Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

I checked the disc and it’s around 4.5GB, so almost completely full. I guess they had to reduce sound quality to save on space…

Recordings on 6-25-08:

Are there any comprehensive FAQ’s for Hideyoshi outside of the infinite?

Whatever’s there on Basara KO, I wouldn’t expect any indepth guides at this time, people are still busy figuring the game out…

Engun cancel’s actually pretty sweet, seems in some cases you get quite a lot of time too. Deffinately helps extending some combos for sure…

I guess that answers my question as far as strategy:sweat:.I was searching for some yanada combos but i guess i have figure it out.since this game just came out.

im asuming that you mean sanada so here:

kasou posted some combos with him

Just tried it today at a friend’s house. Oichi doesn’t really play like ABA. She more keep-away rather than in your face high damage output like ABA is. She is very vulnerable in her awakened mode and has little to none on ground gatlings.

There is a lot of Dummy data (or stuff like that) on the DVD… I managed to shrink the DVD size up to 1.3 GB.

Dat hola hoop punk is by far Hideyoshi’s worst match up once he has his Engun’s going.

i don’t think so, you just need to find the right moves to hit his enguns safely. also he doesn’t have a reversal i think, so once you get in you can do some beasting…

And you also need to survive the Mori-without-100-engun part

as far as i know, mouri is supossed to be in disadvantage against hideyoshi

Where can I find info to understand SBX or Arc Systems notation? I’m a SRKer used to terms like jab, LP, towards, and QCF. When I read something like

I have absolutely no idea what it all means. Any help?


These are the cardinal joystick directions. 5 is neutral, 6 is forward, 2 is crouch, 9 is up-right etc. A, B, C are buttons so yeah. 214A would be qcb+A. 623 would be DP motion.

Actually, the matchup depends of Mouri’s engun level.
If Mouri reaches a level superior to 50, Hideyoshi is already dead.

Actually, it’s only 30 hits… Once you get into 100+ hits you can be as free as you want, seems you and the opponent stay in unison untill you drop back down into view…

if hideyoshi gets close, mouri is the one already dead…

I actually can’t decide what character to stick with. I am leaning towards Oichi, but so far I have done terribly with her. Maybe she’s one of those characters that takes time before you can reap the benefits. Nobunaga and Yukimura seem like the easiest to use. Oh and that new guy with the sword that looks like a rapier seems realllly good.

sounds very accurate from my experience with this match-up so far.

The quicker Hideyoshi can end the match, the better. The longer it draws on, Mouri seems to take control, in my experience so far anyway.

having a problem with oda, everytime i try to dash cancel 5a,5b the spirits keep hitting my opponent and they go airborne :S