Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

As I stated…it’s a retarded flashkick. :karate:

anyone have a video link to the nobunaga infinite ?

Scroll down to tournaments, it’s the video initially embedded in that section, second half (2:25). In case anyone’s wondering, just activate, then when up close 2A, 2B, 66 2A, 2B, 66 2A 2B repeat…

thanks demon

If you want a transcript, here it is:

Activate Soul Mode (214C), dash-cancelled 5C x 8-10 (for damage, otherwise, just skip straight to the next part), dash-cancelled 5A-5B until 30+ hits, then 5A-5C+D (Engun assist), 2B+C, j.B-C, mash on B-C for all eternity.

With three characters being able to do that wall to wall loop, would this be something to look for with the rest of the cast? I’m happy with Masamune being able to do it, but I wonder if there is something universal about the system to look for for crazy combos. I can’t wait to see how this is done, maybe I’ll figure it out when I get home, but I doubt it.

When I do this combo–when I reach 46 hits–the combo stops and I get struck to the ground, or somehow they fall out of the combo? What exactly I am doing wrong?

Edit: Well I got it to work fully, just now–but what could’ve cased the problems earliers, besides me failing at rape?

I found this earlier today:

do the wall to wall loops work on characters that arent big ass sprites? (aka other than honda)

on a limited bandwidth connection at the moment and cant look at any videos ; ;

This seems to happen randomly (especially on the PS2 version now; arcade Nobunaga is different from the PS2 Nobunaga), but the souls you stack up from attacking the opponent will attack you after a certain period of time if they’re not used up. My guess is the souls will attack you after a period of time, but if you pass a certain height or something during the space race infinite, the souls will not be able to attack you (and interrupt your infinite).

There might be something as well about shooting the souls off during the infinite (press A while in the middle of your j.B or j.C animation), but I’m not too sure on how it works; need to mess around or hope someone finds out the specifics on it.

Got the game yesterday, that emo chick Oichu is a waste of character space, she makes me want to cut my self.

Anyway I’d like some tips in using Date Masamune, the big samurai mecha, the big dude who seems to be Nobunaga’s rival and the guy in green who calls soldiers.

Oichi is good…she’s just a weird character in terms of how she plays.

I feel you, I hate her too.
Her counter-hit freeze glitch annoys the shit out of me.

Honda is my shit though.
His boost makes me feel like I’m playing HnK, which is dope.

anybody liking this game?

I’m loving this game so far.

Its koo, I haven’t played it enough to find anything out yet.

I’m enjoying it so far. My main gripe is that the game doesn’t look as good as HNK and its very apparent that visually this game was rushed in some areas. And again, Arc Sys: What the fuck is up with crappy sound on every port? That really sucks… I wished the sprites were a little bigger–but with so much going on I understand why they’re only but so big. I need to the OST. Kenshin’s BGM is awesome.

Wished they didn’t mess up Nobunaga’s infinite, but oh well…

Does ANYONE have the OST?

the port of hnk it was done by sega, the port of sbx it was dones by capcom, thats why the sound is so crappy in both of them (less in hnk)
if you hear the sound on gg, the sound is in a hell bigger quality.

and for the ost, maybe the next week. XD

enough to play it.

i ordered this game on tuesday, still waitin for it. i’m really excited about it though…just one question, are there really combo breakers in this game?

the engun counter, you can find more info about the mechanics there