Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

can you give an example? i record the opponent to attack, i hit him with whatever, but nothing happens when i press A/B/C

also sometimes when doing specials he flashes purple…
i think guarding hits with 214 moves will make his next 236 special stronger.

When you get counter-hit, not when you counter-hit them.

pretty strange… found any use for it?

also, the regular throws are not 0 frames and they even have whiff animations here. (set dummy to jump and try to throw them)

I suppose the most obvious thing to do is to use your assist to combo off the hit.

Personal Oichi update: I have never EVER in the history of every fighter I’ve ever played, have I EVER been this pissed off trying to get a character to work more than Oichi. I swear, it feels like this ridiculously fruitless venture of actually trying to make her function. I at least have to tip my hat to ArcSys for not making another Eddie…they just reincarnated him as Twelve’s retarded cousin.

Yes, she’s got that awesome godly damage combo in the corner…but where the hell else is she going to get good damge? Even ‘considerate’ damage? Not to mention that fireballs just fuck her nutter butters stupid. What’s she gonna do? Parry them only to eat another fireball before she recovers? Go into possesed mode through the fireball only to face another volley? Or maybe we should try to dash through it, only so she can recover from the dash for them to come and hit you before you can do shit? Oh! Let’s hold up and elevate her and…oh fuck, air fireballs.

One…ONE thing I’ve found that seems to be ‘decent’ against projectile whoring is timing her shadow projectile (Standing slash in possessed mode?), and it eats up the fireball and keeps going, and from full screen you can do her full screen homing hand to get them on the defensive. Not sure what to fucking do other than be annoying from full screen though. If they decide to start blocking from full screen, I literally can’t do shit to them since I need to be around range 2 to do her low/overhead mixup at least. So yea…

Yes, her normal mode sucks ass and it’s not meant to be fighting in. But never have I ever played a character that couldn’t do anything like her in regular. I would be doing better playing World Warrior Blanka (to those who don’t know, he sucks ass balls). She has no damage of ANY kind, no actual combo into anything good, unless you get a descending hard slash on counter into her possesed summon blast…I guess? Yea, you can tigerknee her air spinny thing for AWESOME LOCKDOWN! FUCKIN’ 1337z0rzsuaceplox!1! Yea it’s not that good, but a nifty tool…at best.

On a positive note about regular, just defending and parrying really help her get her possess gage back rather quickly, so if she’s blocking a lot, it’s not a bad thing. Unfortunately, it just seems like the ONLY thing. Oh yea, she still can’t deal with fireballs. Don’t give me that “she’s got a reflector!” crap. It still sucks.

Random notes. I notice she can get hit after she succesfully parries something, like this one multi-hit dash move that Masamune does. It hits her out of her post-parry stuff, but leaves them in the “Oh shit mash out the stagger” mode, so I just run up and do her possess burst move, which seems to be her best option.

I’m torn as ‘when’ to summon my engun (assist). I’ve read that the most common point is to do it at 51% since you can get 3 chances or whatever, and having an assist to get people off your shit is crucial. But what to do against projectile spam? What’s the engun gonna do? Fucking uppercut into it like a dumbshit? Or should he just throw some stupid ninja star thing only for it to get eaten up by 3-to-50 Ringguys minions? Basically it seems that Oichi’s assist is only good to take a hit and by her time to go into possesed, although I could be wrong if there’s some tight, bad-ass en-gun cancel combo that does more than 2% damage.

So basically, having the worst stamina in the game BY FAR, having shitty normals, having shitty damage, having no actual combos (aside from her corner rape combo, which is totally awesome I’m not going to lie), no way to counter/deal with projectile zoning…yea I’ve been a tad frustrated.

I hope I’m wrong, but I see Oichi just being a variant of Zappa, where she can be dumb and annoying, but you gotta get the money shot with super mode, or you just die. And let’s not forget to mention that her rape combo is a bit strict on the spacing in the corner too, with the ONLY reliable way to set it up is to blast them to the corner by connecting a possess burst(?) and using the overhead/low mixup from possess into death.

