LOL @ people not remembering names–my friend does that too and he confuses me even more when describing them instead of saying their names.
Anyway’s right now I’m having alot of fun with the game and despite its infinites–still seems playing competitively somewhat.
Currently I use Kenshin, and Oda–right my main comp is a Hideyoshi player–that although he doesn’t know the infinite yet (if its different from the console version) he’s pretty good and using him pretty well.
It’s only been day 2 or 3 for us so I’m going to ask some really dumb-sounding questions.
When it comes to Kenshin’s infinite–I can actually do it without a problem but there are instances where I will do the counter and instead of it acting normal–it just halts the character, I get a free combo (or at least I think it is, lol) but the counter doesn’t initiate properly. This happened several times in a match. Does anyone know why this happens? I thought it had something to do with the Engun level but I’ve been able to do this infinite with only 1 level Engun.
When I’m playing against this Hideyoshi player, he tends to do a certain combo sometimes:
-2A2B 236A (repx3) Engun (AA) into 236236C
After the super finishes, he calls Hanbei back out and it looks like I can block–but for some reason it doesn’t work . Do I have to Just Defend, or rely on Engun Counter to keep him from attacking?
My stick isn’t broken–and I really don’t understand why this doesn’t work…
I finally played SBX for the first time last night. I was really impressed by the game overall. I can’t wait until I get my copy so I can learn the characters I wish to use.
If you take HnK, change it around a bit, mix it with Guilty Gear, make it deeper, add assists and give it dumber infinites, you have SBX… No seriously, I like it a lot. From being based off HnK, it’s lost a lot of what made HnK and added a whole lot more, so it’s deffinately not the same experience. It is some what like Guilty Gear, in it’s own kind of way. It deffinately has that feeling to it and the gravity is very similar too. The recovery system isn’t as extensive, but a Guilty Gear player will deffinately have no problems getting to grips with it. If a slower paced game it what you want, then maybe it’s not for you. But if you liked the look of HnK and what a game that’s fast paced like Guilty Gear, then by all means give it a try.
as a gg player, it feels in some ways similar, but doesnt play like it at all, sbx is more like the baby of mbac and hnk, aderessed with some touch of gg (in some mechanics).
good game, it worths your money, has good depht and a descent learning curve, and thinking it well, it feels more like a fastest hnk with a more basic combo system
I have that feeling too. She dishes out good damage and stun on her awakened mode but as for ground gatlings (compared to let’s say; Masamune and Yukimura), she has very little options.