Kings first so I’ll at least get a shit story and then when I go to Sengoku Basara 2-> 2 Heroes everything won’t seem so foreign to me. Hopefully.

Well, the localization is really fucked up and the games could’ve been alot better if more care were taken into the translation so that’s why people don’t recommend buying the American version of Sengoku Basara.

Having bought the US version–I agree.

A game without Oichi is not worth playing.

Does she swallow? If she doesn’t I’m not buying it…

well, you have a point, but you have to understand that some of us doesnt like when they mess with the storybackground of a game, the ost and the voices and put some hideous voices in english with poor quality in the acting, they remove all the feeling.
the only good point for dk over sb1, is the gameplay, its supposed to be more like sb2 and sb2h