Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

this is actually a fun game. I got mine’s yesterday and It’s addictive as hell for some reason.

This game gets a :tup: in my book.

Anyone got some faq’s for Oda.

Im liking the way he plays. At first this game felt strange but then I relized this game was only 4 buttons.

Also IK’s in this game are stupid, you can combo into them and quite easily mind you.

I really appreciate that replies, thanks for your help Silent Shinobi, and AtTheGates.

MiyagiShin X: Yeah, just about everyone can do the same combo into Basara KO–I guess the only thing is that you don’t really see them often in matches simply because you have to activate them first.

I’m enjoying the game so far–I will say that HNK does look better–I wish the sprites were larger like HNK. Despite that, I think the game is fun.

Does anyone have the soundtrack? OR at least Kenshin’s BGM?

Who’s top?

Mori and Kenshhn and i think Oichi too

thats not true, apparently there was a lot of tournaments in japan in this 2 months. in the past issue of arcadia they sayed that it was more played than hnk and 3s

in this moment, kenshin, mouri and hideyoshi could easily be taken as top, too early to say, the only thing that is sure is that masamune it could be a low

Wow I’m physic with the character choices. Kenshin and mouri, the possessed chick and the ivy dude where my 1st chocies…

here :rock:

Is there like a systems guide to this game?


yes, here :

Thanks a bunch :tup:

Someone was asking about the green flash a while ago. I just noticed that it’s actually some kind of Basara cancel, if you do a move like a special move at the same time as calling out an Engun, you can cancel the start up frames of said move.

Yeah, it’s almost like a Roman Cancel, you can do the same with recovery frames too.

Don’t know if this was posted or not:

This video has a set up for it as well:

Yes it has and the same infinite is also possible with one of the new characters. Like so:


motochika players unite!

How is that even possible? Somebody please explain what is going on in that vid :looney:.

I looks like they are doing something like B+C, dash jump fwd, A, A, B, C, land on other side, repeat. I could be wrong though but I’ll test it out out in a bit.

It looks like the dude is cancelling each air attack with some sort of dash and repeating it?

Good lord, the “anti-air” surf board suggestion has me cracking up, so much work for an anti-air!