I’m done ranting for now.

umm… did you try to hold 9 and walk above the projectiles? (in devil form)

Yes, that works fine and dandy, unfortunately it doesn’t really remain as effective against air fireballs, or any other projectile that doesn’t just track the lower horizontal plane. Anything that arcs, tracks, or is airborne at all, she’s forced (while in possess mode at least) to either risk dashing through them, or try to use that possess fireball to go through them, even if the trjectory is downward on theirs, if you time it, it’ still works out.

the hands can reach them from afar

Yes, you are right. The fierce hands summon tracks them full screen, but it doesn’t negate whatever air fireball they tossed at you, so all that is accomplished is you hitting them, and their fireball hitting you, putting you back into normal mode for a while…which is where you don’t wanna be.

Again, the one thing I’ve found to ‘kinda’ deal with this is to ‘anticipate’ their air fireball coming at me, and then I use the possesed fireball (to eat theirs) and cancel it to the full screen summon hands to either hit them or force them to block.

Again though, at full screen, all she can do is annoy, she’s not a real threat unless she’s close, and near the corner specifically. She can do some decent possess strings up close, but it’s nothing to really write home about. I’m going to look around and see if I can find anything up close in midscreen besides [Possess] C, A, 8, A. :wasted:

Played this game a little bit yesterday with some of my boys who’re good at Guilty Gear and play with Pot, Testy, and Slayer. In SBX they played with the big homo guy who slings people into walls, “Guy Tira”, and Yuki(Baby Sol lol. I guess he couldn’t find a Slayer.) I didn’t know any moves, commands, or anything about the game but I used my common fighting game knowledge to get by. I think im gonna play with Maeda Keichi btw. But I was getting crushed by Yuki. Everyone was. My friend only saw like 2 match videos and put some crazy pressure together. I haven’t(and can’t) saw any. I think Keichi has reach but Yuki was all in my grill I couldn’t do anything. Someone told me Kojuro plays a bit like Johnny but I didn’t really choose him because I figure he might not be allowed in tourneys. Tried out the eyepatch guy too. I think he’s like May. But I couldn’t get his assist to come out for shit. Is there some kind of special command?

I have a copy of the game now but haven’t had any time to play it. But once I get home im going to try to hit training mode with Keichi. So anything anyone wishes to share about him is welcome.

Also, I might pick up Devil Kings today. It has 12 characters right? Are they the same 12 that are in this game? I know everyone has some ridiculous name changes but I haven’t played it.

You should save going into possession for like “bursting” up close to someone. It should always knock them down and they should be forced to start blocking. I don’t know what are using for pressure after a knockdown but they shouldn’t be able to immediately jump and throw a fireball at you on wakeup.


don’t pick up devil kings. just don’t.

and vs yukimura try to do an “instant faultless defence” to push him away.

when you hold down select(start?) over a character and it says another on the bottom of the screen, what does that mean/do?

Also motonori is pretty awesome. Just have to learn some better combos and all will be okay.

you earn money, then you buy a robot with that money.
(engun button+ a hit button depending on the robot you want. the 2nd is best imo)

BnB should be anything into 236B4 (IE 2A 2B 5C 236B4) D engun comes out from behind hit oppenet small dash jB C (2hits) 236A2

other stuff you can go for anything into 6C (IE 5A 5A 6C) 2 hits last hit link into 623D dash 6C first hit canceld into 623D let the oppenet fly 236B4 oppenet gets back to you small dash 5A 5B air combo.

in corner just go for the loop jB C press D on the second C hit 236A2 land engun hit repeat from jump B you can also add a 5B before the jump B

Mori got alot more he is truly awesome

Devil Kings is one of the worst localizations ever. If you’re gonna play it get the Japanese releases, Sengoku Basara.

pick devil kings only if you want kill yourself, they fucked the game so badly, and the voices are so terrible they removed all the historical bacground and put a shit story (and the they ask why it was a failure). if you want to try the main series it needs to be the japanese one, sengoku basara, i recomend you sengoku basara heroes 2, its fun :rock:

Don’t get 2 Heroes without 2 tho, 2H is just the expansion.

I need some combos with Hideyoshi (the guy that slings people into walls). I see combos where he is able land multiple DP+B moves, but is there any way to do it WITHOUT the engun? Just curious.

Any combos will do…

And does any one know the tiering in this game, just out of curiousity?